monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 7 Feb, 2017 08:58 pm
layman wrote:

Edit: Meant to say:

For example, write an order which does not CALL for any suspension, and which does not refuse to allow *any* visas (although none may ever be granted), but which also calls for a "higher level of vetting and scrutiny" by the immigration officials.

It doesn't matter if they did a good or bad job of it...The 9th is the most liberally biased court in the land...And the most reversed...They refuse to get it right. So this is just a meaningless drill. Trump is gonna get his way in the end anywho.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Feb, 2017 09:06 pm
Another thing I would do, if I were Trump, would be to get a list of all who muslims who were let in after this injunction was filed. I would then have agents interview them and find one who, in exchange for for promises of cash and an early release, would volunteer to let himself be framed.

Then I would have the FBI arrest him, just as he was going into something into like the Empire State Building with a "dirty nuke" suitcase bomb. Of course, just prior to that he would have made face book posts declaring his eternal loyalty to ISIS, bragging about how he fooled the stupid american authorities, and announcing an imminent attack which would cause far more damage than the twin towers attacks could ever aspire to.

Then, of course, Trump could make tweets about how the so-called judges almost got millions of New Yorkers killed, and **** like that, ya know?

That would, like, ROCK, doncha think!?
cicerone imposter
Tue 7 Feb, 2017 09:40 pm
You should write fiction.
Tue 7 Feb, 2017 10:04 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You should write fiction.

He does most of the time.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Feb, 2017 11:34 pm
I stop reading the news for a couple of hours and what happens, Elizabeth Warren gets formally rebuked by Republican Senators. Caramba! Being able to speak up in the US is flying away swiftly.
Wed 8 Feb, 2017 12:39 am
Figures, sho nuff:

The climate change debate went nuclear Sunday over a whistleblower’s explosive allegation that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association manipulated data to advance a political agenda by hiding the global warming “pause.”

In an article on the Climate Etc. blog, John Bates, who retired last year as principal scientist of the National Climatic Data Center, accused the lead author of the 2015 NOAA “pausebuster” report of trying to “discredit” the hiatus through “flagrant manipulation of scientific integrity guidelines and scientific publication standards.

In addition, Mr. Bates told the Daily [U.K.] Mail that the report’s author, former NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information director Thomas Karl, did so by “insisting on decisions and scientific choices that maximized warming and minimized documentation.”

Another prominent climate scientist, the University of Colorado’s Roger A. Pielke Sr., said Mr. Bates‘ experience was “consistent with my experiences” with Mr. Karl on the Climate Change Science Program in 2005. “What John Bates has done is to expose this culture based not on robust science, but on promoting an agenda,” Mr. Pielke said in a comment on Climate Etc. “Regardless of one’s views on policies, the scientific method should not be hijacked as they have done.”
0 Replies
Wed 8 Feb, 2017 12:46 am
America First, Baby!

Two Republican senators announced legislation Tuesday that could effectively cut legal immigration in half, marking a shift in the debate as President Trump focuses more on curbing illegal immigration.

The bill by Sens. Tom Cotton, Arkansas, and David Perdue, Georgia, would reduce the number of green cards issued annually from 1 million to 500,000.

“Right now, we have a legal immigration system that’s not working for American workers,” he said. “Blue-collar workers, people working with their hands, on their feet, have seen their wages stagnate for decades."

“We are taking action to fix some of the shortcomings in our legal immigration system,” Perdue said. “Returning to our historically normal levels of legal immigration will help improve the quality of American jobs and wages."

Alabama GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions, expected later this week to be confirmed as U.S. attorney general, was a leading Capitol Hill voice in the effort to curb legal immigration to protect American workers.

Go get em, Jeff!
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Wed 8 Feb, 2017 01:23 am
@Debra Law,
I don't understand what you mean by the above. Why are you saying our court system is "complicit with terrorists' goals"?

A not terribly well-written bit of sarcasm. But that is the notion that Trump is pushing here in attacking the judiciary where it acts as a hindrance on his executive powers. His natural authoritarianism deems no one or entity ought to stand in his way and he's too uninformed to grasp that the courts have an obligation to limit his powers.
Wed 8 Feb, 2017 01:27 am
blatham wrote:

he's too uninformed to grasp that the courts have an obligation to limit his powers.

Completely wrong. The courts have no "obligation" whatsoever to "limit his powers." In fact, any attempt to do so would just be an unconstitutional usurpation by the judicial branch.

But leave it to a cheese-eater seeking legislation and the usurpation of executive authority from/by the judicial bench to claim otherwise. They have no choice. Certain, select, judges are the only cheese-eaters left with any semblance of power.
0 Replies
Wed 8 Feb, 2017 02:01 am
Sean Spicer's role as spokesman for the Administration is no different from that of his Obama Administration predecessor Josh Earnest (I believe). Both get similar reactions to spokesmen of the opposition party. Surprised???
This is a perfect example of why engaging you can be an entirely fruitless waste of time.

You are saying that a spokesman will act as a spokesman and (your second sentence is confused so something like) all spokesmen's statements will accrue opposition/complaint.

The first part is completely valueless because you do here what you so commonly do - refuse to make any distinctions as a gambit to excuse everything. Cops are cops, therefore the guys who put Rodney King in the hospital are not different from cops who write a traffic ticket - they are doing cop stuff. You bump into a partisan challenge and you go into defensive mode and just turn off your brain.

The second sentence is another failure to make discernments. You conflate all criticism of a spokesman's behavior as coming from "opposition spokesmen".
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Wed 8 Feb, 2017 02:02 am
@cicerone imposter,
I agree. How does the court system become complicit with terrorists?

Sorry. Answered just earlier.
0 Replies
Wed 8 Feb, 2017 02:13 am
I saw an interesting thing at n antique show. Vendors and customers, all of differing political stripes, seem to be coalescing onto an understanding that Trump is scamming us.

This will be interesting to watch over the next while. Trump's popularity continues to degrade and it started off very low. What he and his congress are up to is not going to improve the lives of those who voted for him - coal jobs aren't coming back, manufacturing jobs aren't coming back, wages will only decline with the policies being pushed, healthcare and insurance won't improve, etc. And his behavior is obviously not likely to change so he will increasingly be perceived to be a pathological clown rather than a magical change agent.
0 Replies
Wed 8 Feb, 2017 02:22 am
Yes. The growing disparity in wealth, the celebration of selfishness over community well-being, the rise in white nationalism along with moves to favor one religion, the purposeful moves to institutionalize one party control, the derogation of facts/science/truth/honesty and the growing acceptance of authoritarianism are pretty frightening.
Wed 8 Feb, 2017 02:28 am
I'm finishing off another book but will get to it soon. I'm looking forward to it but wary of the style of writing from that time (I'm hoping the translation will be good but I'm not overly optimistic on that). If he piles assertions upon assertions without much in the way of justification and analysis, then I'll chuck it but otherwise I'll do the journey.
0 Replies
Wed 8 Feb, 2017 02:48 am
I stop reading the news for a couple of hours and what happens, Elizabeth Warren gets formally rebuked by Republican Senators. Caramba! Being able to speak up in the US is flying away swiftly.

McConnell is not to be underestimated regardless of what he looks like. He is famously wily, he knows the arcane rules of the Senate (that old farts run this body is because it takes a long time and much experience to know procedures) and he is totally amoral - to McConnell, power is everything, personal power and power for his party.
0 Replies
Wed 8 Feb, 2017 03:02 am
I noted this yesterday but the Times has an excellent editorial out today. And what it tells us is pretty ******* ugly, if expected.
Melania Trump Inc. Imperiled

President Donald Trump and his family have done little to assuage concerns that they see the White House as a cash cow. The president has bucked tradition by refusing to release his tax returns. He ignored pleas from the Office of Government Ethics, which called on him to fully divest his holdings in order to avoid dragging mounds of conflicts of interest into the Oval Office. The president’s adult sons have been busy working on projects at home and abroad now that the Trump name opens more doors than ever. Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, conspicuously wore a piece from her jewelry line in a postelection interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes.”

But any veneer of plausible deniability about the Trump family’s greed and their transactional view of the most powerful job in the world was shattered this week by a defamation lawsuit the first lady, Melania Trump, filed. Mrs. Trump is suing The Daily Mail’s website in New York State court over a story published last year that included a baseless claim that the former model once worked as an escort. Mrs. Trump is certainly entitled to challenge the accuracy of that allegation and to argue that it was defamatory.

But her assessment of the damage the claim has done to her earning potential is galling, and revelatory. As a result of the report published in August, Mrs. Trump contends in the suit, her “brand has lost significant value, and major business opportunities that were otherwise available to her have been lost and/or substantially impacted.” The suit offers no specific examples of lost business opportunities.

The timing of the story was particularly injurious, according to the lawsuit, considering that Mrs. Trump “had the unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as an extremely famous and well-known person, as well as a former professional model and brand spokesperson, and successful businesswoman, to launch a broad-based commercial brand in multiple product categories, each of which could have garnered multimillion-dollar business relationships for a multiyear term during which plaintiff is one of the most photographed women in the world.”

There is no benign way to look at that claim. Mrs. Trump evidently believes her new title affords her a chance to rake in millions of dollars.


There are a couple of points to be made here aside from the blatant greed of this family and the vulgar use of the office for making money while the office is held. One is more obvious and the other less so.

First, the obvious point. Right wing media rather constantly indicted Michelle Obama for her advocacy of healthier diets for America's children. The complaint was that in acting in such a manner, Michelle was (somehow) degrading Americans' liberty through improperly inserting her "politically correct" values into the lives of Americans therefore (somehow) making those lives less free. It was an insane claim but they made it constantly and yelled it loudly. But this matter of Melania Trump (and family) using the office to increase their "brand" value and make money - that will without doubt gain no criticism of any amount or significance in right wing media.

The less obvious point to be made relates to the what you would think to be a fatal PR mistake made by Trump's legal people in pushing the suit in the way they did and with the language of it. There is no attempt to disguise the money-motivation, it is absolutely explicit. How could it be possible that the Trump team didn't catch this and stop it or censor it or try to make the wording less transparently predatory?

It is possible that there was no thought given by the lawyers in the case to political consequences. It's possible that Trump's team is so maladroit that they didn't see this coming. But I doubt it. Because this is not unusual for how they are going about things.

The reigning narrative is "We won the election. That gives us licence to do as we want. We won as rogues against establishment values. We're going to change how DC works. Americans gave us this power with their votes. We will now do as we like because that's what Americans sent us here to do. We can stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot people and there will be no consequences from our supporters (and we won in a landslide). So to all the fake media with their fake news and their loser whining we say - **** You. We are in power, not you.
Wed 8 Feb, 2017 03:31 am
There is no benign way to look at that claim. Mrs. Trump evidently believes her new title affords her a chance to rake in millions of dollars.

Like Bill and Hillary Clinton, you mean, who went from being "dead broke" to "earning" hundreds of millions of dollars? At least Trump's wife is not in a position to run an important federal agency, such as State, and peddle influence there, taking cash bribes to make nationally important decisions which favor the interests of the briber.

Just wait until Jeff is confirmed as the new AG, eh? It's gunna be hard prison time for them two, once that happens.
Wed 8 Feb, 2017 03:43 am
I just can't believe that anyone ever makes money just because they have some fame. Sports stars, actors, media hosts, and the like make tens of millions of dollars a year, from commercials or even for just allowing their name to be put on a basketball shoe. It just aint no fair, I tellya!

Can you BELIEVE that Trump's daughter actually WORE A BRACELET!? Despicable!
0 Replies
Wed 8 Feb, 2017 03:44 am
The Defense Department may rent space in Trump Tower, where President Trump lives part time, raising questions about a potential conflict of interest because taxpayer dollars could be going directly to his business interests.
Such a surprise.
Wed 8 Feb, 2017 03:49 am
blatham wrote:

The Defense Department may rent space in Trump Tower, where President Trump lives part time, raising questions about a potential conflict of interest because taxpayer dollars could be going directly to his business interests.

Such a surprise.

Hmmm, I wonder why you didn't post this part of the story, eh?:

The statement said the space was “necessary for the personnel and equipment” that would support Mr. Trump at his residence in the building, on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

Mr. Trump’s wife, Melania, and his young son, Barron, live there.

The Pentagon made similar arrangements with past presidents, including for the Chicago home of President Barack Obama.

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