monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 30 Mar, 2020 09:40 am
The cult of Trump is a threat to untold numbers of American lives

Under furious pressure, President Trump is now backing off his push to quickly reopen the U.S. economy, and has instead agreed to extend the federal government’s strict social-distancing guidelines through at least the end of April.

This is being widely portrayed as a surrender — to facts, data and scientific realities that Trump tried to make disappear, before finally accepting that his magical reality-bending powers only go so far.

Which provides an occasion to suggest a deep reset in the language we’re using to describe the extraordinary dereliction of leadership we’re seeing from Trump, and from those officials around the country who have followed his lead.

By now, you’ve probably heard media figures claim that the stark differences between public officials over the true nature and scale of the coronavirus threat are rooted in “tribalism” or “polarization.”

These differences represent a “deepening partisan divide,” a new Associated Press piece reports, adding: “The divergent approaches are evidence that not even a global pandemic can bridge the gaping political divisions of the Trump era.”

This is true as far as it goes. But like so many other efforts to find language adequate to capturing Trump’s daily depravities and degradations, it’s profoundly insufficient.

When one set of officials shapes its response to a public health emergency around facts, data, public health expertise and science, and another set — with many exceptions, to be sure — relentlessly downplays that emergency, largely because Trump has demanded this for nakedly self-interested political reasons, words like “tribalism” or “partisanship” risk obscuring more than they clarify.

Indeed, this formulation does a disservice to the Republicans who have chosen not to slavishly follow Trump.

Trump’s abrupt reversal
Trump’s announcement of an extension in social distancing recommendations came after he spent days suggesting he wanted America to get back to work, in defiance of health officials. That came after Trump downplayed coronavirus for two months to avoid rattling markets and his reelection efforts, badly hampering the federal response and helping to produce our current dire straits.

In reversing course, Trump finally acknowledged coronavirus could claim 200,000 U.S. lives. The New York Times reports:
One adviser said the president recognized that the data about the potential impact of the virus in the United States was bad, and could not be bent to his will.

Trump’s apparent realization that he cannot bend data to his will comes as we’re pressing up against nearly 150,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S., and 2,500 deaths.

But compounding Trump’s damage is the fact that numerous public officials around the country have followed his lead.

Stark differences
The AP piece, which contains very good reporting, looks at the stark divergence between GOP and Democratic leaders in handling coronavirus. As the AP concludes, Republican leaders “emboldened” by Trump’s “rosy outlook” have been “far more likely to resist the most aggressive social distancing.”

The governors of Oklahoma and West Virginia have recommended that people continue going out to dinner. And as David Leonhardt put it:
Some Republican governors, following Trump’s lead, are also rejecting those experts’ pleas: There are beaches open in Florida, restaurants open in Georgia and Missouri and many people out and about in Oklahoma and Texas.

And as Jonathan Cohn documents, Florida’s GOP governor, Ron DeSantis, earned Trump’s praise precisely because he did not follow public health recommendations, and instead followed Trump in minimizing the crisis.

Then there’s Tate Reeves, the Republican governor of Mississippi. He has allowed most businesses to stay open, including restaurants, though with limited table service. The AP reports this:
Reeves dismissed those who think he’s not doing enough as enemies of Trump who “don’t like the fact that I’m a conservative and I’m willing to pray.”

The cultlike quality to all of this is unmistakable. Meanwhile, according to Nate Silver’s calculations, while coronavirus cases remain concentrated in blue states, they are beginning to increase faster in red ones.

It bears repeating that Republican governors Mike DeWine of Ohio and Larry Hogan of Maryland have been exemplary in their embrace of strict measures.

A deep perversity
When Trump announced his reversal, he also tore into the media and into Democratic governors for daring to criticize him, accusing them of exaggerating his failures.

Echoing this, Sen. Marco Rubio says the media “can’t contain their glee” at mounting U.S. deaths, thus offering a cultlike defense of Trump that is beneath the Florida Republican.

This is profoundly perverse, because Trump actually owes a major debt to the media and those governors. The media’s scrutiny is precisely what compelled Trump to reverse course, and those governors are on the front lines of enforcing the social distancing (while absorbing the political responsibility for doing so) that Trump sneered at for so long.

So they are responsible for reorienting Trump onto a path that is likely to save untold lives.

Yet at the same time, those who followed Trump’s lead may have put many in danger, as the AP concludes, without quite saying so directly:
The fierce tribalism that has characterized debates over immigration, taxes and health care is now coloring policymaking during a coronavirus outbreak that threatens countless lives and local economies across the nation.

That is both an exceptionally stark statement — these differences do “threaten countless lives and local economies” — and a retreat from clearly explaining what causes them.

The gulf between those demanding a response in keeping with public health expertise and those refusing such a response — and even claiming that demands for more action can only reflect animosity to Trump — is not mere “tribalism” or “partisanship.”

One side is prioritizing science and the imperative of erring on the side of caution to protect as many American lives as possible. The other is actively submerging both of those to a kind of cultish devotion to the perceived political needs and demands of the leader.

And we need to find the right language to say so.

Mon 30 Mar, 2020 11:13 am
The cult of Trump is a threat to untold numbers of American lives

Just a repeat of what we have been hearing for over three years. Whether it concerns Covid 19, or not, it is the same people and the same hate. And I do not think anyone needs to read a long and tedious excuse for their losing policies and frustration knowing they are going to lose in November.
0 Replies
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 11:26 am
Like Trump you are a sociopath.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 11:28 am
blatham wrote:

… Where, ever, in all this has Trump accepted blame for anything?

I'll readily agree that Trump is usually excessively combative and defensive about criticism: he would be well-advised to temper this behavior. However his political opponents are equivalently quick to blame him for longstanding problems or, in some cases for problems of their own making. Governor Cuomo of NY is an example.

Wise people see these behaviors, on both sides, as merely the manifestations of human nature and of the faults that affect us all to varying degrees. Fanatics see them as uniquely belonging only to their chosen adversaries, and use them to rationalize their hatreds.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 11:33 am
Here is the precious MSM lying their ass off again.
FAKE NEWS: CBS News Uses Footage Of Italian Emergency Room To Show Conditions In New York

That clip was taken in Italy.

But of course, we’re all supposed to accept these clowns as ‘reputable news sources’.

Sure they are.

Speaking of the Kentucky Guns show footage, who blew it worse? CBS or ABC?

See the clips at link.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 11:49 am
You did not answer the question asked. For the obvious reason that you have no examples to offer of Trump taking responsibility for anything ever. You suggest this is normal or excusable. It's neither.

And you go on to suggest that both sides are equal examples of what Trump says and does. Just human nature. That's a complete and utter failure to discern differences between Trump and any president who's held the post. But that's what you do. That's your constant out. Many other conservatives of intelligence and experience with the man and with government office have recognized and condemned Trump's pathologies and the consequences of them. I post their voices here regularly. You've been left far behind.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 11:55 am
And your ability to discern and note the existence of common human failures is peculiarly limited to those whose political policies you oppose.
0 Replies
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 12:19 pm
Trump Openly Admits Voting Reforms In COVID Relief Bill Would Endanger Republicans

You’re not supposed to say the quiet parts out loud, Mr. President!

On Monday morning, President Donald Trump told the co-hosts of “Fox and Friends” that House Democrats had tried to include “crazy” proposals in the $2 trillion COVID-19 relief package that passed last week, including measures aimed at easing the voting process for Americans during the coronavirus outbreak.

“They had things, levels of voting that if you ever agreed to it you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,” Trump said.

“They had things in there about election days and what you do and all sorts of clawbacks and they had things that were just totally crazy,” he continued.

Those proposals, which were opposed by Republicans, included billions in funding for states to be able to carry out mail-in voting systems as Americans are urged (and in some states, even required) to stay home to prevent further spread of the virus.

The House Democrats’ bill would have also made Election Day a national holiday while imposing a national requirement to allow 15 days of early voting.

Those of us who've been following the GOP as regards voting have known for decades that voter suppression is a fundamental strategy the Republicans have been implementing wherever they can because they are acutely aware that maximal voting will mean many more electoral losses. But for obvious reasons, they don't normally admit it.

In 2007, Paul Weyrich, co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, the Moral Majority and other groups did and it's here .

In 2012, Pa. GOP House Leader Mike Turzai did and it's here

But the overwhelmingly common strategy - used for the obvious reasons - is to claim that voter suppression techniques are either benign or are efforts to counter voter fraud (which no court and no credible research has found to be a significant factor in elections anywhere).

And today Trump blurts it out. Why? Because he's really ******* stupid and was winging it while trying to slime the Dems for negotiating the contents of the bill rather than merely accepting what McConnell and the GOP wanted.

But still, there's something interesting here. Trump is not the sort to delve into the fine points of anything except perhaps tax evasion and TV ratings. The GOP's long-standing reliance on voter suppression isn't something he'd know about. But clearly those around him have hammered this point home because they know.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 12:20 pm
Same topic as above Trump just comes out and says it: The GOP is hurt when it’s easier to vote
President Trump on Monday morning became the latest in a procession of Republicans in recent years to say that making it easier for more people to vote would hurt his party politically.

In an interview on “Fox & Friends,” Trump referenced proposals from Democrats in the coronavirus stimulus negotiations that would have vastly increased funding for absentee and vote-by-mail options. The final package included $400 million for the effort, which was far less than what Democrats had sought.

“The things they had in there were crazy,” Trump said. “They had things — levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”

Trump didn’t expand on the thought. But he clearly linked high turnout to Republicans losing elections. The most generous reading of his comment is that he was referring to some kind of large-scale voter fraud resulting from the easier vote-by-mail options; Trump has in the past baselessly speculated about millions of fraudulent votes helping Democrats in the 2016 election. The more nefarious reading would be that allowing more people to participate in the process legally would hurt his party because there are more Democratic-leaning voters in the country.
0 Replies
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 12:23 pm
wrong, as usual. The MSM report is truthful, not lying. NY is not getting the federal help they need, in spite of trump's Pollyanna-ish rosy lies about it. Because some video editor played the wrong two second generic clip of overstressed ER personnel in Italy instead of overstressed ER workers in the US does not in any way maske that fake news or wrong. Right wing denialists fail.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 12:34 pm
Here's a fine model for Trump.
Hungary’s Viktor Orbán wins vote to rule by decree
While the new legislation remains in place, no elections can be held and Orbán's government will be able to suspend the enforcement of certain laws.

The Hungarian parliament on Monday voted by a two-thirds majority to allow the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to rule by decree without a set time limit.

While the new legislation remains in place, no elections can be held and Orbán's government will be able to suspend the enforcement of certain laws. Plus, individuals who publicize what are viewed as untrue or distorted facts — and which could interfere with the protection of the public, or could alarm or agitate a large number of people — now face several years in jail...

And let's note that as of yesterday or the day before, the EPA has done the following
The EPA appears to be using coronavirus to make huge concessions to polluters

Under the new directive, announced Thursday, the EPA says it does “not expect to seek penalties for violations of routine compliance monitoring, integrity testing, sampling, laboratory analysis, training, and reporting or certification obligations in situations where the EPA agrees that Covid-19 was the cause of the noncompliance.”

The rule, which will remain in place indefinitely, means factories, power plants, and other major polluters have tremendous discretion in deciding whether or not they think the coronavirus will prevent them from meeting legal requirements on air and water pollution and hazardous waste management. The EPA will not be fining companies for violating certain requirements on limiting pollution during this time.

Many experts and environmental advocates say that while case-by-case relaxation of rules for companies that are short-staffed due to the pandemic makes sense, the expansiveness of the EPA’s directive appears both unprecedented and designed to give a green light to polluters to act recklessly at a time when air quality is acutely important for public health.

Cynthia Giles, the EPA’s former head of enforcement during the Obama administration, said she was “not aware of any instance when EPA ever relinquished this fundamental authority as it does in this memo,” according to the Guardian. She described the EPA’s suspension as “an abdication of EPA’s responsibility to protect the public.”

Gutting the EPA or making it as toothless as possible has been a/the key desire of the Koch Industries company and those tied into the Koch network.

0 Replies
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 12:40 pm
Florida coronavirus cases are growing fast. Here’s what that means.
Experts say the epidemic in Florida is already past the point of easy containment.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Florida is doubling every three days, putting the state on a trajectory to see tens of thousands of infections in the coming weeks, a Tampa Bay Times analysis shows.

No rigorous model has been calculated for Florida to predict the disease’s spread in detail. Those usually take months to create.

But at this point, experts say the math is simple. The number of cases is already past the point of easy containment and infections are growing faster and faster, at what statisticians call an exponential rate...

And the jackass in charge there after allowing beaches and businesses open during spring break (beaches still open if counties choose so, I believe) is now setting up a narrative to blame visitors from New York for his **** up.

PS: and let's note that in Florida as elsewhere, the actual count of infections will be far higher than known now because of the continuing and broad shortages of virus testing kits.
0 Replies
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 01:06 pm
Speaking of Florida, lunatic mega-church pastor Dr Rodney Howard-Browne has been arrested for violating virus related orders re gatherings. I wrote about this guy last week.

Right Wing Watch
Rodney Howard-Browne will continue to hold services because his church is the most sterile building in America, as it contains 13 machines that can instantaneously kill any virus: "If they sneeze, it shoots it down at like 100 mph. It'll neutralize it in split seconds."

Here's the actual quote
"The Lord has helped us to secure our congregation. We brought in 13 machines that basically kill every virus in the place, and uh, if somebody walks through the door it's like, it kills everything on them. If they sneeze, it shoots it down at like 100 mph. It'll neutralize it in split seconds. We have the most sterile building in, I don't know, all of America."

Of course, those who still attend his gatherings aren't the brightest Floridians kicking about.

But don't you want to know just what those machines actually are?
0 Replies
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 01:08 pm
FAKE NEWS: CBS News Uses Footage Of Italian Emergency Room To Show Conditions In New York

Unbelievable that right-wing goons would try to try to make political hay with this. Nowhere in that clip was it claimed that the emergency room footage was from NYC or NJ. The footage shows covid-19 victims struggling to stay alive. That's all that matters. People fighting for their lives and medical personnel trying to keep them alive. Do you think it's a goddamn picnic in NYC so they're trying to make it look worse than it is by showing abyssal conditions in another technologically advanced country? Here you go, ghoul, this one should satisfy you:

Mon 30 Mar, 2020 01:09 pm
People need to lose jobs over this.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 01:19 pm
Rush Limbaugh: Scientists and experts are using models to take “control of all kinds” in society

Limbaugh: “We're going to be prisoners to these models, because people are going to be the experts, and they can now tinker with them however they want.”

...Now, you're going to have people tell you that Rush Limbaugh is full of it, saying that. But temperatures are not rising through the roof, sea levels are not rising, we're not losing — none of what they're projecting, the polar bear population, all of the things they've used to scare you and your kids. None of it has yet come true. And they've been predicting this stuff since the 1980s, folks, and they keep revising their projections with their models for another 20 years out, another 30 years out.

They have gotten control of economic agenda, they've gotten control of the manufacturing of automobiles. They have gotten control of all kinds, because of these models that they are using to predict doom and destruction in the climate. Now, they have been given expert status when it comes to health issues, Katie bar the door.

If one could go back in time and take out this bastard and Rupert Murdoch and the national IQ of America would raise 10 points minimum. One member here would have an IQ of 230.
0 Replies
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 01:30 pm
People need to lose jobs over this.

Starting with the buffoon at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 01:35 pm
Having made the mistake of not getting my hair cut before going into isolation, I've now decided to allow my eyebrows to join in this new image of serious unkemptness. Four or five more months and I'll finally have those wings I've always wanted.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 01:36 pm
I was browsing my long list of favorites, came across this:

No Mercy even in a Pandemic: Israeli Occupation Authorities Demolish Makeshift Field Hospital in Palestinian Hamlet

As destructive as Trump is, Israel beats him as the most inhumane nation in any "free society" nation. It is a mark of our indifference towards cruelty that Israel gets away with this crap without a criticism being leveled at them on most of MSN. I don't see Israel any different than N Korea and China.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 01:39 pm
9/11 death toll - 3000

Benghazi death toll - 4

Corovinus death toll - 100,000 minimum

Investigations into causes will not be commensurate, will they?

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