monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 23 Mar, 2020 05:21 am
Donald J. Trump
· 7h
I watch and listen to the Fake News, CNN, MSDNC, ABC, NBC, CBS, some of FOX (desperately & foolishly pleading to be politically correct), the @nytimes, & the @washingtonpost, and all I see is hatred of me at any cost. Don’t they understand that they are destroying themselves?

As noted previously, Trump sent out over 80 tweets in 24 hours yesterday. Some were his own (like this one), others were retweets of someone praising him, and many were video clips from Fox or other news programs praising him. And here he acknowledges what everyone knows anyway - that he spends a lot of time in front of a TV watching what people say about him.

All this in the midst of a pandemic where millions are likely to die and where his government's response is still in disarray.

It is always about him. Everything is always about him.
Mon 23 Mar, 2020 05:33 am
Judy Woodruff
· 12h
asked if he's called former Presidents for advice during coronavirus crisis, Pres Trump says no; "if I thought it would save one life, I would"

Yeah. Because what the **** would they know about such things. What experience do any of them have of running the US during a crisis? Are any of them stable geniuses like me?
Mon 23 Mar, 2020 05:53 am
While the President struggles to save our lives, progressives struggle to undermine the President.
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Mon 23 Mar, 2020 06:09 am
I listened to the press briefing last night. Honestly, folks, Trump should just butt out — he's terrible. I'm not criticizing him for anything else here, and I'm glad he's discovered that the pandemic is, indeed, a threat, but his performance as he attempts to inform, inspire, and reassure the public in these addresses is beyond bad — "abysmal" comes to mind. Instead of tying up the airwaves for forty-five minutes reading (and stumbling over) itemized lists of materials sent to the hardest-hit states, bragging about his great relationships with their governors (one of whom he called a "snake" last week), making sure to say "China virus", and defensively repeating himself again and again, why not show up at an assigned time every night, make a brief opening statement, hand it off to a medical specialist or public official involved in the nationwide effort who also makes a brief statement, give the address of an online source of up to date information, wish everyone well, and say goodbye — five to ten minutes, max. His delivery is terrible and it's obvious that he just doesn't know what to say. And again, to his defenders, I'm not saying he caused the epidemic, I'm not accusing him of insider trading, I'm not attacking him because of his response to the outbreak — I'm just saying that he's a very poor communicator and someone else could do a better job explaining the situation and addressing people's concerns.

We've got some tremendous people in the National Guard...

Yeah, I feel so much better knowing that.
Brand X
Mon 23 Mar, 2020 06:12 am
The most incompetent, incapable president ever.
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Mon 23 Mar, 2020 06:27 am
If Cuomo didn’t have the comparison to Trump, he’d be laughed off of the airwaves too. His rambling press conferences do have a bit of comic relief, tho. I cannot bear Gayle King. It’s not easy to find a speaker knowledgeable about current events and graced with a low irritation factor. My odyssey continues.

Mon 23 Mar, 2020 06:39 am
What would happen if, at yesterday’s press briefing a reporter had said “Sir with all due respect, this is a global health crisis and you’re talking about how much money you’ve lost.”
Permanent banning?
I keep hoping somebody gets the courage to talk to this clown just like the clown he is.
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Mon 23 Mar, 2020 07:17 am
he's a very poor communicator

This is an interesting question. Prior to this moment, the general consensus was that Trump's main strength was as a communicator (in a compelling showman sense). But you're absolutely correct to point out how, in this moment, his communication skill set isn't merely ineffective, it is seriously self-damaging.

He should set up these briefings as you suggest; laying out key facts and giving a brief on actions being put in place, then leave and turn over the Q and A to others.

That he will not/cannot operate in this manner showcases his pathologies day after day. He has to play Alpha Male reality-TV style. But he is so very far in over his head that his performance tricks become acutely clownish. He clearly has little or no capacity to grow past the pathologies.

0 Replies
Mon 23 Mar, 2020 07:31 am
There's an interesting piece up at Politico on how the present moment seems likely to change American politics for a long time.
‘Extraordinary change’: How coronavirus is rewiring the Republican and Democratic parties

The pandemic could alter politics for a generation — or even longer.

...Former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, a former Agriculture secretary in the Obama administration, said in an email that the “song of ‘government is the problem not the solution’ and the ‘era of big government is over’ may not be [an] underlying theme from this point forward.”

And former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson said “some of the issues that are being proposed and voted on now are going to become the norm in our political system, both with Republicans and Democrats.”

He predicted that new normal including paid sick leave, and even guaranteed income of some kind. “In other words,” Richardson said, “the era of big government is back, and both parties are going to embrace it to resolve problems. And [the change] is caused by the virus.”

There are many other changes that could also come about including Warren-style controls on banking and Wall Street, tax laws, a resurgence in labor membership, etc. Much will depend upon what happens between now and November and whether the Dems gain significant power federally and at the state level in the election.
Mon 23 Mar, 2020 07:37 am
Citing a threat to Israeli democracy, opponents of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked the Supreme Court on Sunday to block what they described as a power grab by the caretaker government under the guise of combating the coronavirus epidemic.

The petitioners asked the court to restore the full powers of Parliament, which has been largely blocked from functioning by a Netanyahu ally, Yuli Edelstein, the speaker. He has claimed public health concerns.

A new Parliament was sworn in last week, but among the key votes Mr. Edelstein has prevented is one on replacing him as speaker.

The paralysis in Parliament has only compounded the country’s political deadlock and chaos in the wake of three inconclusive elections in the past 12 months.

Mr. Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, has every interest in remaining in power, if only to gain leverage in negotiating a plea deal after being indicted on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. The coronavirus outbreak has provided him with a new opportunity to try to maintain his grip on power.
Mon 23 Mar, 2020 07:47 am
How politicians are using the coronavirus to seize control

...In a time of crisis, such action is vital. But some leaders also appear to be exploiting the pandemic for their own political ends.

Numerous Arab monarchies and autocracies, including some under serious political pressure, have invoked public health imperatives to secure themselves a reprieve from mass protests. A widely criticized interim regime in Bolivia postponed planned elections in May as part of a slate of emergency measures, including a 14-day national quarantine. From Hong Kong to India to Russia, authorities cited the risk of spreading coronavirus as grounds to disperse anti-government demonstrations and bar large public gatherings.

Crisis management, like war, is politics by other means. The most glaring example of this right now may be in Israel. Last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a pliant Justice Ministry postpone his arraignment on corruption charges, while coronavirus-induced paralysis has stalled the formation of Israel’s new government after elections this month. The absence of a functional government has prevented the country’s newly elected parliament from pushing through legislation that could prevent an indicted politician like him from becoming prime minister.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu is playing up his role as commander in chief, staging daily national security briefings alongside allies. “If Trump’s aim is to rally his voters for the upcoming election, Netanyahu’s is to make opposition voters forget the results of the previous one,” wrote Bernard Avishai in the New Yorker.

“Netanyahu, who, for the past ten years, has severely underfunded hospitals, doctors’ salaries, and medical education, has largely succeeded in escaping such criticism by flaunting his mastery of the stringent guidelines imposed by the health bureaucracy,” he added...
WP more here

All of which reminds us that we MUST keep and eye on Trump towards November.
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Mon 23 Mar, 2020 07:53 am
Here are four possible scenarios which show different ways our world might end up in 2050. The link is to "Humans Inc", the fourth alternative. Our response to covid-19, as discussed in the Politico article blatham linked to, makes me believe it is a very likely outcome. The other possibilities are the utopian "Post-Anthropocene", the dystopian "Extinction Express", and the eco-stalinist "Greentocracy". Check 'em out.
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Mon 23 Mar, 2020 07:54 am
Don't you recognize electioneering when you see it. The crooked sob is useing the pandemic for his own purposes like he does everything. Its about him and his greedy what's in it for me government.
Mon 23 Mar, 2020 08:08 am
I recognize that, of course. But I was limiting my criticism to the quality of his presentations. He shines when he's at a rally with thousands of adoring people cheering everything he says. He's not so good in this venue because, fundamentally, he doesn't know what to do. He thinks in terms of television, and has compared each day in the White House as a "TV show". The virus isn't the sort of foil he's used to. I doubt the "war" metaphor will work for him either, but it's all he's got.

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Brand X
Mon 23 Mar, 2020 08:14 am
Matt Stoller
A #BillionaireBailout is happening *right now* authorized solely by the Federal Reserve.

could just republish his articles from 2008, change a few names, and there we go.
Quote Tweet

Matt Stoller
· 15m
The Federal Reserve is lending to speculators and the loans are non-recourse, meaning that the speculator doesn't lose anything if they can't repay the loan.

This is a *direct* billionaire bailout.
0 Replies
Mon 23 Mar, 2020 08:19 am
Such a trip.
Bail out bankers and billionaires? No problem.
Rescue individuals who are floundering and will flounder because of a global health crisis?
Debate, vote, re-vote, filibuster, debate, re-write, negotiate, stall, smile pretty for the camera and make concerned noises.
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Brand X
Mon 23 Mar, 2020 11:27 am
Matt Stoller
Larry Kudlow is on CNBC saying that no one expected the surge of coronavirus six weeks ago. That is simply false. Some of us saw it coming.

We have to get rid of the kings of finance. They can't think five minutes ahead.
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Mon 23 Mar, 2020 11:47 am
Our US Space Force are en repletion.
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Mon 23 Mar, 2020 11:52 am
If it were Fox News that were deserving of a backlash, it was Rupert the bullseye, and not Lachlan. The enformatta is a bit prevalent since before 2003. To be privy to Fox News is to not be a Harvard professor.
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Mon 23 Mar, 2020 11:52 am
On Fox, of course

Aaron Rupar
· 1h
KUDLOW teases that Trump will try to send people back to work next week: "We can't shut in the economy... POTUS is right: The cure can't be worse than the disease, & we're gonna have to make some difficult trade-offs... I spoke w/ POTUS about this very subject late last evening."

Darwin's theory of evolution is Satanic bunk!

Social Dawinism, however, is just an honest statement of the natural world and political policy should be aligned.
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