monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 22 Mar, 2020 01:29 pm
No, CNN, ‘Humanity’ Is Not Responsible For Wuhan Virus. China Is

Is there an enemies ass the MSM cannot kiss?
In an article and TV segment yesterday, CNN’s Nick Paton Walsh and Vasco Cotovio argued that the Chinese virus pandemic was not the fault of China’s communist government or bats, but “human activity.” The big winner in this bizarre way of telling the story is China, which is launching a furious disinformation campaign to distance itself from blame for the pandemic.

According the CNN theory, the real problem is a global one. Through climate change and other means, natural habitats are being destroyed. This displaces animals such as bats. When the bats are displaced (and I’m not making this up), the bats get stressed out and are more susceptible to viruses they could otherwise fight off.

Who believes that crap?
0 Replies
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 01:29 pm
farmerman wrote:

The war on science goes on .The southern theater is firmly under control by the GOP .

If they took over all the scientific institutions, universities, journals, etc. and started publishing their own version of 'science,' would you turn your back on their 'science,' or would you go on shouting that 'science' had become a hoax in the service of political interests?

Which would you do?
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 01:58 pm
OAN?????? are you kidding me??

Just as Limbaugh's hugely profitable radio theater encouraged many others to do the same thing, Fox has demonstrated how much money can be made in the right wing TV network medium. Thus Sinclair and OANN.

But the scary part of this story, of course, is how many people are out there craving this stuff. And as farmerman suggests, there are deep cultural/geographic aspects in play. I've found Colin Woodard's analyses quite illuminating on this subject
0 Replies
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 02:02 pm
WHO, bought and paid for. China owned. Maybe they should take some responsibility too.
The global health community stopped naming diseases after places in recent years.

At a January 28 meeting with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, the WHO director reportedly offered effusive praise for Beijing’s transparency and management of the coronavirus outbreak in late January, even though China initially tried to hide the epidemic from its public and the rest of the globe as the disease spread.

Dr. Tedros also blasted other governments, like the United States, that tried to prevent the outbreak from spreading even further beyond China’s borders by suspending travel to and from the country.

This month, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, proclaimed that the coronavirus outbreak would be “worse” if U.S. President Donald Trump had not implemented travel bans on China early this year.

The WHO director served as health minister in Ethiopia, which has a Marxist past. China is currently the largest foreign investor in the African country.

Communist China is now the second-biggest donor to the United Nation’s regular budget after the United States. As such, Beijing holds considerable sway over the WHO, a U.N. entity.

Perhaps one of the most glaring examples of the influence Beijing holds over the WHO is its success in blocking Taiwan’s access to the body, a position that could devastate the Taiwanese people as coronavirus continues to spread.

Although China does not control Taiwan, it claims the island as part of its territory.


0 Replies
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 02:04 pm
would you turn your back on their 'science,' or would you go on shouting that 'science' had become a hoax in the service of political interests?
What are you talking about. Facts are not negotiable. Science either works or its a hoax. You can follow whomever you think. If you wish to join the SPring Break crowd exchanging DNA on Florida beaches, or you wish to ingest chloroquine because Trump thinks it has merit.OR if you wish to stick a hair dryer up your nose, all I wish to ask is"Can I , from a safe distance watch and take notes?".

Even dimwit science can teach us something.

PS, I dont usually shout unless Im calling a greeting out to another boat .

Sun 22 Mar, 2020 02:08 pm
In the last 24 hours, Trump has sent out over 80 tweets and retweets. I just did a count.

So you know how hard he's working at the pandemic problem folks.
0 Replies
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 02:14 pm
farmerman wrote:

would you turn your back on their 'science,' or would you go on shouting that 'science' had become a hoax in the service of political interests?
What are you talking about. Facts are not negotiable. Science either works or its a hoax. You can follow whomever you think. If you wish to join the SPring Break crowd exchanging DNA on Florida beaches, or you wish to ingest chloroquine because Trump thinks it has merit.OR if you wish to stick a hair dryer up your nose, all I wish to ask is"Can I , from a safe distance watch and take notes?".

Even dimwit science can teach us something.

PS, I dont usually shout unless Im calling a greeting out to another boat .

You didn't answer my question. Re-read my post and answer the question I posted.

It is about how you would respond to a hypothetical situation in which the people you criticize took over all the scientific institutions, universities, journals, etc.; not a question asking why you feel that you can distinguish real science from bad 'science.'
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 02:33 pm
Its all the same query dimmy. If we can tell dimwit science, why even give it the TOP?

That's where a little more education pays.

There are plenty of phony ass "JOURNALS". Discovery Institute publishes an e Journal for their worlviews (They deny Climate Change, Evolution, Genetics, Microbiology and Biochemistry). Im sure theres other dsciplines they deny. WHY the hell would anyone waste time on that **** UNLESS they were convinced that standard science was wrong.

ICR is an even more bozo version of "Sceince". They sponsor research under a proviso that only A Creationist worldview as defined in GENESIS is correct. (Real science doesnt do that, there are a number of scientists whose entire careers are based on finding stuff wrong with standard science---that is a whooole different thing)

Ive answered and ovr answered you. If you dont accept what Ive said, go find someone who cares and talk with them.
0 Replies
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 03:14 pm
Lash wrote:

I’ll bet you $50. that Obama vs Clinton came back from a deficit larger than Bernie vs Biden.

Soooooomeone owes BLantham $50......
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Brand X
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 05:04 pm
U.S. stock futures opened sharply lower on Sunday night as Wall Street waits on Washington to agree to an economic stimulus and rescue plan to combat the giant economic blow from the coronavirus outbreak.

Dow Jones Industrial Average futures fell more than 900 points, or 5%, to hit their “limit down” level. S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 futures were also down around 5%. Downside limits to futures contracts are implemented to ensure orderly market behavior.

0 Replies
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 06:15 pm
Voices From The Right: episode 89 x 35 - 3
Steve Schmidt
Trump is incompetent, dishonest and profoundly indecent. His staggering incapacity for moral leadership in this unprecedented moment is hard to overstate. His empty boasting, dishonesty, blame gaming, lack of empathy and fragile ego are a deadly combination of traits right now
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 06:22 pm
It's at a moment like this when I cheer the wisdom of having a Space Force.
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 06:41 pm
Steve Schmidt

Was a McCain toady and a hack making a fortune on other peoples hate for Trump. He was also privy to the dossier used against Trump. What he says is just sour grapes from another loser.
0 Replies
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 07:02 pm

John Harwood
· 1h
Trump declines to pledge that his family business won’t take any of the hundreds of billions in relief for companies in coronavirus bill now before Congress

“let’s see what happens,” Trump says

Translation: "As much as I can grasp will be grasped"
0 Replies
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 07:06 pm
Jared Bernstein
· 6h
I wouldn't have put it as colorfully as Sen. Manchin, who is a D but no radical, but he's solidly on point here re Rs biz plans: “They’re throwing caution to the wind for average workers and people on Main Street and going balls to the wall for people on Wall Street." [thrd]
0 Replies
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 07:13 pm
Dr. Milton Wolf: ‘The American media is garbage … they’ll claim a cure is a killer just to bash Trump’

He is right. No medical degree necessary to figure that out.
In tweets posted Saturday morning, he specifically took aim at Bloomberg for running a widely mocked piece warning that the potential coronavirus cure that’s currently being scrutinized by the Trump administration can be lethal at very high doses …

As Wolf and countless others rightly noted, ANY DRUG can be lethal at very high doses.

Devious garbage on top of it.
0 Replies
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 07:55 pm
farmerman wrote:
when did Obama incorrectly blame Bush for anything??

Mr. Trump isn't Mr. Bush so it's not directly an answer to your question, but it's a similar sentiment.
0 Replies
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 08:21 pm
Rupert Murdoch Put His Son in Charge of Fox. It Was a Dangerous Mistake.
The 48-year-old Lachlan Murdoch stood by as Fox News hosts played down the danger of the deadly coronavirus to their viewers.

...Fox failed its viewers and the broader public in ways both revealing and potentially lethal. In particular Lachlan Murdoch failed to pry its most important voices away from their embrace of the president’s early line: that the virus was not a big threat.

..The damage Fox did appears likely to extend beyond the typical media hits and misses. I asked Ashish Jha, the director of the Harvard Global Public Health Institute, who appeared on Fox News recently, whether he believes people will die because of Fox’s coverage.

“Yes,” he said. “Some commentators in the right-wing media spread a very specific type of misinformation that I think has been very harmful.”.
Sun 22 Mar, 2020 09:00 pm

Look at that the NYT found a Harvard professor to run down Fox news (what's new?) without really knowing what Fox did until he was told. A propaganda piece, the NYT's specialty.
Brand X
Mon 23 Mar, 2020 04:40 am
Matt Stoller
The reason McConnell held the vote for a stimulus on a weekend was it was the only way he could keep half of his caucus from insider trading.

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