blatham wrote:
Quote:The Agriculture Department said Wednesday that it would appeal a judge’s ruling that it would be “arbitrary and capricious” to move forward during a global health crisis with food stamp changes that could force hundreds of thousands from the program.
Federal Judge Beryl Howell, in a ruling late last week, stopped a set of changes that would have taken effect on April 1. On Wednesday, an Agriculture Department spokesperson responded to an Associated Press query with a terse email saying only that “USDA disagrees with the court’s reasoning and will appeal its decision.”
As Paul Waldman puts it...
"Just because there’s a public health crisis and a recession happening doesn’t mean the hard work of making families go hungry should cease."
Who makes families go hungry? Food stamps and other subsidies often end up subsidizing other, non-food expenditures such as electric bills, car payments, rent, clothing, etc.
All those other bills that cut down people's food budgets are high due to a combination of people not managing their own money well and landlords/retailers/etc. taking advantage of people not managing their money well.
So when the government subsidizes food, it is a benefit in one sense, but in another sense it is subsidizing exploitative businesses that are colluding with consumers to sell unnecessary products and services that drive up prices overall and end up cutting into people's food budgets as a result.
So solving these problem involves a chicken-egg challenge of what comes first, more affordable food or more affordable rent/clothes/transportation/etc. or consumers' budgeting their own money better by choosing less expensive options and making sacrifices such as keeping the same clothes longer, hang-drying laundry instead of using a dryer, cooking more instead of going out to eat, taking transit or walking/biking instead of driving, managing their own household repairs instead of running their house into the ground and then abandoning it to a landlord who then has to spend a lot refurbishing it for the next careless tenant, etc. etc.