Which world leader and country was ready for this?
Well, from the article I posted, this one could have been. It wasn't a priority, obviously, tax cuts, tariffs, and border walls were. Cutting FEMA funds to support ICE, cutting CDC funds to study and prevent global pandemics, discontinuing a Bush-era program to monitor the threat of animal-borne diseases to humans, and neglecting to replace the global pandemic director in the National Security Council and disbanding his team all show that it was not a priority. The late and disordered response as the seriousness of the pandemic became apparent show that we could have been better prepared.
Quote:Germany has 15320 patients, the USA has 14340...
Comparing rates of infection in the USA with other countries is pretty meaningless. For one thing, it depends how far along the "curve" the disease is and secondly, and more importantly, testing in the USA has been inefficient and slow. We don't know how many cases we have here — it's estimated that for every positive test there could be five to ten people carrying the disease undetected.
Quote:Your anti-Trump garbage is tiresome.
Hey, not as tiresome as your knee-jerk defense of everything he and his administration do. All I suggested was that, had he promised to be the "anti-pandemic president" we'd be in much better shape now. Because Trump always keeps his promises, see?