Setanta wrote:Bullsh*t as usual.
You cannot provide any examples of anything untrue in any of my posts.
Setanta wrote:The crusades ostensibly were to recover the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, but that was merely an excuse. The Franks went for one reason, and one reason only, and that was to take land. That crusade was grossly exploitative.
The Muslims shouldn't have invaded the west if they didn't want westerners to push back.
To be fair, I don't recognize the legitimacy of the Crusaders' claims to Israeli territory either. That land belongs to the Israelis, not to either Muslims or the west. But the fact remains, the Muslims invaded territory that didn't belong to them. Islamic thieves have no cause to complain when people push back against their thievery.
Setanta wrote:You originally denied that the USAAF firebombed Dresden.
No I didn't. I originally said that US bombers targeted the railyards, and were not the cause of the infamous firestorm that destroyed the city.
In a subsequent post, I expanded on that to clarify that US bombers did not start any firestorm in Dresden at all, and probably didn't cause any firestorm anywhere in Germany.
I never denied that US bombers used incendiary weapons in Dresden, and in fact I openly acknowledged that they did.
Setanta wrote:Now you're up to one of your usual tricks, rewriting the history
Pointing out the fact that I never said what you falsely claim that I said is not in any way rewriting history.
You cannot point out any inaccuracies in any of my statements about past posts.
Of course, you cannot point out any inaccuracies in any of my statements period.
Setanta wrote:of your manure spreading at this site.
As previously noted, you cannot provide any examples of anything untrue in my posts.
Setanta wrote:I've already provided abundant evidence of your bullsh*t.
You have never pointed out any untrue statement in any of my posts.
You cannot provide any examples of a past post of yours where you pointed out something untrue in my posts.
You still cannot provide any examples of anything untrue in my posts even today.
Setanta wrote:I'm not a trick pony who is obliged to perform
Is this supposed to be an excuse to cover up your failure to back up your untrue claims about my posts?
While no one is obliged to back up their claims, when people fail to back up their claims, that is evidence that their claims are untrue.
That's why I always provide cites whenever someone asks me to back up my own claims.
Setanta wrote:whenever you trot out your bag of lies.
As previously noted, you cannot provide any examples of anything untrue in any of my posts.
Setanta wrote:That you are constitutionally incapable of ever admitting that you are wrong
You're wrong here as well. I always admit it when I am wrong.
Setanta wrote:is not evidence that your opinions are facts.
I've never claimed that my opinions are facts, so that's not terribly relevant. But OK.
Setanta wrote:Claiming that no one can provide an alternate explanation for banning pistol grips--which I have done
Your claimed alternate explanation is not consistent with the facts.
Setanta wrote:besides being bullsh*t,
Not BS at all. No one can come up with any other motivation that is consistent with the facts.
Setanta wrote:does not establish your moronic explanation.
That is incorrect. The fact that no one can provide any alternative motivation (that is consistent with the facts) is evidence that the real motivation is progressives' joy over violating people's civil liberties.
Setanta wrote:Pistol grips on assault rifles are an attempt to control the weapon for the purpose of directing fire.
The notion that progressives want to impede people's ability to direct fire with semi-auto weapons because of an infinitesimal chance that the weapons will be converted to full-auto is pretty unrealistic.
First, such conversions are hardly a pressing problem. They are very rare. It is hardly a subject of great concern.
Second, if progressives were actually concerned over conversions to full-auto, then instead of making it harder to direct fire with semi-auto weapons that are unlikely to ever be converted, they would just try to restrict access to the specialized machine gun parts that are necessary for such conversions.
Setanta wrote:AR-15 both have pistol grips and can easily be modified to fire in an automatic mode.
It isn't easy at all to modify them. It requires general gunsmithing knowledge. It requires specialized machine gun parts. And it requires specialized gunsmithing knowledge as to how to properly install those parts without ruining the gun.
Setanta wrote:Farmerman should get down you to his farm. You spread so much bullsh*t he could get bumper crops just by having you over for the weekend after he plants.
As previously noted, you cannot provide any examples of anything untrue in any of my posts.
The fact that I did not challenge the claim about pistol grips helping to direct fire should not be read by anyone as an endorsement of that claim.