monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Brand X
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 07:21 am

Sawyer Hackett
South Korea has tested 200,000 people for coronavirus, prioritizing the most vulnerable people.

The CDC only tested 77 people this week. Yet, the Utah Jazz was able to test all 58 players in a matter of hours
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Fri 13 Mar, 2020 07:23 am
Me too. Though brave and principled women scare the hell out of me, they are one of my favorite versions of the genre.
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Fri 13 Mar, 2020 07:27 am
So it looks like McConnell backed down and declared that the Senate won't take a seven day break in the middle of a national collapse. Clearly he's a Trump-level genius guy.
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Brand X
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 07:33 am
Matt Stoller
Chinese government asserting the US is the origin of #coronavirus. The PRC has been very clear for a decade and a half it is an enemy of the American state. Now it’s getting more explicit.
0 Replies
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 11:07 am
GOP lawmaker isn’t scared of coronavirus, says ‘more people have died from knowing Hillary’

Laughing Laughing Laughing

A Republican state legislator in Wisconsin shared a “joke” about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the rapidly spreading novel coronavirus that angered local citizens.

Gae Magnafici, who spent 35 years as a nurse before winning office in Wisconsin’s 28th Congressional District, responded to a tweet admonishing President Trump’s lack of response to the coronavirus by suggesting that “more people have died from knowing Hillary.” [Washington Examiner]

Brand X
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 11:14 am
And yet Trump has gone from 'hoax' to National Emergency in little more than a week.

Finally realized he can't campaign around the virus, he has to start governing.
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 11:15 am
Kinda stupid like the gop in general. Like people who'd post laugh emojis with her stupid "joke" and her contempt for people who die from coronavirus.
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 11:16 am
@Brand X,
and so far he's making a cock up around doing it.
0 Replies
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 11:16 am
Politicizing Coronavirus Will Cost Dems the House

I thought the failed impeachment already accomplished that but this crap Democrats are pulling guarantees it. The MSM will also suffer another blow to their almost 0 credibility when disaster refuses to materialize.

President Trump is right when he accuses the Democrats of working “to inflame the coronavirus situation.” They regard the outbreak as an opportunity for scoring political points. Moreover, they have behaved so irresponsibly during the past three years that what little credibility they enjoyed has evaporated. Gallup finds that Congress has a 23 percent approval rating. The reality is that the president, the CDC, and the NIH are doing as well as most reasonable voters would expect with the coronavirus outbreak. When it becomes obvious that the Democrats have cynically exploited this serious public health risk in one last attempt to damage Trump, the voters will react with revulsion. They will reelect Trump and return the leadership of the House to his party

Fri 13 Mar, 2020 11:20 am
and her contempt for people who die from coronavirus.

Sorry, their is no contempt for anyone but Killary in that joke. Killary has earned every bit of contempt people have for her.
0 Replies
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 11:26 am
WATCH: Fake News Identifies “Wuhan Virus” Weeks Before Politically Correct Controversy

Again the MSM insults people by thinking they have the memory of a goldfish. Another demonstration of the rank hypocrisy and an ability to lie without missing a beat.
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Brand X
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 11:45 am
Los Angeles Times
· 5h
SCOOP: Trump administration blocks states from using Medicaid to respond to coronavirus crisis https://latimes.com/politics/story/2020-03-13/trump-administration-blocks-states-use-medicaid-respond-coronavirus-crisis
0 Replies
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 12:14 pm
why do you keep citing these nutball people, those about whom the meme "fake news" was created? Trump politicized it and it's coming back to bite him, and considering the people with whom he's fraternized with recently, quite possibly infect him.
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 12:14 pm
Pelosi Tried To Sneak $1 Billion Abortion Slush Fund Into Emergency COVID-19 Bill

The virus does not kill the unborn, politicians do. Look how much the Democrats care about human lives, and ending them.
“A new mandatory funding stream that does not have Hyde protections would be unprecedented,” one White House official explained. “Under the guise of protecting people, Speaker Pelosi is working to make sure taxpayer dollars are spent covering abortion — which is not only backwards, but goes against historical norms.”

A second White House official referred to the provision as a “slush fund” and yet another questioned “what the Hyde Amendment and abortion have to do with protecting Americans from coronavirus?”

0 Replies
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 12:17 pm
why do you keep citing these nutball people,

Why is she a nut? Produce some evidence of her instability please. She is a person who apparently thinks very little of Killary. The is nothing nutty about that.
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 12:25 pm
The real hoax:

What last night’s address made clear is that Donald J. Trump is no one — and I mean no one, a naked-emperor nullity — without a crowd. Audiences are what energize him, give him his confidence, his king-size certainty; it’s at rallies that he A/B tests his ideas in real time. Without a press corps to troll or an adoring crowd to feed off, the man is a shell.

No wonder that he was leaning on aides not to cancel recently scheduled campaign events in Colorado, Wisconsin and Nevada until the very last minute, and that his advisers had to prevail on him not to announce another rally in Florida, tentatively scheduled for the end of the month. As we saw Wednesday night, if you put him in a room with only a teleprompter and a camera, he can barely make it out of a sentence alive.


Fri 13 Mar, 2020 12:55 pm
calling her Killary is nutballish right there.
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 01:06 pm
Not to mention ridiculously childish. I can bet CJ last dollar bill Hillary Clinton would have been way ahead on organizing a plan to deal with coronavirus. (can't remember the shortened version, finally got the spelling right as it is) People may dislike her intensely, more than democrats and everybody else besides 35% of his base dislike trump, but they can't deny (honestly) she always put her head down and worked efficiently.
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 01:16 pm
[b][i]NYT[/i][/b] wrote:
. . . he can barely make it out of a sentence alive.

That's classic, it's worth repeating.
0 Replies
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 01:39 pm
Gawd, this president is a ******* moron.
0 Replies

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