monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 12 Mar, 2020 05:15 pm
@bobsal u1553115,

I ignore your trolling

Yeah, it sure looks like it. Laughing Laughing Laughing
bobsal u1553115
Thu 12 Mar, 2020 05:19 pm
Yeah, it sure looks like it

You got me there, oralloy, but you admitted to being a troll to do it!! I have a screen save of it just in case you try to "fix it".
Thu 12 Mar, 2020 05:22 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
but you admitted to being a troll to do it!

I admitted you consider me a troll. There is a big difference. Save this post too.
0 Replies
Thu 12 Mar, 2020 05:33 pm
No. This is unpossible. The man is of the highest moral character.
The Trump Organization paid bribes, through middlemen, to New York City tax assessors to lower its property tax bills for several Manhattan buildings in the 1980s and 1990s, according to five former tax assessors and city employees as well as a former Trump Organization employee.

Two of the five city employees said they personally took bribes to lower the assessment on a Trump property; the other three said they had indirect knowledge of the payments.
Thu 12 Mar, 2020 05:37 pm
0 Replies
Thu 12 Mar, 2020 05:43 pm
Cancellations hit Trump’s hotels and clubs amid coronavirus outbreak

Just a damn shame, that. I suppose the term we could use for such losses would be demoluments.
0 Replies
Thu 12 Mar, 2020 05:47 pm
We have an answer to my question yesterday. Disney is shutting down both sites until at least end of month. It'll be longer.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 12 Mar, 2020 06:28 pm

MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: NPR Source Says Trump Blocked Coronavirus Testing in January to Aid His Reelection Chances By Keeping US Infection Figures Low

NOTE: Please RETWEET this—America needs to know what this monster did. Thousands of future deaths will rightly be laid at his feet.
Fresh Air

Replying to @nprfreshair @ddiamond
A previous tweet of this quote did not make it adequately clear that it is Trump who did not push for adequate testing, not Secretary of Health and Human Services Azar. Here is the whole quote for context. @ddiamond
View image on Twitter
0 Replies
Brand X
Thu 12 Mar, 2020 06:29 pm
The vaccine could come within the next 12 to 18 months.
0 Replies
Brand X
Thu 12 Mar, 2020 06:33 pm
Economy is crushed but got to keep the military complex chugging.

The Associated Press
· 1h
BREAKING: The U.S. has launched airstrikes in Iraq targeting the Iranian-backed Shia militia members believed responsible for a rocket attack Wednesday that killed and wounded American and British troops at a base north of Baghdad.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 12 Mar, 2020 06:38 pm
Trump Ad-Libbed In Oval Office Address
In the most scripted of presidential settings, a prime-time televised address to the nation, President Trump decided to ad-lib — and his errors triggered a market meltdown, panicked travelers overseas and crystallized for his critics just how dangerously he has fumbled his management of the coronavirus.

Even Trump — a man practically allergic to admitting mistakes — knew he’d screwed up by declaring Wednesday night that his ban on travel from Europe would include cargo and trade, and acknowledged as much to aides in the Oval Office as soon as he’d finished speaking, according to one senior administration official and a second person, both with knowledge of the episode.

Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and senior adviser who has seized control over some aspects of the government’s coronavirus response, reassured Trump that aides would correct his misstatement, four administration officials said, and they scrambled to do just that. The president also told staffers to make sure other countries did not believe trade would be affected, and even sent a cleanup tweet of his own: “The restriction stops people not goods,” he wrote.

Other administration officials rushed to alert the public that U.S. citizens would be exempt from the travel ban, after scores of Americans, upon digesting Trump’s speech, phoned government offices and raced to airports in Europe out of concern that they would not be able to fly home.

Trump’s 10-minute Oval Office address Wednesday night reflected not only his handling of the coronavirus crisis but, in some ways, much of his presidency. It was riddled with errors, nationalist and xenophobic in tone, limited in its empathy, and boastful of both his own decisions and the supremacy of the nation he leads.

Thu 12 Mar, 2020 07:08 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Trump’s 10-minute Oval Office address Wednesday night reflected not only his handling of the coronavirus crisis but, in some ways, much of his presidency. It was riddled with errors, nationalist and xenophobic in tone, limited in its empathy, and boastful of both his own decisions and the supremacy of the nation he leads.

But, is it really a crisis? Obama's response about the pandemic of H1N1 influenza, was lack-lustre at best, and quite casual, at the worst.

Major events are being cancelled, and schools closed in Australia, and we're yet to hit 200 cases of COVID here.

Seems like knee-jerk reactions are being applauded, while those who're more conservative in their approach are demonised.

What's in that?

And what's with the "supremacy of the nation he leads" bullshit?

Nothing supreme about the US of A.

Just as many rednecks and pull-throughs of any western nation. Quite possibly more, in fact.
0 Replies
Brand X
Thu 12 Mar, 2020 07:10 pm
emma brown
· 1h
ER doc described 2 recent patients in enough respiratory distress to be admitted to the hospital, tested negative for flu and 20 common viruses, had CT scans consistent with Covid-19. State denied them both testing. Doc: “It made me realize that they weren’t testing anyone.”
Thu 12 Mar, 2020 07:19 pm
@Brand X,
ER doc described 2 recent patients in enough respiratory distress to be admitted to the hospital,

What hospital? You would think the name of the hospital might help correct the error. Or is it just another lie?
0 Replies
Brand X
Thu 12 Mar, 2020 07:25 pm
Ryan Struyk
· 30m
CDC Director Redfield tells Congress there's "over 4 million tests now that have entered the market" but the reason testing is limited is because "the question is how to actually operationalize them," adding "you need people to do the test, laboratory equipment to do the test."
0 Replies
Brand X
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 05:01 am
Bernie Sanders
When we say it's time to provide health care to all our people, we're told we can't afford it.

But if the stock market is in trouble, no problem! The government can just hand out $1.5 trillion to calm bankers on Wall Street.
0 Replies
Brand X
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 06:23 am
Scott Gottlieb, MD
· 9h
South Korea, with aggressive #COVID19 screening and early mitigation measures, is turning the corner on their epidemic. They still have weeks to go, but the 110 new cases they report tonight are lowest number of daily cases since 2/22. This virus can be defeated with good policy.
0 Replies
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 06:50 am
Good. The law is coming down on douchebag Alex Jones for trying to make moola off snake oil products he claims can treat or cure the corona virus.
Alex Jones is telling his viewers that the toothpaste he sells kills coronavirus

UPDATE: New York Attorney General Letitia James calls on Jones to “immediately cease and desist selling and marketing products as a treatment or cure for the coronavirus”
Brand X
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 06:51 am
Yep, Patient Zero was here anyway.

Matt Stoller
Literally the only thing Trump did that remotely prepped us for the #coronavirus was the China tariffs. It didn’t do much, but it was something to get our supply chains back.
0 Replies
Fri 13 Mar, 2020 07:04 am
Letitia James is the Attorney General who has vowed to go after Trump if he loses. I like her.

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