monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Walter Hinteler
Mon 6 Feb, 2017 02:53 am
Thanks. [Thanks, totally different from here where all laws must be constitutional, be it about security or dropping litter. (Problems with the first would go the the Federal Constitutional Court, to the latter to the various constitutional in the states)]
Mon 6 Feb, 2017 03:31 am
@Walter Hinteler,
The left no longer has control of congress (legislative branch) or the Presidency (executive branch).

So they will spend the next four years trying to induce courts (judicial branch) to legislate and run foreign policy from their bench. They will "forum shop" and seek out other left-wingers to hear their cases, and then purport to make the ruling of one judge effective "nation-wide."

All these shoddy ploys will end up before the Supreme Court and be struck down. Then the left's only remaining tactics will to be to riot in the streets, blow up federal buildings, kill police, etc. as the left did in the 60's. Obama's good pal, Bill Ayers, said his only regret about bombing buildings back then was that he hadn't done more of them.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 6 Feb, 2017 04:13 am
I do know that courts belong to judicial branch (you learn such here when at school).

Of course, judges may have an opinion, which others consider to be conservative or left-leaning, not only on political matters.

But they are independent, and the concept that the judiciary is independent from the other branches, is a principle elsewhere. (That's one of the reasons that you're [nearly] politically dead here when giving names to judges, especially to those of the constitutional courts.)
Mon 6 Feb, 2017 04:18 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Yes, I agree with what you said, there, although I'm not sure what you mean by "giving names." Do you mean "calling names?"

From a political perspective it may not have been prudent and wise of Trump to say he was a "so-called" judge. Then again, maybe it was a shrewd political move. He calls a spade a spade, as he sees it, and many voters find that to be quite appealing.
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Mon 6 Feb, 2017 04:20 am
Trump, speaking exclusively to Fox News, accused “Obama people” of giving news organizations embarrassing details of his recent tense phone conversations with his Australian and Mexican counterparts, and said that the holdovers from the Obama administration still serving on his White House and National Security Council staff were being replaced.

“It’s a disgrace that they leaked because it’s very much against our country,” Trump said, without stating why he believed that career civil servants who work in Democratic and Republican administrations were the source of the leaks. “It’s a very dangerous thing for this country,” he said.


Yeah, the damn traitors, them.
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Mon 6 Feb, 2017 04:26 am
twitter bots... I had no idea this was happening or possible...
Sobieski’s two accounts, for example, tweet more than 1,000 times a day using “schedulers” that work through stacks of his own pre-written posts in repetitive loops. With retweets and other forms of sharing, these posts reach the feeds of millions of other accounts, including those of such conservative luminaries as Fox News’s Sean Hannity, GOP strategist Karl Rove and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), according to researcher Jonathan Albright.

“It’s like a giant megaphone,” said Albright, an assistant professor of media analytics at Elon University, in North Carolina, whose research singled out Sobieski’s accounts as having unusual reach.

When Albright studied the most prolific Twitter accounts during the final two weeks of the election, he found that all of the top 20 appeared to support the eventual winner, Donald Trump. Among accounts using major pro-Trump hashtags such as “#MAGA,” for “Make America Great Again,” two of the top three belonged to Sobieski.

While there is no way to know how often Sobieski’s tweets are read as they flit through busy feeds — nor is it clear how they are influencing political debates — researchers have found that automation allows users to exert an oversize influence on conversations on Twitter and beyond.
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Mon 6 Feb, 2017 04:34 am
Excuse me but what the hell would Michael Hayden know about this stuff?
Former CIA chief: Trump’s travel ban hurts American spies — and America

President Trump’s executive order on immigration was ill-conceived, poorly implemented and ill-explained. To be fair, it would have been hard to explain since it was not the product of intelligence and security professionals demanding change, but rather policy, political and ideological personalities close to the president fulfilling a campaign promise to deal with a threat they had overhyped.

I’ve heard from a lot of intelligence professionals who are going to have to live with the consequences. They noted that six of the seven countries involved in the ban (Iran being somewhat an exception) are troubled, fragmented states where human sources are essential to defeating threats to the United States.

Paradoxically, they pointed out how the executive order breached faith with those very sources, many of whom they had promised to always protect with the full might of our government and our people. Sources who had risked much, if not all, to keep Americans safe.
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Mon 6 Feb, 2017 04:41 am
A rather obvious point here from EJ
Finally, we must resist a bad habit infecting political commentary that sees Trump’s irresponsibility, bigotry and casual cruelty as a heroic form of “disruption” aimed at bringing down “the establishment.”

No. The people in the streets rallying against Trump are not the establishment. Those political and business leaders who are, for now, playing along with and enabling Trump very much are the establishment.

Americans who tell pollsters they oppose Trump — including outsiders from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on the left to independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin on the right — are not defending some status quo. They are standing up for humane principles that Trump is threatening: democracy over authoritarian nationalism; religious pluralism over bigotry; clarity of thought, speech and action over a self-involved indiscipline; civil rights and civil liberties over their unchecked abuse; and a basic decency toward each other over a political approach devoted to disparaging and bullying adversaries.
Mon 6 Feb, 2017 04:59 am
Trump administration looks to divide Russia's relations with Iran

The Trump administration is exploring ways to break Russia’s military and diplomatic alliance with Iran in a bid to both end the Syrian conflict and bolster the fight against Islamic State, said senior administration, European and Arab officials involved in the policy discussions.

The emerging strategy seeks to reconcile President Donald Trump’s seemingly contradictory vows to improve relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin and to aggressively challenge the military presence of Iran—one of Moscow’s most critical allies—in the Middle East, these officials say.

A senior administration official said the White House doesn’t have any illusions about Russia or see Mr. Putin as a “choir boy,” despite further conciliatory statements from Mr. Trump about the Russian leader over the weekend. But the official said that the administration doesn’t view Russia as the same existential threat that the Soviet Union posed to the U.S. during the Cold War and that Mr. Trump was committed to constraining Iran.


There's method in Trump's madness, eh?
0 Replies
Mon 6 Feb, 2017 05:54 am
blatham wrote:

Trump is threatening: democracy over authoritarian nationalism; religious pluralism over bigotry; clarity of thought, speech and action over a self-involved indiscipline; civil rights and civil liberties over their unchecked abuse; and a basic decency toward each other over a political approach devoted to disparaging and bullying adversaries.

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Mon 6 Feb, 2017 06:09 am
From Elizabeth Drew
Quite early in the Trump presidency, people asked me, Is this like Watergate? The question came mainly from people who weren’t around at the time. My answer was either, No or Not yet.

Well, the situation just changed, and moved significantly toward what was at the heart of Watergate. Donald Trump’s immediate reaction to the ruling Friday night by a federal judge in Washington state ordering a hold on his immigration plan might have been the prelude to a constitutional collision between the president and the judiciary. It was just such a showdown that led to the end of Richard Nixon’s presidency.

In his first defiant tweet dismissing the court’s decision—which put a temporary halt to the implementation of his executive order imposing a travel ban on citizens of seven Muslim-dominated countries—as “ridiculous” and referring to “the opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country,” Trump displayed the same contempt for the federal judiciary in our constitutional system that brought down Nixon...
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Mon 6 Feb, 2017 06:20 am
Well, OK, then!

Bill to Pre-Emptively Attack Iran Introduced in Congress

Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) recently introduced a bill that would enable to US to invade Iran for the stated purpose of preventing it from obtaining nuclear weapon...it authorizes the president to launch a “pre-emptive” war with the Middle Eastern nation without requiring Congressional approval and without the necessity of Iran having actually committed any action that would warrant a full-scale invasion.


Well, them old-ass nukes done been dusted off, eh!?

I can just see Colonel Kong ridin one down now!

Adios, Ayatolla.
0 Replies
Mon 6 Feb, 2017 06:36 am
Poor poor Layboy... He ain't getting the protection he desperately craves for.

Come over here, baby. I'll protect you, if you can work hard for it.
Mon 6 Feb, 2017 06:46 am
I hear-tell some muslim with a machette done paid a little visit to one of your museums over there in Frogville, eh, Ollie?

Where's he, now?
Mon 6 Feb, 2017 06:47 am
Here it is again
President Donald Trump on Monday said the American people “want border security and extreme vetting,” decrying “negative polls” that suggest otherwise as “fake news.”

A majority of Americans, however, opposed the president’s controversial executive order restricting travel by citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries, according to a CNN/ORC poll released Friday.

Fifty-three percent opposed the order, with 46 percent arguing that it makes the U.S. less safe from terrorism and 49 percent saying it harms American values by preventing those seeking asylum from entering the U.S.

“Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election,” Trump tweeted Monday morning. “Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.”

He followed up minutes later with a post casting himself as a data-driven decision maker while accusing the media of lying “to marginalize” his supporters.

“I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it,” Trump said. “Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!”

This purposeful bastardization of the term "fake news" is becoming more common, as was predictable. And again, the purpose is to confuse and to nullify the notion that there is any discernible truth or reality.
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Mon 6 Feb, 2017 06:49 am
Matthew Yglesias ‏@mattyglesias 11h11 hours ago
New 24 season is the president tweeting complaints about judges as he tries to keep the country safe from five year-old refugees.

It will be gripping. Can't wait.
0 Replies
Mon 6 Feb, 2017 06:50 am
He one of your homeboys, Ollie?

You gunna be one of the pall-bearers?

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Walter Hinteler
Mon 6 Feb, 2017 06:52 am
layman wrote:
I hear-tell some muslim with a machette done paid a little visit to one of your museums over there in Frogville, eh, Ollie?

Where's he, now?
Actually, it wasn't a museum but the shopping mall there (Carrousel du Louvre).
He's now in the hôpital européen Georges-Pompidou - if you want to visit him, layman ... he's on arrest there.

layman wrote:
He one of your homeboys, Ollie?
You really think, Olivier is an Egyptian?
Mon 6 Feb, 2017 06:57 am
@Walter Hinteler,
The hospital!?

Not the morgue?

Figures, sho nuff. What else would ya expect from the candyass Frogs, eh?

Wastin good medical talent on top of it.
Mon 6 Feb, 2017 07:00 am
He's in a hospital room. He will survive but unclear if he will still have his manhood.
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