Well, thank you for that, george. I haven't turned on my TV here for years though several times a week or so, I'll watch some news segment that comes to my attention from any network including Fox. My news intake is pretty much all print an those sources are as varied as my links demonstrate.
I do have to tell you that I knew with certainty that Fox was included in your diet. It shows up all the time in the phrases you use, in the style/nature of the arguments you advance and in what you've come to believe. Your take on the impeachment proceedings was/is a rather clear and evident example.
And sure, your peripheral knowledge from reading and from life inform how you think as it does with me and all the rest of us.
Again, thanks for the honesty. You and I are a very odd couple but I've always found that knowing you is mostly agreeable. Not right now, let me clarify, but mostly.