monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 31 Dec, 2019 12:35 pm
In moments like these you reveal your apparently deep-seated prejudices and fixed ideas about things you can neither prove nor disprove. (things which you habitually later deny) .
What prejudices or fixed ideas are you claiming appear in what I just wrote? Please be specific in a good Socratic mode.
you missed the essential point.
And what exactly was that point?
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 12:42 pm
I often get the impression that your concept of "disciplined discourse" is merely an effort to force your interlocutor to accept your frame of reference and your terms for acceptable arguments in any discussion. That stuff won't work with me, though apparently it has worked with others in your thrall.

An excellent example of Scalia's Socratic discourse was provided in the dialogue you quoted - it was that to which I was indirectly, and not very subtly, referring.
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 12:54 pm
This is Blatham's message. He has little else.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 12:58 pm
Refer to my post that you're quoting.
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 01:01 pm
I often get the impression that your concept of "disciplined discourse" is merely an effort to force your interlocutor to accept your frame of reference and your terms for acceptable arguments in any discussion.
Sure. But only in aid of discourse that is more worthwhile for all involved. For example, claims ought to be attended by evidence for them. Terms used ought to be clarified. Discussions ought not to fly off in irrelevant directions. There's nothing oppressive in such demands though more is demanded, certainly.

I just gave you two rather simple questions to help clarify what you'd said and what you think. You've answered neither of them. Why would you avoid that? I truly don't get it. If you have the confidence in your convictions, why would you not wish to argue them as clearly and cogently as possible?
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 01:20 pm
Democrat Blames OWN PARTY For Rise in Anti-Semitism

Perhaps the most honest reaction to the anti-Semitic attack came from a member of the Democratic Party. Former New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind said what most pundits are afraid to say, that anti-Semitism originates with members of Mr. Hikind’s own party, the Democrats:

Hikind is correct. Antisemitism is coming from the Democratic Party and the left. Even more than the Democrats and leftists who are anti-Semitic, feeding the hatred is the fact that Democrats and leftists who are not anti-Semitic cowardly refuse to expose and/or fight the Antisemitism rampant in their ranks.

An honest Democrat, stranger things have happened.
Dov Hikind is correct. But I will take it further. Any Jew who votes for a Democratic is showing either a total lack of knowledge or no concern for Antisemitism. Because with their votes, they are feeding the Antisemitism of the Democratic Party.


Tue 31 Dec, 2019 01:25 pm
Happy New Year, Alex.
A Texas judge has ordered Alex Jones and his Infowars hoax website to pay more than $100,000 in court costs and legal fees, marking the latest court victory for a Sandy Hook family suing Jones for his promotion of conspiracy theories about the 2012 elementary-school shooting.

Jones and Infowars are being sued by Neil Heslin, whose 6-year-old son was killed in the Newtown, Connecticut, shooting. On Dec. 20, Travis County Judge Scott Jenkins granted a motion for sanctions and legal expenses against Jones and Infowars, ordering them to pay $65,825 for ignoring a court order about providing documents and witnesses. In another ruling issued that same day in Heslin’s case, Jenkins denied an Infowars motion to dismiss the case and ordered Jones and Infowars to pay an additional $34,323.80, for a combined total of $100,148.80 levied against Jones and Infowars in a single day.

Added to an earlier October order against Infowars, Jones and his outlet have been ordered to pay $126,023.80 over the case, even before it reaches trial.
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 01:33 pm
An honest Democrat...

Not that honest:
In 1997, Hikind was indicted by the U.S. Attorney for allegedly receiving $40,000 in funding from the Council of Jewish Organizations of Borough Park (COJO) in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars in state grant money. Hikind was acquitted, while his co-defendant, an official of the organization, Rabbi Elimelech Naiman, was found guilty. The former operations director of COJO, Paul Chernick, pled guilty in a plea agreement.

In 2013, Hikind was alleged to have routinely failed to disclose payments he received from Maimonides Hospital for advertising on his syndicated show.[29] The payments were subsequently investigated by Governor Andrew Cuomo's aborted Moreland Commission. Hikind was accused of arranging jobs in government for friends and family members.

...stranger things have happened.

Yes indeed:
Hikind wore blackface during the 2013 Purim celebration.

Tue 31 Dec, 2019 01:35 pm
Happy New Year, Alex.

Rachel Maddow is being sued by OAN
Nolte: Rachel Maddow’s Lawyer Responds to OAN Lawsuit with ‘Alex Jones Defense’

Maddow lawyer Theodore J. “Ted” Boutrous Jr. argued that the liberal host was clearly offering up her “own unique expression” of her views to capture what she saw as the “ridiculous” nature of the undisputed facts.

“Her comment, therefore, is a quintessential statement ‘of rhetorical hyperbole, incapable of being proved true or false,’” he said.

There he is, straight up admitting she engages in “rhetorical hyperbole, incapable of being proved true or false.”

Good grief, she’s the primetime star of a NEWS network!

So what we have here is the biggest “star” at NBC News essentially using the same defense as Alex Jones.

Happy New Year Rachel.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 01:38 pm
Hikind wore blackface during the 2013 Purim celebration.

We have a governor in Virginia and a PM in Canada that did the same thing, both of them a couple of times. If you are disputing the truth in what he says, show me his lies concerning antisemitism.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 01:42 pm
blatham wrote:

I often get the impression that your concept of "disciplined discourse" is merely an effort to force your interlocutor to accept your frame of reference and your terms for acceptable arguments in any discussion.
Sure. But only in aid of discourse that is more worthwhile for all involved. For example, claims ought to be attended by evidence for them. Terms used ought to be clarified. Discussions ought not to fly off in irrelevant directions. There's nothing oppressive in such demands though more is demanded, certainly.

I just gave you two rather simple questions to help clarify what you'd said and what you think. You've answered neither of them. Why would you avoid that? I truly don't get it. If you have the confidence in your convictions, why would you not wish to argue them as clearly and cogently as possible?

If I had ANY experience of your adherence to these prescriptions I might take you seriously.
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 01:52 pm

If I had ANY experience of your adherence to these prescriptions I might take you seriously.

To expect any such thing from a disingenuous, dishonest propagandist is like hoping the screen door on your submarine wont leak.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 02:09 pm
You know better than that.

But let's note that in laying out those criteria, I immediately allow that I too am bound by them in what I write here. Thus whenever I might appear to broach such standards, I set myself up for specific challenges.

"What's your evidence, Bernie? Direct me to it."

"You describe Trump as a sociopath. You need to clarify this term using adequate and relevant source material. Please do so".

"You suggest that William Barr is a theocrat. Define the term and then make your case"

"I suspect the quote you've added is false or incomplete. Show us the source material so we can check whether you've been sneaky and left something of importance out of the quote".


Would you be willing to set yourself any such list of standards by which you declare yourself obligated to follow?
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 02:14 pm
David Fahrenthold
We have now talked to 49 undocumented immigrants who worked for
. They worked at 11 different properties, doing everything from hauling grapes for Trump wine to ironing Trump’s own underclothes.
Even while @realdonaldtrump
was attacking immigrants just like them.
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 02:36 pm
We have now talked to 49 undocumented immigrants

Are you, or that hack, implying Trump does all the hiring?
0 Replies
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 03:07 pm
blatham wrote:

You know better than that.

That is simply not true. You violate those precepts in nearly all of your posts, often in rather extreme ways. Presuming exclusive knowledge of the inner motives of those you oppose - and doing so in the absence of ANY evidence, is merely one of many frequent logical flaws in your posts, particularly on this Thread. Most of us here do things like that in various ways. This is a conversation and not an academic exercise.
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 03:46 pm
blatham, it is with this argument I make the further declaration that it is easy for a lying President to make conspiracy theories believable and real. They already in the grandest conspiracy theory ever invented in which there are annual contributions in the trillions making thousands of individuals millionaires. Yet, even when republicans are told and proven these conspiracy theory, they believe them as the holy gospel. So sad!
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 04:26 pm
that it is easy for a lying President to make conspiracy theories believable and real.

At least more believable than the MSM that has three years and no one believes them anymore. They never had anything real to base their conspiracy theories on, and they still do not. That you wish to insert your foot in your mouth every time you post is your prerogative, but common sense would keep most mouths shut until Durham submits his report.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Dec, 2019 04:43 pm
Here is a list of the people Durham could charge.

Tue 31 Dec, 2019 07:47 pm
I thought Pelosi and Schiffty were looking rather frightened lately.


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