I'd say you're the noe living in the dream world. It'Bill was splitting hairs, true, but whes not that Hillary was a competent criminal, it's that there was nothing there. Benghazi investigations, each one came up showing nothing , and the gop prom[tly started another one which also found nothing. Bill was splitting hairs, but for most of the 60s, 70s, into at least the 80s, "sex" meant vagibal sex, and a blowjob was foreplay, not actual sex in general parlance. And Monica admitted it was consensual. Tacky but consensual. So whether bill lied falls in a gray area. And of course we now have a sexual predator in the white house, self-admitted, and the gop and the religious right ignore that and go all holier-than-thou on the Clintons. The gop is the original party witch hunting.