revelette3 wrote:
How about you mounting a defense, here in this thread, of the actual charges made against Trump, without using whataboutisms.
Just answer if Trump was correct in asking the leader of Ukraine for a "favor though" was correct or not. Answer whether any president and/or person has the right to ignore congressional subpoenas and refuse to hand over related document requested by congress or to participate in the investigation thereof. Saying the process is unfair is not a defense. Moreover, it wasn't unfair.
The ongoing process by Democrats (only) in the House of Representatives is both unfair and non-compliant with both normal judicial procedure and Precedents for such actions. Presidents have rights to privacy from all, including other branches of government, on matters regarding the internal communications of the President with his advisors and staff. The Democrats in the House, and the Intelligence Committee in particular, have repeatedly misused their subpoena powers, most recently in collecting telephone data from other members of Congress: they are a Legislative body; not a judicial one.
Finally the Democrat investigations in the House have not yet yielded any prima facie evidentiary case for the commission of any crime. The accusations so far issued by Democrats are vague in the extreme and nearly completely lacking in any direct evidentiary base.
The President has a sworn duty to enforce our laws, including those involving corruption by other Public officials. ( the Biden case reeks of the misuse of office for personal or family gain) The President also has the Constitutionally assigned duty to conduct our Foreign policy. The issue of ongoing corruption in Ukraine is indeed relevant to the Military and other financial aid we are providing that country, and has previously been an impediment to our issuing such aid. Virtually all important communications and transactions between heads of state involve some element of this for that: history amply confirms this.
Finally, there is something fundamentally irrational in the behavior of the Democrats in the House in this area.
=> Their "investigations" both in the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, were conducted in arbitrary ways, silencing rebuttal actions and potential witnesses by the opposition, and yielding exaggerated claims of crime, based on little, and that only hearsay, evidence that would not be admissible in any Federal Court, and hardly sufficient for any prosecution.
=> The probability of getting a conviction on the case they have developed in this, or any, Senate is negligible. In fact the character of their investigation and the evident growing hysteria of Democrat leaders in the House of Representatives has thoroughly alienated the current Republican-led Senate.
Public Reaction to the ongoing investigation suggests it has so far been a looser for Democrats with Polls repeatedly indicating stable or growing support for the President and very little for impeachment.
=> The ongoing Democrat Primary Process has so far not yielded any electable leader, except for the possibility of a Biden selection. However he will end up even more tainted in the public eye over the Ukraine matter than will Trump.
So far most relatively non partisan commentary on the matter suggests that Democrats have abandoned hope of winning the 2020 election and see impeachment as their only way to defeat Trump. Speaker Pelosi has strangely abandoned her previous insistence that Impeachment must be a bipartisan process in the House with some level of bipartisan support. Now she insists on the swift execution of a thoroughly Partisan and exceedingly weak case in the House, in circumstances suggesting little in the way of hope for approval in the Senate. Many commentators suggest that such an action by a well-experienced and politically adept politician, suggests Pelosi really fears losing her current position as Leader of the Democrat contingent in the House and, presumably as Speaker.
Finally, the Democrat members of the House of Representatives, in their continued focus on resistance to President Trump in all matters, and their increasingly evident abandonment of their public responsibilities as Legislators on important issues facing for the country and all its citizens, may well have set themselves up for a sweeping defeat in the next election.
Perhaps TDS is real.