monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 10 Dec, 2019 02:58 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
He should be impeached for this as well.
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 03:17 pm
He should be impeached for this as well.

Does not work that way. The MSM will not bother explaining our justice system because Democrats are abusing it.
0 Replies
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 03:34 pm
revelette3 wrote:

How about you mounting a defense, here in this thread, of the actual charges made against Trump, without using whataboutisms.

Just answer if Trump was correct in asking the leader of Ukraine for a "favor though" was correct or not. Answer whether any president and/or person has the right to ignore congressional subpoenas and refuse to hand over related document requested by congress or to participate in the investigation thereof. Saying the process is unfair is not a defense. Moreover, it wasn't unfair.

The ongoing process by Democrats (only) in the House of Representatives is both unfair and non-compliant with both normal judicial procedure and Precedents for such actions. Presidents have rights to privacy from all, including other branches of government, on matters regarding the internal communications of the President with his advisors and staff. The Democrats in the House, and the Intelligence Committee in particular, have repeatedly misused their subpoena powers, most recently in collecting telephone data from other members of Congress: they are a Legislative body; not a judicial one.

Finally the Democrat investigations in the House have not yet yielded any prima facie evidentiary case for the commission of any crime. The accusations so far issued by Democrats are vague in the extreme and nearly completely lacking in any direct evidentiary base.

The President has a sworn duty to enforce our laws, including those involving corruption by other Public officials. ( the Biden case reeks of the misuse of office for personal or family gain) The President also has the Constitutionally assigned duty to conduct our Foreign policy. The issue of ongoing corruption in Ukraine is indeed relevant to the Military and other financial aid we are providing that country, and has previously been an impediment to our issuing such aid. Virtually all important communications and transactions between heads of state involve some element of this for that: history amply confirms this.

Finally, there is something fundamentally irrational in the behavior of the Democrats in the House in this area.
=> Their "investigations" both in the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, were conducted in arbitrary ways, silencing rebuttal actions and potential witnesses by the opposition, and yielding exaggerated claims of crime, based on little, and that only hearsay, evidence that would not be admissible in any Federal Court, and hardly sufficient for any prosecution.
=> The probability of getting a conviction on the case they have developed in this, or any, Senate is negligible. In fact the character of their investigation and the evident growing hysteria of Democrat leaders in the House of Representatives has thoroughly alienated the current Republican-led Senate.
Public Reaction to the ongoing investigation suggests it has so far been a looser for Democrats with Polls repeatedly indicating stable or growing support for the President and very little for impeachment.
=> The ongoing Democrat Primary Process has so far not yielded any electable leader, except for the possibility of a Biden selection. However he will end up even more tainted in the public eye over the Ukraine matter than will Trump.

So far most relatively non partisan commentary on the matter suggests that Democrats have abandoned hope of winning the 2020 election and see impeachment as their only way to defeat Trump. Speaker Pelosi has strangely abandoned her previous insistence that Impeachment must be a bipartisan process in the House with some level of bipartisan support. Now she insists on the swift execution of a thoroughly Partisan and exceedingly weak case in the House, in circumstances suggesting little in the way of hope for approval in the Senate. Many commentators suggest that such an action by a well-experienced and politically adept politician, suggests Pelosi really fears losing her current position as Leader of the Democrat contingent in the House and, presumably as Speaker.

Finally, the Democrat members of the House of Representatives, in their continued focus on resistance to President Trump in all matters, and their increasingly evident abandonment of their public responsibilities as Legislators on important issues facing for the country and all its citizens, may well have set themselves up for a sweeping defeat in the next election.

Perhaps TDS is real.
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Tue 10 Dec, 2019 03:40 pm
InfraBlue wrote:

He should be impeached for this as well.

He should be Impeached for stealing perfectly good oxygen from honest people!
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 03:45 pm
He should be Impeached for stealing perfectly good oxygen from honest people!

Do you know any honest people? They are far and few between and probably not as judgemental as the dishonest ones.
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Tue 10 Dec, 2019 04:01 pm
OK everybody - one word that describes tRump's greatest crime? Me:


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Tue 10 Dec, 2019 04:08 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Trump? Fraud? That's unpossible. He is a man of the strongest integrity. Very strong. Perhaps the strongest integrity ever.
0 Replies
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 04:23 pm
Three hours ago, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was invited to speak at the White House, standing beside Mike Pompeo. He said:
"We have highlighted once again that all speculation about our alleged interference in domestic processes in the US are baseless. There are no facts that would support that ...no one has given us this proof because it simply does not exist"

Pompeo responded:
"We think we've shared plenty of facts to show what happened in the 2016 election with our Russian counterparts. We don't think there's any mistake about what really transpired there."

17 US intel agencies confirmed that Russia interfered in 2016 in efforts to damage Clinton and to support Trump.

Testimony at the recent impeachment hearings from the highest level foreign service people in the region uniformly backed up what the intel agencies had found.

And yet, the Trump administration provides this WH platform for Lavrov and Russian to continue the propaganda line and then, via Pompeo, offers up a critique that is not only ambiguous but which, in light of Trump's years-long denials and Republican attempts to use a constant stream of disinformation to cloud the matter, does nothing but open the door for further disinformation campaigns from FOX and others.

This party is now fully in the toilet and they are dragging America down to a state from which it may never recover.
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 04:33 pm
Along with Barr in his interview with Pete Williams today. I say again, 2 words this time:
tRump, Barr, Pompeo, Repub Congress, etc

PUTIN's Puppets
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 05:03 pm
I have no idea what opinions Barr might have about Russia. But Barr, as evidenced by his recent speech at Notre Dame and his propagandist manipulation of the Mueller report findings and now his attempts to turn the IG's report upside down has a clear ideological preference for a governmental system that hews towards authoritarianism. It would be his preference for liberalism in the US and more broadly than that to be swept from influence and power. In this, his aims will commonly align with those of Putin and other such authoritarian governments. Though Trump is clearly using Barr for his own corrupt purposes, Barr is also using Trump (as are many GOPers and right wing supporters like the evangelical and far right Catholic communities).

One of the more egregious consquences we can see is the bear-hug that that these people give to the most obvious versions of moral relativism necessary to support a philandering, pussy-grabbing, porn star humping, lying, unhumble and vulgar con man. "He's put there by God", they say, without any operational part of their brain pointing out that that axiom applies to Obama or Bill Clinton or anyone arrived or arriving in the WH.
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 05:12 pm
blatham wrote:

In this, his aims will commonly align with those of Putin and other such authoritarian governments.

No Hitler reference? huh.
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 05:17 pm
blatham wrote:

One of the more egregious consquences we can see is the bear-hug that that these people give to the most obvious versions of moral relativism necessary to support a philandering, pussy-grabbing, porn star humping, lying, unhumble and vulgar con man. "He's put there by God", they say, without any operational part of their brain pointing out that that axiom applies to Obama or Bill Clinton or anyone arrived or arriving in the WH.

Christians know that everyone is a sinner. Christianity is about forgiving sin. What's more, Christians are very aware of the condemnation ethic that witch-hunters are going to try to tempt them into condemning Trump for his sins.

So attempting to tempt Christians into condemning Trump really just amounts to testing their faith and their will to forgive as Christians.

The left should just give up their witch-hunt crusade against Trump and start promoting ideas and policies that will appeal to Christians. It would get them a lot farther than trying to get Christians to condemn sinners.
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Tue 10 Dec, 2019 05:21 pm

That is you. Anyone that believes half of what you is out of touch with the American people and reality. You have proven your word means nothing. I can only surmise the truth means very little to you also.
0 Replies
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 05:27 pm
No Hitler reference? huh.
The discussion involves the present period.

But if you wish to better understand Hitler and, more importantly, the precursors to what happened in Germany and other parts of the world at that point in time - and how this has direct ramifications for the present - order up Hannah Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism. I know that's a wasted sentence, of course.
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 05:30 pm
Rand Paul: Adam Schiff Is Doing Exactly What He Has Accused Trump Of Doing

You do not need to be a Senator to know the Left always accuses people of doing exactly what they are doing. They picked that up from Goebbels.
Sometimes the hypocrisy in Washington is so bad it is almost laughable. The House impeachment witch hunt reached that level this week with the revelations that Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., had acquired and published personal phone records of Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., (the ranking member on the Intelligence Committee), two of President Trump’s personal attorneys, and an investigative journalist Schiff doesn’t like.

0 Replies
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 05:32 pm
Many things there Bernie, I will go after two:

1) Religion is politics, can't get more authoritarian that god - as long as it is my god; and, more people have been killed in the named of Jesus than any or reason. Evangelist and Catholics will be working together today and fight to the death after they abolish the Constitution! Barr is a Catholic.

2) Remember, god only forgives and helps Repukes, not Dems.

As far as Barr, did you see the Pete Williams interview today? So many obvious lies and total obfuscations!
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 05:32 pm
But if you wish to better understand Hitler

He was laughing at you. Me too.
0 Replies
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 05:54 pm
revelette3 wrote:
In the end, the politics of it doesn't matter.

I disagree. I am curious about whether Democrats in conservative districts will vote for impeachment, and whether they will lose their next election if they do.

If impeachment does happen, I am curious if McConnell will hold the trial during the run up to the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary so that Warren and Sanders are unable to campaign.

revelette3 wrote:
So far there has not a good defense of the charges made against Trump. I haven't heard or read anyone besides Trump saying the call was a perfect call. I haven't heard anyone say it was ok for Trump to hold aide and a WH visit over the head of the leader of Ukraine's head unless he announced a investigation into the Biden's and the 2016 election. All I have read or head was democrats can't prove it because Trump did give the money, Pence met with the leader, and an investigation into the 2016 wasn't announced.

Nonsense. I've provided a good defense many times.
0 Replies
Tue 10 Dec, 2019 05:58 pm
Greg Sargent has a must-read post up today on the serious obstructions to any Dem president that the Republican controlled Supreme Court will very certainly construct. This is an extremely important issue. HERE

“With a Democratic president in charge of the administration and the regulatory process, we can expect right wing judges and justices to resume with vigor their multi-generation battle to do away with the modern regulatory state,” the memo warns.

The memo places the Democratic candidates on notice: If one is elected president, he or she will face a “highly consequential battle” in the judiciary to undercut laws that require agencies to employ a good deal of discretion and the use of “expert-driven regulation” to achieve their ends.

The occasion for this warning is a recent opinion written by Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, which signaled that there may be five justices in place to carry out a long-cherished conservative effort to dramatically undercut the regulatory state.

And let's note that as Trump continues his loud media shitshow, McConnell is sitting conservative jurists throughout the legal world. He's not picking one conservative then one liberal etc. It's ALL conservatives. His move to block Garland had the same motive - if you can control the courts, then you can gain control over what a citizen-elected government can or cannot do or achieve. It is a means to institutionalize conservative ideology and governance and thus to effectively gain one-party domination of US politics.

This shouldn't shock. It is a generation long strategy that has been effectively administered by movement conservatives.

As Greg's piece notes, a counter move that Dems might (indeed MUST) take is to ensure that the next Dem president adds two liberal members to the court. Republicans will scream but that's their constant mode now in any case. And what gives moral warrant to such a move is, of course, McConnell's block on Garland and his subsequent smirking admission when asked if his same justification for blocking Garland would apply over the next twelve months if a SC opening appeared, "Oh, we'd fill the seat".

In other more plain words, this is all about power. Nothing else. Just power.

Dems cannot, simply cannot, ignore how the GOP operates. They have to operate in a manner that fully takes account of what the GOP is up to and match their strategies.
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Tue 10 Dec, 2019 05:59 pm
revelette3 wrote:
How about you mounting a defense, here in this thread, of the actual charges made against Trump,

I've done so many times already. Is there something wrong with my previous defenses?

revelette3 wrote:
without using whataboutisms.

I realize that Democrats would like to be above the law and have people ignore the fact that Democrats say that it's OK when Democrats commit the same crimes that they accuse others of committing.

But no. It is a valid point that the Democrats were OK with Bill Clinton committing obstruction, witness tampering, and conspiracy to obstruct.

So although I'll keep providing a Trump-centric defense against these charges, I will also include "whataboutisms" as well.

Even if someone could prove that Mr. Trump committed crimes similar to the ones that Bill Clinton committed, the same $25,000 fine that Bill Clinton had to pay would be adequate for Mr. Trump as well.

revelette3 wrote:
Just answer if Trump was correct in asking the leader of Ukraine for a "favor though" was correct or not.

Of course it was correct. Democrats are not above the law, and it is perfectly OK to investigate their wrongdoing.

The Democrats' claim that this investigation was politically motivated is unproven. But even if it was proven, the Democrats have been routinely pushing for politically-motivated investigations of people who disagree with them for decades.

If we are going to crack down on politically-motivated investigations, we need to start by cracking down on the Democrats.

In the meantime, there is no proof that Mr. Trump's attempted investigation of the Biden crime family had any political motivations behind it.

revelette3 wrote:
Answer whether any president and/or person has the right to ignore congressional subpoenas and refuse to hand over related document requested by congress or to participate in the investigation thereof.

Yes. Presidents have every right to disagree with Congress' authority and let the courts decide.
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