OK. I've done some reading and learn something I had not known, that England, Scotland and Wales each have an "official religion".
Yet, as you say, this has not resulted in a theocratic domination of the political processes there. And that's really very interesting when contrasted with the zest for theocratic or semi-theocratic domination in the US.
I'm going to have to think about this some more.
Edit: I'll add that when I was doing religious studies at university, I came away with a lot of respect for the sophistication of Anglican religious thought. Though it does not have the long history of Catholic theological inquiry, it is far more sophisticated and honest than North American protestantism. There really are no significant American Protestant philosophers. I was quite flabbergasted to read John Hick concluding, after a rigorous examination of the question, that blind luck is an undeniable feature of the universe. That's a conclusion we're not going to hear from the Campus Crusade for Christ people.