Quote:Also, suppose you were able to convince everyone on A2K of the reality and seriousness of everything you say about 9/11.
That's is totally dishonest, Snood, trying to make this about me.
I suspect that you are capable of thinking as I have read some posts from you that actually made good sense.
1. How did 1500F WTC fires melt [2800F] WTCs 1, 2 & 7 structural steel?
2. Why would a top usa forensic engineering scientist fake a study that reveals that WTC7 DID NOT collapse due to fire as NIST pretends?
3. Why would any thinking person accept, without any critical thought at all, that three steel framed high rises could collapse on one day, in one city when there has never before or since been such a fire induced collapse.
4. Why would any thinking person accept, without any critical thought at all, that the NIST study has led to NOT a single change in the fire or building codes for steel framed high rises? Ask yourself, why are there all these building science professionals, fire professionals, firemen, ... not screaming for changes to be made based on NIST's "studt"?
5. How did usa military, 1990s developed nano scale nanothermite get into WTC dust?
6. How did the by products of these usa military nanothermite explosions get into WTC dust, in huge volumes. Iron microspheres, A MAJOR BY PRODUCT OF THERMITE REACTIONS, usually about 1/2 of 0ne percent of normal dust samples were found in volumes 150 times normal.
Quote:What would you suggest everyone do, then?
Exactly what you all have never done, hold your governments to account for the murders of almost 3000 Americans, not to mention the millions of other innocents who have died, continue to die because of these usa 9-11 lies.