Builder wrote:
Quote:Large-scale energy storage is likely to remain an intractable problem for a long time
You're slow on the uptake, laddie.
Quote:The 100 MW output of the Tesla battery might appear small compared to South Australia's peak energy demand of about 3000 MW, but its ability to quickly inject electricity within a fraction of a second is a large factor in its success.
AEMO is now working on a new protection scheme, and Tesla's big battery will play a part.
It aims to detect high flows on the interconnector and trigger the battery to start discharging its full output as quickly as possible, while shedding power to homes and businesses if required.
The battery is capable of responding more quickly to problems than coal, gas or hydro
According to AEMO the speed, precision and agility of the battery is unprecedented in dealing with both major power system disturbances and day-to-day frequency variations.
A gas or steam turbine might have taken minutes to respond and adjust.
Notwithstanding your self-promoting bluster you are dead wrong. You are confusing Power ( the time rate of flow of energy) with energy per se. Batteries and (in AC power circuits) large capacitors are both quick reacting and reach max power levels quickly. As a result both have long been used to damp out the white noise fluctuations in instantaneous electrical loads - those involving milliseconds and seconds. However for large or long term fluctuations in energy load neither has the energy storage capacity to carry a large load for more than a few seconds or a couple of minutes at most. ( the currently popular household emergency generators all use IC engines to drive electrical generators - no batteries).
Electrical utilities react to diurnal changes in the electrical loads by throttling (up or down ) on the outputs of operating plants. Nuclear plants are usually designed to respond automatically to changes in the load: gas turbine plants also respond easily, though coal plants are more difficult and respond more slowly. At night when loads drop significantly they take generating plants offline, starting with coal fired plants which have the highest fuel costs per unit of power output (coal) . Nuclear plants have the lowest unit costs of fuel and generally operate 24/7. Large scale energy storage is not used for this because the recovery efficiency is so low (about 50%).
Increased focus on energy storage is chiefly a result of the not-yet-realized possibility of large scale use of wind and solar power (currently about 7% of total production). The sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow all the time, and in order to accommodate more than ~25% of the power on the grid coming from these sources, new economical methods of energy storage will have to be found Electric cars have stimulated renewed interest in battery capacities, and some progress has been made However compared to the energy delivered in our electrical grid it remains insignificant. The principal method of energy storage in widespread use for many decades is with Dams & two level lakes one above & one below. During periods of low demand, excess power is used to pump water to the upper lake: in periods of high demand water flows down through turbines to the lower lake, generating the needed electrical energy. Recovery efficiency is about 50%. Batteries in theory have recovery efficiencies of about 85% but their cost per unit of energy is very high; their useful lives usually fairly short (~ 600 complete charges & discharges); and the environmental impact of their construction and disposal very high. (No one has as yet designed a battery with 100 MW-hr. energy storage capability)
It helps to read carefully (energy vs. power) and to know what you are writing about.