monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 9 Aug, 2019 05:46 pm
I hope tRump doesn't order a neuclar explosion at one of our naval bases in order to keep up with Putin. Dictators have to keep up with other you know.
Fri 9 Aug, 2019 06:03 pm
You're giving him way too much credit. He's too stupid to be a dictator, has no military experience, hasn't had to actually order deaths, or to be the one to pull a trigger to cause a death or even has any idea how to take a life.

He can place a drive-thru order at McDonald's and Taco Bell. But that hardly qualifies to be as relentless as a true dictator like Putin. Maybe if someone put spray cheeze on it, maybe...
Fri 9 Aug, 2019 09:35 pm
snood wrote:

Elder is one of those negroes who discovered years ago how lucrative it was to be one in a small stall of go-to negroes who will reliably cough up ameliorating words for his right wing bosses. He long ago traded any personal dignity or integrity he might have had for a place at the table. In any issue or conflict involving race, he can be counted in to jump in for whatever argument conservative white men are saying, and against whatever stance is being taken by women, LGBTQ or persons of color. You can set your watch by this very reliable negro.

I don't know enough about Mr. Elder to comment on your rather unforgiving assessment. However your certainty that his motives are completely cynical and self-serving doesn't ring true to me. Do you believe that Al Sharpton is a selfless and totally dedicated proponent of the individuality, freedom and self-improvement of ambitious Black people. To what degree do you believe he might have made a very rewarding career out of assuring American Blacks that the challenges and trials they face are entirely the work of White people, and that they are indeed victims deserving of government subsidies and guaranteed access to universities, Jobs and other such things?

I have spent some rewarding time with Jason Reilly, an author, fellow of the Manhattan institute and editorial writer for the WSJ. In his book "Please Stop Helping Us" he outlined how the various liberal welfare, affirmative action and related social programs have contributed to the destruction of the family structure and culture among Black Americans, offering rather convincing data and strong statistical correlations involving two parent families, crime and economic achievement and related factors to support it. One of his central theses is the idea that these programs have indeed supported the idea of victimhood among young Black Americans, something that has materially worked to their disadvantage in meeting both the challenges life offers us all, and the unique obstacles that still face them as they seek a better life.

I've observed many times, in leading large organizations of various types, just how destructive are the various excuses that people of all categories often use to rationalize failure, often before it occurs. Indeed I have concluded that if one wishes to destroy an individual or a group, to sap their focus, energy and will to achieve, it is usually sufficient just to give them a lasting excuse for failure.

Life is unfair and it presents people with unequal challenges. I have learned that a too easy and well paved path forward usually eviscerates the will and achievement of one "lucky" enough to have it. The same goes for those reassured in their upbringing that they are victims, unable to rule their lives, improve their economic status, or raise their children to do so themselves. Achievement is usually accompanied by sustained struggle and persistence. A culture or subculture that doesn't value and encourage these things, and instead focuses on excuses and resentment, usually does its members a great disservice. I believe this is indeed a significant factor in the unfortunate condition of many American Blacks today. I also believe there is abundant statistical evidence in our social, criminal and economic data to support it.

The good news here is that increasing numbers of Black Americans are escaping the chains imposed on them by these destructive ideas. Some may appear to have sold out their integrity in doing so ,but it is a mistake to assume that all have done this. Indeed this common mistake is itself a part of the destructive culture of victimhood.

An eminent economist, writer and senior fellow at the Hoover institute, Thomas Sowell, who also happens to be Black, and born in poverty in Harlem, and a High School dropout, has made this argument far more convincingly than I have here. A quick google search will yield writings and videos of interviews with him on these topics.
Fri 9 Aug, 2019 10:02 pm
Yeah.....and Phyllis Schlafly was a lawyer with a successful career who went all over the country telling other women to leave the work force and bake cookies. She didn't think other women were smart enough to make choices, so she championed efforts to limit choices to prevent other women from voicing opinions. Yea for her...I don't know many women who consider her the sole voice for all women. But George, I am thrilled for you that you have been able to rub shoulders with a man who endorses your beliefs.
Sat 10 Aug, 2019 01:34 am
Life is unfair and it presents people with unequal challenges.

I have learned that a too easy and well paved path forward usually eviscerates the will and achievement of one "lucky" enough to have it.

The same goes for those reassured in their upbringing that they are victims, unable to rule their lives, improve their economic status, or raise their children to do so themselves.

Achievement is usually accompanied by sustained struggle and persistence.

A culture or subculture that doesn't value and encourage these things, and instead focuses on excuses and resentment, usually does its members a great disservice.

I believe this is indeed a significant factor in the unfortunate condition of many American Blacks today.

I also believe there is abundant statistical evidence in our social, criminal and economic data to support it.

(end quote)
0 Replies
Sat 10 Aug, 2019 10:47 am
I don't know of any one who represents the sole voice for anything. You are, once again, beating at illusions of your own making.

However, I suspect your real motives have little to do with all that. Overcompensating is a word that comes to mind.

Have a good weekend.
Sat 10 Aug, 2019 11:22 am
A culture or subculture that doesn't value and encourage these things, and instead focuses on excuses and resentment, usually does its members a great disservice.

Do you really believe that it is all that one-sided?

That's getting very close to blaming the victim.

What about the dominant white culture in which, commonly, people could be overtly racist with no social repercussions until the post-war era, an attitude which still persists among many white people today? That illustrates a culture which doesn't value or encourage the very tenets which underlie its own national mythology! The dominant culture values "success", which is usually measured by wealth. People who have faced discrimination for their entire lives are much less likely to achieve the trappings of success.

One of his central theses is the idea that these programs have indeed supported the idea of victimhood among young Black Americans, something that has materially worked to their disadvantage in meeting both the challenges life offers us all, and the unique obstacles that still face them as they seek a better life.

I agree that much of our national effort to right historic wrongs hasn't been particularly successful. But what really supports the idea of victimhood is the lifetime accumulation of negative experiences based on their racial identity. And other categories people who face subtle or overt discrimination will harbor similar resentments at being constantly perceived as "other". It takes a toll.

Yes, some people who belong to a marginalized class do achieve success through a combination of hard work and luck. But their success shouldn't be used as a cudgel against the less fortunate who share a similar background.

Sat 10 Aug, 2019 11:46 am
It doesn't take genius to be a dictator. Just heartlessness and a lack of feeling. No empathy which describes most conservative republicans. To say nothing of honesty.
0 Replies
Sat 10 Aug, 2019 12:14 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

I don't know of any one who represents the sole voice for anything. You are, once again, beating at illusions of your own making.

However, I suspect your real motives have little to do with all that. Overcompensating is a word that comes to mind.

Have a good weekend.

That's pathetic George, now you aren't even trying. I bet you have a red convertible sports car.....
Sat 10 Aug, 2019 02:05 pm
glitterbag wrote:

That's pathetic George, now you aren't even trying. I bet you have a red convertible sports car.....
I had a series of them, starting with a Corvette when I graduated from USNA, but none were red. I found I had to know the License number to find mine in the BOQ parking lot at Pensacola. Later on my radio antenna broke and I replaced it with a jury rigged one made from a coat hangar. That solved both problems.
Sat 10 Aug, 2019 02:38 pm
So, they managed to silence Epstein, before he could dish the dirt......

Interesting times. The "inner circle" is shrinking all the time.

Attorney General William Barr released a statement on Saturday, announcing that both the FBI and Office of Inspector General will open investigations into the apparent suicide of Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced financier who was in jail facing charges of federal sex trafficking.

Barr’s statement read: “I was appalled to learn that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead early this morning from an apparent suicide while in federal custody. Mr. Epstein’s death raises serious questions that must be answered. In addition to the FBI’s investigation, I have consulted with the Inspector General who is opening an investigation into the circumstances of Mr. Epstein’s death.”

Sat 10 Aug, 2019 03:31 pm
I used to know someone who rented the attic in julia child's hose. Julia solved the parking lot problem ny wiring a wooden cooking spoon to her antenna.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Aug, 2019 03:18 am
So, they managed to silence Epstein, before he could dish the dirt......

Are you suggesting that "they" killed the miscreant. Or maybe that "they" arranged to have his suicide watch called off and guards instructed to "look the other way"? Do you believe there's a chance that the guy had really made up his mind to take his own life rather than subject himself to the torture of enduring a public trial and living the rest of his life behind bars? I think the third option is very likely. I think the second option is possible. And I think the idea that he was assassinated is retarded, like something Roger Stone, David Ickes, or Alex Jones would come up with. And besides Hillary (who else), who constitutes the "they" here???
Sun 11 Aug, 2019 03:44 am
That's a classic, right there.

And I think the idea that he was assassinated is retarded
Sun 11 Aug, 2019 04:49 am
That's par for the cause for Builder, he just posts a load of vague conspiracy bollocks and when asked for specifics he just gets vague and sanctimonious.

During the election he claimed Trump and Clinton were working together.

You are doing a real disservice to the likes of David Icke by comparing him to Builder. Builder will never be as admired and respected as that fantasist.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Aug, 2019 04:52 am
That's a classic, right there.

Thanks. But it's not nearly as good as this one:

Builder wrote:
Anyone who thinks they landed that thing on the moon, and then dropped it back in the ocean of Earth, isn't too bright.

It's pretty funny that people still think this **** actually happened.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Aug, 2019 08:21 am
What I want to know is whether Epstein's body was drained of blood like other Clinton victims.
Sun 11 Aug, 2019 08:40 am
I believe that a plea of "suicide" should be recorded as "nolo contendre" or even an admission of guilt. That way , for guys like Epstein and Trump, both of whom have these hugely inflated egos, we wouldnt even need "suicide watches"

As Jack Nicholson said,
''The people who actually give a **** are over there"
Walter Hinteler
Sun 11 Aug, 2019 12:25 pm
Epstein Suicide Conspiracies Show How Our Information System Is Poisoned
With each news cycle, the system grows more efficient.

Even on an internet bursting at the seams with conspiracy theories and hyperpartisanship, Saturday marked a new chapter in our post-truth, “choose your own reality” crisis story.

It began early Saturday morning, when news broke that disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein had apparently hanged himself in a Manhattan jail. Mr. Epstein’s death, coming just one day after court documents from one of his alleged victims were unsealed, sparked immediate suspicion from journalists, politicians and the usual online fringes.

Within minutes, Trump appointees, Fox Business hosts and Twitter pundits revived a decades old conspiracy theory, linking the Clinton family to supposedly suspicious deaths. #ClintonBodyCount and #ClintonCrimeFamily trended on Twitter. Around the same time, an opposite hashtag — #TrumpBodyCount — emerged, focused on President Trump’s decades-old ties to Mr. Epstein. Each hashtag was filled with gifs and memes picturing Mr. Epstein with the Clintons or Mr. Trump to serve as a viral accusation of foul play.

The dueling hashtags and their attendant toxicity are a grim testament to our deeply poisoned information ecosystem — one that’s built for speed and designed to reward the most incendiary impulses of its worst actors. It has ushered in a parallel reality unrooted in fact and helped to push conspiratorial thinking into the cultural mainstream. And with each news cycle, the system grows more efficient, entrenching its opposing camps. The poison spreads.
Mr. Epstein’s apparent suicide is, in many ways, the post-truth nightmare scenario. The sordid story contains almost all the hallmarks of stereotypical conspiratorial fodder: child sex-trafficking; powerful global political leaders; shadowy private jet flights; billionaires whose wealth cannot be explained. As a tale of corruption, it is so deeply intertwined with our current cultural and political rot that it feels, at times, almost too on-the-nose. The Epstein saga provides ammunition for everyone, leading one researcher to refer to Saturday’s news as the “Disinformation World Cup.”
There’s a decent chance President Trump was using Twitter’s trending module when he retweeted a conspiratorial tweet tying the Clintons to Epstein’s death. At the time of Mr. Trump’s retweet, “Clintons” was the third trending topic in the United States. The specific tweet amplified by the president to his more than 60 million followers was prominently featured in the “Clintons” trending topic. And as Ashley Feinberg at Slate pointed out in June, the President appears to have a history using trending to find and interact with tweets.
That our public conversation has been uploaded onto tech platforms governed by opaque algorithms adds even more fodder for the conspiratorial minded. Anti-Trump Twitter pundits with hundreds of thousands of followers blamed “Russian bots” for the Clinton trending topic. On the far-right, pro-Trump sites like the Gateway Pundit (with a long track record of amplifying conspiracies) suggested that Twitter was suppressing and censoring the Clinton hashtags.

Where does this leave us? Nowhere good.
Saturday’s online toxicity may have felt novel, but it’s part of a familiar cycle: What cannot be easily explained is answered by convenient untruths. The worst voices are rewarded for growing louder and gain outsize influence directing narratives. With each cycle, the outrage and contempt for the other builds. Each extreme becomes certain their enemy has manipulated public perception in their favor; each side is the victim, but also, inexplicably, also winning. The poison spreads.
Sun 11 Aug, 2019 12:48 pm
blatham wrote:
What I want to know..drained of blood...

Not all were drained. Ron Brown's body was fully dismembered.

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