monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 14 Jul, 2019 03:26 pm
@Region Philbis,
Region Philbis wrote:

i miss my dad, but i'm glad he didn't live to see this abomination of a presidency...

It would have been good for him.....this is the sort of thing one gets when the elites of a nation over decades turn in poor quality work then when people in Fly-Over Country complain first ignore them and then scream "Shut up and die!".

A life lesson.
Region Philbis
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 03:42 pm
It would have been good for him
nope, you're talking out of your ass, it seems...
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 03:45 pm
@Region Philbis,
Region Philbis wrote:

It would have been good for him
nope, you're talking out of your ass, it seems...

I am making an argument, and you are avoiding it, and being rude as you fail to perform.
0 Replies
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 04:47 pm
@Region Philbis,
i miss my dad, but i'm glad he didn't live to see this abomination of a presidency...

Can you be specific about what it is that you're ashamed of with this president, as compared to the last?

Or, what would have been better, if the former SoS had got her way?
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 04:48 pm
Builder wrote:

i miss my dad, but i'm glad he didn't live to see this abomination of a presidency...

Can you be specific about what it is that you're ashamed of with this president, as compared to the last?

Or, what would have been better, if the former SoS had got her way?

You obviously missed the memo....it is all about feelings now in America...and feelings are never wrong we get told.
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 04:51 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Region Philbis wrote:

i miss my dad, but i'm glad he didn't live to see this abomination of a presidency...

It would have been good for him.....this is the sort of thing one gets when the elites of a nation over decades turn in poor quality work then when people in Fly-Over Country complain first ignore them and then scream "Shut up and die!".

A life lesson.

LOL an what did Trump an his lawyers yell at the workers and the small business owners that was let holding empty bags for the work they did on Trump NJ casinoses?

Footnote when a finance reporter dare to run the numbers and wrote that there was no way that Trump casinoses could service their debts Trump got the man fired.
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 04:55 pm
BillRM wrote:

LOL an what did Trump an his lawyers yell at the workers and the small business owners that was let holding an empty bags for the work they did on Trump NJ casinoses?

It is so sad to see how obsessed you have become with Trump, to the point were seemingly nothing else penetrates your mind.

Trump will be gone sooon/soonish, then what are you going to do?

Can you survive that?
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 04:59 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

BillRM wrote:

LOL an what did Trump an his lawyers yell at the workers and the small business owners that was let holding an empty bags for the work they did on Trump NJ casinoses?

It is so sad to see how obsessed you have become with Trump, to the point were seemingly nothing else penetrates your mind.

Trump will be gone sooon/soonish, then what are you going to do?

Can you survive that?

My question is how must of our nation good name and our standings with our allies will survive after he is only a very bad memory.
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 05:03 pm
BillRM wrote:

My question is how must of our nation good name and our standings with our allies will survive after he is only a very bad memory.

Our nations good name had been well ruined long before Trump. It was is deep trouble even before Iraq and as well the Great Recession, when you make it all about Trump you betray ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Sun 14 Jul, 2019 05:22 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

BillRM wrote:

My question is how must of our nation good name and our standings with our allies will survive after he is only a very bad memory.

Our nations good name had been well ruined long before Trump. It was is deep trouble even before Iraq and as well the Great Recession, when you make it all about Trump you betray ignorance and/or dishonesty.


Sorry we had placed a very low level conman and demagogue int0 the presidency with everyone is the world including our former mother country an hundreds of years ally laughing at us.

Or at least they are laughing when they are not being concern over our president possible future actions
0 Replies
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 05:23 pm
From 2008:

Judges around the world have long looked to the decisions of the United States Supreme Court for guidance, citing and often following them in hundreds of their own rulings since the Second World War.But now American legal influence is waning. Even as a debate continues in the court over whether its decisions should ever cite foreign law, a diminishing number of foreign courts seem to pay attention to the writings of American justices.

“One of our great exports used to be constitutional law,” said Anne-Marie Slaughter, the dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton. “We are losing one of the greatest bully pulpits we have ever had.”

From 1990 through 2002, for instance, the Canadian Supreme Court cited decisions of the United States Supreme Court about a dozen times a year, an analysis by The New York Times found. In the six years since, the annual citation rate has fallen by half, to about six.
Another reason is the diminished reputation of the United States in some parts of the world, which experts here and abroad said is in part a consequence of the Bush administration’s unpopularity around the world. Foreign courts are less apt to justify their decisions with citations to cases from a nation unpopular with their domestic audience.


Do you understand Bill how big this is? Do you understand how badly America must have failed to get to this point, about a decade before Trump?
0 Replies
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 05:28 pm
And by ignoring his vast number of short comings brain dead people like you give him a chance to be reelected. He is a crook who was taught how to screw people out of their money even today he is using the presidency to make money illegally and nothing will be done about because his government controls the courts. Talk about being blind again only this time look at yourself.
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 05:29 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

And by ignoring his vast number of short comings brain dead people like you give him a chance to be reelected. He is a crook who was taught how to screw people out of their money even today he is using the presidency to make money illegally and nothing will be done about because his government controls the courts. Talk about being blind again only this time look at yourself.

This allegedly brain dead person who is right a high percentage of the time, and who supports Warren this time.


Edit: When you claim that Trump controls the courts you prove that one of three things are true:

1) You are not paying any attention to reality at all.

2) You have cognitive issues.

3) You are a liar.

Trump barely controls the operation of the offices in the West Wing!
0 Replies
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 05:38 pm
.it is all about feelings now in America.

Our Mudrock press is pushing the hate here, as well.

I've never much liked the Don, but breathed a sigh of relief when he bombed Clinton (cue bullshit stories about popular votes ad infinitum).

It's enough to know that the globalist agenda has hit a slight hiccup, and the Saudis lost a squillion backing the wrong horse.
Sun 14 Jul, 2019 05:42 pm
Builder wrote:

.it is all about feelings now in America.

Our Mudrock press is pushing the hate here, as well.

I've never much liked the Don, but breathed a sigh of relief when he bombed Clinton (cue bullshit stories about popular votes ad infinitum).

It's enough to know that the globalist agenda has hit a slight hiccup, and the Saudis lost a squillion backing the wrong horse.

Claims of hate are now like claims of misogyny and claims of racism...so polluting of the atmosphere due to constant use by dishonest people that they should be ignored in almost all cases by what ever number of educated and sane civilization builders as can be found this deeply into this Dark Age.
0 Replies
Brand X
Mon 15 Jul, 2019 04:57 am
Yesterday, the "President" of the United States told 4 U.S. Congresswoman to go back to the "broken", "crime infested", "corrupt" countries they "came from." 3 of the 4 women he's talking about - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib - were born & raised in the United States, so when Trump tells them to "go back" to the corrupt, inept countries they "came from", he's telling them to go back to the United States - a country that is, by Trump's logic, broken, corrupt and inept. Let this serve as another reminder that the "President" of the United States is not only a racist, he's a dumb racist who's too ******* stupid to even be racist without making an ass of himself. ******* dope.

- Brian Joyce
Mon 15 Jul, 2019 05:07 am
@Brand X,
Brand X wrote:

Yesterday, the "President" of the United States told 4 U.S. Congresswoman to go back to the "broken", "crime infested", "corrupt" countries they "came from." 3 of the 4 women he's talking about - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib - were born & raised in the United States, so when Trump tells them to "go back" to the corrupt, inept countries they "came from", he's telling them to go back to the United States - a country that is, by Trump's logic, broken, corrupt and inept. Let this serve as another reminder that the "President" of the United States is not only a racist, he's a dumb racist who's too ******* stupid to even be racist without making an ass of himself. ******* dope.

- Brian Joyce

How did we get to Trump? Who is responsible for the obvious fact that America now sucks so badly that we got to Trump?

Inquiring minds wish to know.
Mon 15 Jul, 2019 08:07 am
How did we get to Trump?

1. Campaign finances: by allowing unlimited private financing of elections, the US provided a strong incentive for politicians to keep those who pay them and get them elected happy, i.e. the ultra-rich. From there, there was only a tiny step to an ultra-rich becoming president. If Washington is already 'privatised', then it follows that one shrewd private operator, such as Trump, can make an hostile takeover on it.

2. La Trahison des Clercs: American intellectuals either became co-opted by one lobby or the other, or they have been cornered and defamed when they didn't want to submit (e.g. Micheal Moore); news media like CNN or FAUX News are so deeply pro-American in their international coverage and so strongly partisan in their national coverage that no one can take them seriously anymore. Hence the critique of the 'mainstream media' lying to their audience; there's some truth to that.

3. The dumbing down of America: in parallel to the above, public education was 'democratized' i.e. asked to absorb many more people but also defunded overtime, while private schools/universities were promoted, so that a good education becomes something you have to pay for with an arm and a leg, otherwise you just get some worthless piece of paper as a diploma (caricaturing a bit here). This limits social mobility, making sure that the children of the current economic elite will secure a good-looking degrees able to sustain executive careers, while the children of the poor won't and will thus have to stay 'in their place'. It also created two generations of fairly dumb Americans, who tend to resent high education institutions (because they were bared from accessing them) and their graduates. This adds to point 2 above, and together with the rise of social media, means that these people now seek guidance on Youtube and Facebook and ****...

4. Climate change denial: Likewise, science as an institution has been debased, yelled at, corrupted and paid for, nowhere more aggressively than in the US, because science was saying some 'inconvenient truth' about climate change. So Americans were actively and effectively disinformed for decades about it, leading to them starting to loose faith even in bona fide scientists. Usher in the post-truth moment, with "truthers" and "vaccers" and them believers in green lizards from outaspace...

4. Russian meddling: when the electorate is misinformed, disoriented, in distrust of their own intellectuals and leaders, looking for clues in Facebook and Youtube... then they become easy to manipulate. So much so that anyone with the means and the resolve can now steer the US 'democracy' wherever he wants it to go by manipulating the electorate. Enters Putin.
Mon 15 Jul, 2019 09:19 am
Several problems with your post:

1 Campaign finances: Trump had less than half of what Hillary had in the election. She had almost $1.2 billion and Trump had less than $650 million. So money had nothing to do with the election. Before you claim the media helped Trump, keep in mind that he was receiving far more negative coverage than positive coverage, so the media didn't help Trump.

2 La Trahison des Clercs: Michael Moore is not an intelectual, he's a propagandist, nothing more. As for CNN being pro-American, that isn't the case, if anything they are pro-leftists and anti-American.

The dumbing down of America: Actually our education system has been undemocratized. Parents no longer have the control they used to have over their local school system, the power of the parents has been replaced by the power of the teachers unions. This is the reason so many failing school districts see charter schools come into their area's. Parents should have the choice of where to place their kids in school.

Climate change denial: Global warming or climate change, whatever it's called this decade has debased science. It has become a religion with everything that entails, it's no longer science, it's about control. As was recently admitted by one of AOC's people, the Green New Deal was never about the climate, it was about control of the economy, which has been the real aim of the climate mod from the beginning.

Russian meddling: It's funny you mention this because people such as yourself fell for this trick. You were and are still being used by the Russians. They weren't pro-Trump, they are anti-America and if they can cause distrust, they have done their jobs. The leftists in the US continue to be useful idiots for the Russians, just like they were when Russia was the USSR.

Mon 15 Jul, 2019 09:47 am
1 Campaign finances: Trump had less than half of what Hillary had in the election.

Not the point, which was that Washington has been 'privatized'. If the 1% rule the country, you might as well elect one of them as president...

Michael Moore is not an intelectual

He is one of the brightest political thinker alive. Just because he does not express himself as Jean-Paul Sartre used to do doesn't make him less of an intellectual.

the real aim of the climate mod from the beginning.

Thanks for proving my point: you guys have been fed this climate change denialism for so long that you are now incapable of thinking otherwise.

You were and are still being used by the Russians.

In any case, they got Trump elected by cranking up their usual influence peddling ops.
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