monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 8 Jul, 2019 05:32 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Sexual attraction to Greek architecture...?
Mon 8 Jul, 2019 06:00 am
That's something I could understand.
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Mon 8 Jul, 2019 07:36 am
We voted for Hillary. What got Trump in was the anti0democratic electoral college, whose only reason for existence these days seems to be to put in office Republicans that the actual voters reject.
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Walter Hinteler
Mon 8 Jul, 2019 08:11 am
That's called agalmatophilia (Well, actually only, if it's statue-architecture Wink )
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Mon 8 Jul, 2019 10:52 am
This is utter nonsense. AS has been ppointed out repeatedly,, Obama, applying Keynesian economics rescued the economy from the precipice of a new Depression which the GOP left him with W

W didn't leave Obama with anything, W didn't have the power to do anything about the Clinton regulations, the DNC had the majority in the House and Senate at the time. In fact Bush warned about the housing crisis before it happened but the DNC ignored him.

Trump inherited a stable growing economy which he essentially continued.

I'll give you the "stable" economy, but it wasn't growing. I've already provided the facts for the stagnant economy Obama left Trump with. there was almost no movement for the last 2 years of his term. The economy didn't start moving again until Trump took office and started removing some of the regulations Obama had signed into being with EO/EA's.

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Mon 8 Jul, 2019 10:59 am
what has become the longest period of expansion in our nations history.

You typed that wrong, let me fix it for you. The longest and slowest recovery in US history, that ended with a 2 year stall and no growth.
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Region Philbis
Mon 8 Jul, 2019 11:04 am



Mon 8 Jul, 2019 11:09 am
@Region Philbis,

When are you releasing your taxes? Do you think everyone has the right to see everyone taxes? Scan your W2's and 1040 and let's see. Don't forget anything.
Mon 8 Jul, 2019 03:04 pm
Who cares? Polls don’t matter

Prior to the 2016 results, polls were accurate, at least according to many regulars posting in these pages. Right up until they weren't "right" the pundits were saying neverTrump.

Now, back to more current events; seems like Geoffrey Epstein is back in the spotlight for his (alleged) misdeeds and penchant for sexual activity with minors. Apparently now under suspicion of child trafficking.

Time will tell just who he will implicate, if his house of cards comes crashing down.

US financier Jeffrey Epstein has pleaded not guilty to sex trafficking charges as he was accused of luring dozens of girls to his luxury homes and paying them for sex acts.
An indictment unsealed in federal court in Manhattan accuses the 66-year-old of arranging for girls as young as 14 to perform nude "massages" and other sex acts, and paying some girls to recruit others, from at least 2002 to 2005.
The former hedge fund manager "intentionally sought out minors and knew that many of his victims were in fact under the age of 18, including because, in some instances, minor victims expressly told him their age", the indictment said.

Mon 8 Jul, 2019 04:51 pm
The 16 polls said hillary by a couple points. They were right. Epstein gas already been convicted once and got avery short ver cushy sebtence work release evey weekday and a limo to get to his office inaplea deal done by trumps cab I Iinet member anthony acosta. Hmmmm
. and trump says hes a great guy. Double hmmm.u. so ep"s probably gonna get a lot of hard time. One underage girl has charged trump raped her at epsteins. We'll see. Won't we
Mon 8 Jul, 2019 04:56 pm
Conngress does by law have the right to get tax returns, has had it for almost a century since the teapot dome scandal of the 20s.t
0 Replies
Mon 8 Jul, 2019 05:06 pm
The 16 polls said hillary by a couple points. They were right.

Heavy sighs. You peeps need to understand your own voting system.

As we noted in this space earlier, while Clinton's overall margin looks large and impressive, it is due to Clinton's huge margin of victory in one state — California — where she got a whopping 4.3 million more votes than Trump.

California is the only state, in fact, where Clinton's margin of victory was bigger than President Obama's in 2012 — 61.5% vs. Obama's 60%.

But California is the exception that proves the true genius of the Electoral College — which was designed to prevent regional candidates from dominating national elections.


One underage girl has charged trump raped her at epsteins. We'll see. Won't we (?)

Got a link to that? If true, I'd applaud his sentencing.
Mon 8 Jul, 2019 05:46 pm
Yeah we know all that. Thats why there is the Natkonal Popular Vote Initiative.. One person one vote.
Mon 8 Jul, 2019 05:50 pm
Ive linked it at lesst twice. Google "katie johnson and trump"
Mon 8 Jul, 2019 05:55 pm
One person one vote.

There's very good reason for the electoral college system, and you already have one person one vote. Such a shame most voters are totally uneducated about why they vote the way they do, right down to nominating their party preference before voting.
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Mon 8 Jul, 2019 05:58 pm
Ive linked it at lesst twice. Google "katie johnson and trump"

No activity on that case since 2016. Why would that be?

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Mon 8 Jul, 2019 06:47 pm
Jeffrey Epstein’s Former Mentor Says His Bill Clinton Relationship ‘Destroyed’ Him

Flight logs indicate Clinton flew aboard Epstein’s private jet, the “Lolita Express,” at least 26 times between 2001 and 2003. Speaking to New York magazine, the former president lauded his friend as “a committed philanthropist” with “insights and generosity.”

Nothing about Trump in this article. The MSM is setting itself up to fail again.
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Tue 9 Jul, 2019 05:23 am
Just for the record:
Men who say things like, “Technically, when they’re past puberty, it’s called ephebophilia” are telling you something about themselves. And it ain’t something good.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 9 Jul, 2019 07:29 am
I've learnt those terms whan studying sexual pedagogic at university.
Besides that, it is a topic in sociology courses

By the mid-nineteenth century,
in America Walt Whitmanwas composing
erotic poems of clearly ephebophilic
nature, followed by John Addington
Symonds with his attraction to strapping
young Swiss peasants and robust gondoliers, while in England the ephebic soldiers
of the Guards were prized sexual partners.
Examples of ephebophilia in literature include Herman Melville's Billy
Budd and Christopher Isherwood's autobiographical works, in politics the British
imperialist Cecil Rhodes, in art Marsden
Hartley, in film Maurice, in popular music
Pete Townsend of The Who ("Rough
Boys"), in photography Bruce Weber.
Stephen Donaldson: Ephebophilia In: Wayne R. Dynes (Ed.): The Encyclopedia of Homosexuality, Taylor & Francis,1990
Walter Hinteler
Tue 9 Jul, 2019 07:58 am
(Reuters) - Federal lawyers probing the origins of the investigation of ties between Russia and President Donald Trump’s campaign have interviewed the author of a “dossier” that alleged misconduct between Trump and Moscow, prompting the lawyers to extend their inquiry.

Three attorneys from the Inspector General’s office of the U.S. Department of Justice met in person in early June with dossier author Christopher Steele in Britain, said two sources with direct knowledge of the lawyers’ travels.

The interview with Steele, a former top spy on Russia for Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6, took place while Trump was in London for a formal state visit with Queen Elizabeth and a meeting with UK Prime Minister Theresa May.
One of the two sources said Horowitz’s investigators appear to have found Steele’s information sufficiently credible to have to extend the investigation. Its completion date is now unclear.
... ... ...
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