monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

cicerone imposter
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 11:07 pm
It's because he's been lying about his wealth.
He's been saying he's worth $10 billion. The best estimate is less than $4.
trump's net worth
More on his lies.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 11:14 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
You don't read much do you. Trump's approval rating is one of the lowest in history after being elected president.
Trump's approval rating is now sitting at 36%.

Are you going to act this way for the entire 20 year period of Republican rule?

What about when the Democrats finally realize that the only way that they will ever return to power is to purge all the liberals from their party?
0 Replies
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 11:31 pm
Even prior to Trump's order, the mere possession of a green card did not automatically entitle it's holder to re-enter the U.S. at will:

LPR status, although ‘permanent,’ can be lost. In particular, LPRs who leave the US for extended periods of time, or who cannot show each time they return to the US that they are returning from a temporary absence abroad, may lose or jeopardize their hard-earned status.

If the returning LPR does not have a valid re-entry permit (see below), he will need to apply at a US embassy or consulate for a ‘returning resident’s visa.’

When LPRs return to the US they must, in order to be readmitted in LPR status, show that their absence abroad was temporary, and that they are returning to an unrelinquished residence in the US....Generally, an absence from the US is considered ‘temporary’ if it is for a relatively short period.

If an LPR anticipates that he will be spending significant periods of time outside of the US. it may be wise to apply for a re-entry permit. This must be done before leaving the US. Although a re-entry permit does not guarantee admission to the US in LPR status, it does prevent the US immigration authorities from stripping LPR status based solely upon the duration of an LPR’s absences from the US.


I've never heard any loud objection to such "travel restrictions" before today, for some damn reason, eh?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 11:34 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
All those who are born in those mentioned countries, but now are citizens of other countries, can't enter the USA anymore - prominent as far as I could find out until now: a British conservative MP and a German Green federal lawmaker (who is the vice-president of the German-American parliamentary society).
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 11:44 pm
So, how many here guessed the nation would get this fucked up in...

I was sure of it and its not close to over yet. I hope our judicial system hasent been too compromised by conservative garbage.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 11:47 pm
I have supported the ACLU for years. But than I have been a cheese eater for 81 years.
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 11:55 pm
Also worth noting:

Under certain conditions, permanent residence status can be lost involuntarily. This includes committing a criminal act that makes a person removable from the United States. A person might also be found to have abandoned his/her status if he or she...does not file an income tax return on their worldwide income. Permanent resident status can also be lost if it is found that the application or grounds for obtaining permanent residence was fraudulent.

God only knows how many of these "returning" green card holders committed a criminal act before or after they left, eh? Did they file a tax return last year? Did they lie about **** when they got their green card in the first place?

Gotta check that **** out, it's the law.

Takes time.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 29 Jan, 2017 12:00 am
layman wrote:

Seems that Iran is "insulted" that they can't keep exporting their state-sponsered terrorism to the, US eh?

"The US decision to restrict travel for Muslims to the US, even if for a temporary period of three months, is an obvious insult to the Islamic world and in particular to the great nation of Iran," Iran's foreign ministry said in a statement Saturday.

Anyone here who wants to head to Iran, for training, then return at will, might have to re-arrange their plans, eh? The poor things.

Just as his critics predicted. Blow-back from the Muslim world! Iran also announced that it planned on placing restrictions on American travelling to Iran..all three of them.

I loved Trump's answer to the question posed during his recent interview: "Aren't you concerned that this travel ban will anger Muslims?"

In essence he replied just as millions of Americans would: How can we make them any angrier at us?

This is the truth-telling that his supporters care about, not how big the size of his inaugural audience was or whether it was raining or not when he gave his speech.

It's nonsense, but typical that the left wants avoiding making Muslims mad at us a cornerstone of our anti-terrorism policies. Anything we say or do in connection with securing our nation and it's people from Islamists will be used as a recruitment tool! Don't we understand that we are doing just what ISIS wants us to do?!

Now there's not much sense in gratuitously pissing of a billion people, but hundreds of millions of them don't like us to begin with and are already sympathetic to the jihadis.

Muslims like to go on about ummat al-Islamiyah, or Ummah, the Islamic Community. Who do the jihadis kill with more frequency than the members of all other religions combined? Who is responsible for the conditions that are constantly leading to Muslim refugees? Who is the #1 cause of Syrians fleeing their country?

If there was any real meaning to ummat al-Islamiyah, there wouldn't be hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees and the ones forced to flee their homelands wouldn't need to rely on the US and the West to take them in. At the same time, an actual Ummah would exert a much greater influence over and even coercion of the members of their community who violate the principles of their religion of peace and justice: You know the young men who have been welcomed into Sweden and then gang rape a woman and broadcast it live on Facebook, or who roam the streets of German cities on festive nights sexually assaulting German women, or maybe even the ones who storm a nightclub in Paris and systematically execute French men and women or plow a semi through crowds of innocent people enjoying holiday on the streets of Nice and Berlin.

The culture of the Middle-Eastern Muslim world is said to be heavily influenced by the fierce pride of it's men. You know, the sort that leads to young Muslim men striking out with bombs, machine guns and 727s in retaliation for the affronts to their personal and national honor committed by Western nations, or which leads fathers to kill or maim their daughters for failing to honor their demands that they marry some lecherous old fool 30 years their senior.

You would think, wouldn't you, that this remarkable sense of pride and honor that underpins their culture along with the sense of community defined by ummat al-Islamiyah, would result in them doing all they could to take care of Muslim refugees and not only not leaving it to the infidels, but getting angry if the infidels balk in any way.

It's rich isn't it? Your pride and honor is more wounded by the refusal of infidels to meet your obligations, then by the sight of Muslim women and children forced to go begging to to them due to a situation which you are doing nothing to resolve.
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 29 Jan, 2017 12:10 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Whether or not they actually are prohibited or receive exemptions remains to be seen, but I'll bet dollars to donuts that if that MP or German lawmaker wish to travel to the US, they be welcome to do so.

You can find these sort of unintentional consequences with any law or regulation which is why it's smart to include in them a provision for reasonable exceptions. This EO has such a provision.

The fact of the matter is that the EO hasn't authorized the deportation of anyone other than those who have violated the ban. The individuals who are the subjects of all of this supposed chaos, clearly didn't intentionally violate the ban, but were victims of bad luck relative to timing and perhaps poor planning by the Trump Admin, but when the dust settles, within 24 hours of their detention, I very much doubt that injuctions not-with-standing, there will be no effort made to place any of them on a plane without a darn good reason that goes beyond..the EO says this and that's all there is to it.

Walter Hinteler
Sun 29 Jan, 2017 12:11 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
I have a different opinion, but certainly you can be correct.
And I agree that if it's done legally - others can try to turn the world upside down, it wouldn't change.

However, some countries don't allow their citizens to leave their nationality. Thus, many (ten-thousands here in Germany) have for instance dual German-Iranian nationality. I just heard in local radio that two leading physicians of our two local hospitals (a Catholic and an Evangelical) had their trip to a medical congress in the USA cancelled due to it ....
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sun 29 Jan, 2017 12:16 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Frugal1 wrote:

No link, but it is an AP story just like the following story is.

International News
Iraqi forces discover chemical warfare agent in Mosul
Just to clarify: Iraqi special forces have said they have discovered a mustard chemical warfare agent in eastern Mosul alongside a cache of Russian surface-to-surface missiles.
0 Replies
Sun 29 Jan, 2017 12:28 am
From what I've heard, so far, in 47 of the 50 states, the Trump administration has lined up judges who stand ready to issue search warrants authorizing the ICE to bust into the abodes of "any person with a foreign-sounding name" and search the joint for the presence of illegal aliens.

The probable cause rationale is called "birds of a feather stick together."

Beginning next week, in a well-coordinated shock and awe campaign, federal officials will begin a massive manhunt by executing "no-knock" search warrants nation-wide, primarily in "sanctuary cities." Huge areas, surrounded by high barbed wire fences and machine gun nests, have already been set aside in desolate rural areas to contain those captured--a number that is anticipated to be 5-10 million.

America First, Baby!
0 Replies
Sun 29 Jan, 2017 12:59 am
@old europe,
old europe wrote:

Brandon9000 wrote:
he wondered if, being of Mexican descent, the judge held a grudge against him because or his position on illegal immigration.

So you're saying that Trump wondered if the judge held a certain position merely because of... his race?

Yup, that's racism.

No, it isn't racism. That's incorrect logic. Trump had a specific and frequently discussed policy regarding Mexico, so it is perfectly possible that someone with a family connection with Mexico would have a different position than someone without a connection to Mexico.
Sun 29 Jan, 2017 01:01 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
The US government called us Japanese Americans enemy aliens during WWII even though we were born in this country. I have never trusted this government ever since. Look what's happening to Muslims Americans now. Our president is the biggest bigot around. He even called Mexicans criminals and rapists.

Nonsense. I insist that you provide a link to president Trump calling Mexicans criminals and rapists. You have misquoted a widely known and widely available statement that he made.
Sun 29 Jan, 2017 01:12 am
Brandon9000 wrote:

Nonsense. I insist that you provide a link to president Trump calling Mexicans criminals and racists. You have misquoted a widely known and widely available statement that he made.

What else is new, eh? Cheese-eating readers of the mainstream media have it that Trump "attacked" a gold star family, "mocked" the disability of a reporter, has declared bankruptcy four times, and has on innumerable other occasions "said" **** that the media invented.

None of them ever actually listen to Trump. They just listen to what their left-wing homeys in the media tells them what he "said" or "really meant." For them, that is indisputable "truth."

The chumps.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sun 29 Jan, 2017 01:29 am
Homeland Security to comply with orders not to deport travelers:
"The Department of Homeland Security will comply with judicial orders; faithfully enforce our immigration laws, and implement the president's Executive Orders to ensure that those entering the United States do not pose a threat to our country or the American people," the department said.

Source: Homeland Department - For Immediate Release
0 Replies
Sun 29 Jan, 2017 01:37 am
What "the news" tells you:

A federal judge in Brooklyn issued a stay on Saturday night on President Trump's executive order banning individuals from entering the U.S. from a set of Muslim-majority countries.

Wrong. What the order really says:

...government officials are:

ENJOINED AND RESTRAINED from, in any manner or by any means, removing individuals with refugee applications approved by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services as part of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, holders of valid immigran and non-immigrant visas, and other individuals from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen, legally authorized to enter the United States.

No part of the injunction gave anyone the right to enter the U.S. It only stopped them (temporarily) from removing people already here.

I guess that means they'll have to stay in a jail cell if they don't want to leave immediately of their own volition, eh?

Or I suppose they could just take them a couple of miles out into the Atlantic Ocean and dump them. That's still part of the U.S., so they haven't been "removed" from the country that way, see?
Sun 29 Jan, 2017 01:43 am
Sun 29 Jan, 2017 01:52 am
Yeah, maybe the cheese-eaters should call their congressmen and tell them not to allow Trump to encroach on the rights of congress with his "executive orders," eh?

Oh, wait, congress has already authorized that by enacting a law. Too late, cheese-eaters.

Adios, Abdul.

America First, Baby.
0 Replies
Sun 29 Jan, 2017 01:58 am


Alex Jones talks about Soros going all out shorting the United States and other western economies i.e. trying to bring about a global financial crash and burn and a scorched-earth policy.
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