monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 28 Jan, 2017 08:47 pm
Guys. We really ought to note that tonite's win came from the work of the ACLU. We continue to owe this essential institution our support.
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 08:49 pm
This conservative lady ain't ******* around
Jennifer Rubin ‏@JRubinBlogger 33m33 minutes ago
Congress should convene, reverse the ban by legislation and demand creators of this mess testify under oath
cicerone imposter
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 08:50 pm
That, I'd love to see! Somebody has to do something to stop tyrant Trump.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 08:56 pm
nimh wrote:

He's probably just reading all the reports of green card holders who were abroad when the executive order was issued and who are now being barred from returning to the U.S.

So you're saying he can't read so good, that it? Aint nuthin in what you quoted which says what Yurp said, eh? Maybe you don't read so good, neither, eh?

Yurp said:
Meaning they can't leave the country and come back

There is no "ban" on travel. This certainly suggests they can leave and come back.

In addition, reporters covering the White House were informed that individuals from the affected countries with a green card already "in the United States will have to meet with a consular officer before leaving the country."

But does that mean we're not gunna be watchin muslims who want to fly to Iran, pick-up a suitcase nuke, and head straight back?

I don't think so!

Homey don't play dat.
old europe
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 09:11 pm
layman wrote:
This certainly suggests they can leave and come back.

In addition, reporters covering the White House were informed that individuals from the affected countries with a green card already "in the United States will have to meet with a consular officer before leaving the country."

This suggests that they will have to meet with a consular officer before leaving the country.

It doesn't say that they can come back.
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 09:15 pm
Quote blatham:
Guys. We really ought to note that tonite's win came from the work of the ACLU. We continue to owe this essential institution our support.

I seem to have missed it. What win for the good guys happened today?
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 09:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Trump's not the president, he's a tyrant who thinks he's a king. He doesn't understand the simplest concepts of a democracy.
I hope he gets impeached soon, before he does more damage to our country.

The last gasps of a dying ideology.

Oh well. The sooner we forget about the demented liberals, the sooner we can get on with moving America into the 21st century.
0 Replies
old europe
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 09:17 pm
This happened today:

Judge stays deportations; Trump order barring refugees, migrants from Muslim countries triggers chaos, outrage
cicerone imposter
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 09:21 pm
@old europe,
Good. Trump thinks he can run our country like a king. He's going to learn quickly that the legal community in this country is going to fight this bigot all the way to the Supreme Court.
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 09:21 pm
Blickers wrote:
I seem to have missed it. What win for the good guys happened today?

I think he's referring to this:
0 Replies
old europe
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 09:26 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Bit of a longer excerpt:

Judge stays deportations; Trump order barring refugees, migrants from Muslim countries triggers chaos, outrage

A federal judge in New York stayed deportations nationwide of those detained on entry to the United States following an executive order from President Trump that targeted citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries.

Judge Ann Donnelly of the U.S. District Court in Brooklyn granted a request from the American Civil Liberties Union to stay the deportations after determining that the risk of injury to those detained by being returned to their home countries necessitated the decision.

And only minutes after the judge’s ruling in New York, another came in Virginia when U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema issued a temporary restraining order to block the removal of any green-card holders being detained at Dulles International Airport for seven days. Brinkema’s action also ordered that lawyers have access to those held there because of the president’s ban.

Trump’s order reverberated across the world on Saturday making it increasingly clear that the controversial measure he had promised during his presidential campaign was casting a wider net than even his opponents had feared.
cicerone imposter
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 09:30 pm
@old europe,
I hope that's the guarantee for Trump as a one term president. That's if he doesn't get impeached first - which I hope for this country and the world.

Sat 28 Jan, 2017 09:51 pm
@old europe,
old europe wrote:

This suggests that they will have to meet with a consular officer before leaving the country.

It doesn't say that they can come back.

Exactly. It doesn't say they CAN'T come back, as you asserted. If the rule was that they just "can't come back," then there would be no reason whatsoever for them to "meet" with anybody. If they're going to Iran to pick up a suitcase nuke, then, of course, they can't come back, but.....

You have a unique way of trying to "prove" your false assertions, eh? It doesn't say there that Trump ISN'T Adolph Hitler's twin, so.....
cicerone imposter
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 10:02 pm
"Suitcase nuke?" LMAO.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 10:04 pm
When you have a supposedly "loyal american," like Kahn, who is a muslim with inside access to mosques, and ****, telling you that this order is going to piss off muslims in America to the extent that the security of the country is endangered, then maybe you should listen, eh, cheese-eaters?

His message is "You better not piss off muslims. The ones here are already angry. You don't want to make them even MORE angry, so you better keep them coming in."

Trump's response is--"Every pissed off muslim who wants to threaten our security is DEAD."
0 Replies
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 10:08 pm
@ old europe, oralloy:
Thanks. Now I'm up to date.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 10:33 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
I hope that's the guarantee for Trump as a one term president. That's if he doesn't get impeached first - which I hope for this country and the world.

The Republicans are going to hold the White House for the next 20 years. And Mr. Trump will serve two full terms at the start of that.
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 11:01 pm
I haven't dived into all the details but it appears as if the administration in rushing to have the EO signed and announced in Trump's first week on the job didn't think through all of the possibilities. There is a provision for case by case exceptions though, so after an unpleasant experience with the bureaucrats, the folks like the Iraqi translator who worked with our troops will likely have their dilemmas resolved.

There has been a lot of what seems to me to be misinformation flying around about Muslims residing legally with the US being deported. Correct me if I'm wrong but the stay obtained by the ACLU related only to those individuals who arrived in the US after the EO was signed. I've no idea how many people we're talking about but unless there was some massive exodus from the affected countries once word of the EO got out, there can't be a whole lot of them.

Does anyone have any credible evidence that the government is currently (or plans to) rounding up Muslim immigrants legally residing in this country and deporting them? Someone sure has convinced the Muslim immigrants I saw on TV today angrily demanding that they not be deported. (And I am not referring to those detained in airports. They at least have the good sense not to piss of the authorities who are deciding their fate)

I know I'm a major xenophobe with a minor in Islamaphobia, but it doesn't seem very prudent (not to mention polite) of guests in our country to angrily demand anything of our government. I'm not sure where anyone gets the notion that they have a right to live anywhere they please. I'm not suggesting they be deported and certainly don't expect them to beg to stay, but they're not winning any converts to their cause with an attitude of entitlement that's obnoxious even for citizens. It's the sort of behavior one would expect of an Ugly American!

I agree that its shabby treatment of people who helped us in Iraq, but I can't imagine that they are considered "refugees" and in danger of being returned to their country. Iraq hasn't fallen to ISIS or Iran just yet.

Describing this as a chaotic disaster is just more politically motivated hyperbole. NYC congresspersons were probably quite thankful for it. A bunch of them rushed to JFK to stand should to shoulder with the detainees...in front of the TV cameras...and provide them with "support" and Trump with a lambasting.

At some point all the hyper-drama that accompanies every word and deed of the new president is going to wear on folks who haven't taken much of a stand on these issues. Of course its found to be just wonderful to all the would-be resistance fighters, but it's only solidifying support for Trump among those who voted for him.

cicerone imposter
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 11:04 pm
You don't read much do you. Trump's approval rating is one of the lowest in history after being elected president.
Trump's approval rating is now sitting at 36%.
Sat 28 Jan, 2017 11:06 pm
tRump declared bankruptcy 6 times and in the first one lost 900 million dollars which he declared on his income taxes for 20 or so years. That means that we the taxpayers supported his bankruptcy for that 20 years. I cant find anything about his other 5 bankruptcies because he wont release his tax forms. I wonder why the crooked con man wont release his tax statement? Could it be he foisted the money he lost on them on us taxpayers. Has he paid ANY taxes for the last 20 or so years?

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