monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:52 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
The best solution in my view would be for liberals (progressives) to take over the Democratic Party, which the Young Turks and others are attempting to orchestrate.

Yes. The Democratic Party is going to lurch hard to the Left for the next 20 years.

But it isn't going to matter because the Republicans are going to be in charge of the country for the entire time.

And even after 20 years of Republican rule, the voters will not contemplate putting the Democrats back in charge until party moderates reassert control and purge the Democratic Party of all those far Left extremists.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:53 pm
Baldimo wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
The best solution in my view would be for liberals (progressives) to take over the Democratic Party, which the Young Turks and others are attempting to orchestrate.

Because everything up to this point hasn't been about real liberal/progressive policies? How much worse can you guys get. Sure, a lot of what you guys believe has gone MSM and I agree with some of the social advancements, but what's left? The only other way to go is farther to the left and that is going to lead you down the path to socialism. Bernie is a good example of that. The only thing missing from his platform was taking over privately owned companies.

The Democratic Party is going to spend the next 20 years steeped in Sanders/Warren-style extremism.

But don't worry about it. The Republicans will stay in power for that entire 20 year period.

And then, even after 20 years of Republican rule, the wacky Leftists will all have to be purged by party moderates before the voters will contemplate putting Democrats back in power again.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:54 pm
Frugal1 wrote:
I don't believe that I have every witnessed this much liberal angst before, it's kind of funny & entertaining.

Yes it is. I'm actually not paying much attention to politics these days, but it's funny when I do get a glimpse of it.

Wait until they suffer landslide defeats in the 2018 and 2020 elections, then the Left will get truly loopy. It's going to be a fun 20 years.
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 05:05 pm
I've been meaning to write something on this but never got around to it. In any case, this guy does it better than I would have. This relates to the earlier post on the Trump White House statement on the Holocaust that doesn't mention Jews.
Donald Trump is doing a very strange pro-Israel, anti-Semitic dance.On Tuesday Israel, emboldened by the inauguration of President Trump, approved the construction of 2,500 new housing units in settlements in the West Bank. The move comes in defiance of widespread international opposition, which was underscored less than ten days ago at a conference of world leaders in Paris arguing for a two-state solution and in a December U.N. Security Council resolution calling for an end to settlement building, which the U.S.—in a pointed departure from precedent—refused to veto. Trump had criticized the U.N. resolution, pledged greater support for Israel, and chose an ambassador to Israel who is not only virulently pro-settlement, but also ran the fundraising branch of an organization that financially backs settlements.

This creates a curious duality. Trump has made much of his support for Israel, a position that allows him to paint himself as a friend to Jews. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has even said that Trump feels “very warmly” about the Jewish people. And yet Trump entertains a degree of anti-Semitism unparalleled in recent American administrations. At home, Trump is responsible for stoking a resurgent white nationalist movement that’s still divided over the “Jewish Question”—whether or not Jews are tolerable in a nationalist America...

Despite giving a platform to anti-Semitic rhetoric, Bannon, like Trump, is also a staunch Israel supporter. That position is not as contradictory as it might seem. Their support for Israel is not about Jews—it’s about signaling hawkishness and, perhaps most importantly, pursuing anti-Islamic policy in the Middle East. Support for Israel isn’t even necessarily contradictory with the new white nationalism, which advocates for separate ethnic nations—a Jewish state in a separate, strategic position as an ally against a perceived Arab enemy is one thing, the safety of Jews from persecution at home is another.
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 05:05 pm
Robbery is a crime. We have laws on the books to cover that. No one is saying to give them a pass because they were high.

In some cases they do I'm sure. An example would be someone breaks into a car and gets busted, while in possession of drugs. They have 2 charges. They drop the breaking and entering charges and keep the drug charges. What were they really arrested for? They go to trail on drug possession and then get released. With the way DA's wheel and deal, I'm sure this has happened more than once, a drug bust looks better than breaking into a car.

You must admit that the price premium on drugs due to prohibition drives up the likely hood than an addict will steal to fund their habit.

Partially true. I paid less for pot prior to it being legal. Taxes are a bitch and part of the reason the underground market still has a place in CO. In full disclosure, I only buy from the stores, it isn't worth getting busted to save money on taxes. They need to lower the combined 25% tax here.
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 05:08 pm
Good Times... 20 years of moving on up for America.


Well we're movin on up,
To the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Movin on up,
To the east side.
We finally got a piece of the pie.

fish don't fry in the kitchen.

beans don't burn on the grill.
Took a whole lotta tryin',
just to get up that hill.

now we're up in the big leagues.
gonna get my turn at bat.
as long as we live, it's you and me baby.
ain't nothin' wrong with that.

0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 05:19 pm
Nikki Haley at the UN.
“Our goal with the administration is to show value at the U.N., and the way that we’ll show value is to show our strength,” Haley explained, “show our voice, have the backs of our allies, and make sure that our allies have our back as well. For those that don’t have our back, we’re taking names.”
NY Mag
Hey! Listen up you pompous world trash. Ya think you're really somethin' doncha? Yeah, well you ain't nuttin'. New day here, losers. We're runnin' things now.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 05:29 pm
Sometimes this thread ramps sardonic, which I get, but may not be understood by others.
I don't request change, quite the contrary, but I figure people can get confused.

How about a notice that sardonicity is deployed? A whole new word..
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 05:38 pm
These people are such irresponsible and dishonest dipshits.
Republicans are portraying the lack of [an ACA replacement] plan as a philosophical aversion to lengthy legislation. “If you’re waiting for another 2,700-page bill to emerge, you’re going to have to wait until the sun doesn’t come up, because that’s not how we’re going to do it,” says Walden.
NY Mag
Simply because they ran a long-standing PR/propaganda campaign against the number of pages in the ACA bill, they are now stuck with the consequences of having misinformed and enraged their base. (Bush's 2007 budget ran nearly 1500 pages. Or consider the number of pages of text, calculations, illustrations, etc that would need to be printed out in a full NASA plan for a moon shot or a space station). Perhaps if you are appealing to a base which has a lot of members who quail at 17 pages of text, not to mention a 500 page book, this idiotic metric has some heft. But if you are serious about getting something complicated done, you are not going to be able to go with Trump's preference for two pages with bullet points.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 05:48 pm
They drop the breaking and entering charges and keep the drug charges.

I agree that this happens but whose fault is that? If law enforcement classifies ruining someone's car and stealing their stuff as less important than the drugs in their pocket then shame on law enforcement.

But you're right on about the marijuana taxes. I wonder if they are going to increase them even more as the price of MJ plummets. The wholesale price has dropped by half in just the past 2 - 3 years.
I can't believe the number of grow operations in CO I saw spring up last summer.
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 05:52 pm
Sorry, osso. I'm a sardonite.
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 06:03 pm
I know, I know, that's part of why we love you, and I figure most can get it.

Looking back at myself when I first joined abuzz and a2k, I was a confused but interested woman.

I'm not trying to temper you to less sardonic, is that possible even if I wanted to, just a comment, as I remember confusion.
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 06:05 pm
I've always loved confused women.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 06:08 pm
I'm now working on the graphics for a T-shirt I plan to advertise over at Breitbart and other such sites. I think I can get some hefty income here.

"Look. I don't care if Donald Trump smells like Brut poured over brimstone and dead goats. He's my guy"
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 06:27 pm
Oooh, I'd invest except for the the usual reasons re moolaa.

You may have a good idea here.

Will you fortify your abode?
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 06:42 pm
blatham wrote:

I've been meaning to write something on this but never got around to it. In any case, this guy does it better than I would have. This relates to the earlier post on the Trump White House statement on the Holocaust that doesn't mention Jews.
Donald Trump is doing a very strange pro-Israel, anti-Semitic dance.

An interesting article that raises more questions than it addresses. I'm bewildered by this segment from the article;
Trump has made much of his support for Israel, a position that allows him to paint himself as a friend to Jews. .... . And yet Trump entertains a degree of anti-Semitism unparalleled in recent American administrations. At home, Trump is responsible for stoking a resurgent white nationalist movement that’s still divided over the “Jewish Question”—whether or not Jews are tolerable in a nationalist America...
What exactly is being alleged here? In what way does Trump "entertain" a degree of antisemitism unparalleled in recent Administrations? There are observable facts suggesting Trump's active (excessive in my view) support for the Zionist anmbitions of Israel, just as there is ample evidence for former Presidents (also excessive in my view) opposition to Israel itself. I know of no facts that suggest that Donald Trump is an anti Semite. Do you?

Just what is "the resurgent White Nationalist Movement that Trump is supposedly "stoking" Can you list some specific examples of this "stoking" and any connection it might have to any preferences or government mandated preferences for Whites relative to others?

There is an interesting question out there regarding attitudes toward Jewish people everywhere, and those toward the policies of the Zionist State of Israel. Indeed there appears to be a largely incommented on division on these issues among many American Jewish people. However that is certainly no foundation for the totally unsupported and vague associations with antisemitism suggested in ths article.

More fake news.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 06:47 pm
I'm well set up now.

The first line of defense is an intruder-alert system surrounding the house made from thousands of those traditional American incandescent bulbs that Sarah Palin warned us (we didn't listen, we just didn't) would be confiscated by Obama.

Then there's an inner guard contingent, all junior hockey players from the hinterlands of northern Quebec - Les Guillotines Division.

And finally, if anyone gets this far with their head still in place (not likely but just in case) loudspeakers that will blast out a duet from Celine Dion and Barbara Streisand.

Hitler's aerie had nothing on me.
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 06:50 pm
Your questions should be answered if you read the linked piece with its internal links.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 07:07 pm
Classic post, but never mind, all will be vaporized.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 07:11 pm
Meantime, I may be the only person in the western world who has never listened to Celine.


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