monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Walter Hinteler
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 02:33 pm
Phillips said it would probably take a few more months to release the information, adding that the number is bigger than 3 million.

"More than three million non-citizens voted in this country in this election. We're prepared to prove it," he said.

Phillips said the attorney general and Department of Homeland Security could prove the figures if directed by Trump to do so.

Cuomo, however, pushed back that Phillips has already claimed that the figures are true without actually confirming the information.

"You can reach a conclusion and then still verify," said Phillips.
Source: FoxNewsInsider
Gregg Phillips, who spurred Trump’s calls to investigate election results, was accused of lying in government job applications and has faced ethics allegations

The conservative activist cited by Donald Trump as an authority on voter fraud owes the US government more than $100,000 in unpaid taxes, was once accused of lying about his qualifications, and has faced several allegations of ethical impropriety.
... ... ...
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 02:42 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Crying or Very sad Sad
0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 02:45 pm
Baldimo wrote:

To be honest, of all the military actions taken over the last 60 or 70 years, the only real declaration of war and action was WWII. Nothing since that time has had honest Congressional War backing. Sure Congress voted to give Bush some powers to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, but they were not honest war declarations.

The question is over the legality of our various interventions that did not involve Declarations of war , honest or otherwise. They started with a series of military interventions in North Africa , fron Tunis to Morocco in 1801 and continuing epidodically thru 1815; the 1812 invasion of Canada and continued through our intervention in the Cuban Revolt against Spain (Congress authorized the intervention and passed a resolution rejecting any U.S takeover of the island. but there was no Declaration of War with Spain) various interventions in Mexico and Carribbean nations, nostly under President Woodrow Wilson, none of which incolved any Congressional action and followed with the well-known history after WWII.

They were all leagl under U.S. law,
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Fri 27 Jan, 2017 03:23 pm
Career people don't routinely submit resignations. That's what political appointees do. I have to tell you George, you have the most inventive imagination I have ever encountered when it comes to how large institutions operate such as the State Department, CIA or any of the other Agencies located in D.C.

One of the reasons the Hatch act was passed was to prevent a newly minted politician from completely replacing every single government employee with people from a political party. it would be bedlam, you have to have some institutional memory. I know it's exciting for Trump supporters to think he's shaking up Washington, but we still have satellites operating, Americans visiting foreign countries who sometimes urgently need an American Embassy, if we have an earthquake, hopefully we will have people who know how to mobilize and conduct rescue........the well being of the American people can't be put on hold while Trump looks for suitable real estate developers and oil executives to somehow magically be able to operate in a government position.

And we are talking about the State Department, the career plus learn more languages than we did in Intell. It's not uncommon for some to be fluent in 4 to 6 languages. I met the American Ambassador for Romania in 1988, he was career State, he was fluent in the language as well as French and Russian. He replaced a Political appointee David Funderburk, a favorite of Jesse Helms of NC. Funderburk spoke no foreign language, certainly not Romanian and preferred to drink with the marines and rip around Bucharest. There certainly can be career diplomats that do as lousy of a job as Funderburk, but regardless of their voters registration they are mostly a more polished and professional and dependable individual when they are career State.

And I hope this is fake news, but today I read that Trump might select Calista Gingrich to be our person at the Holy See.

Fri 27 Jan, 2017 03:31 pm
You are a relentless nag, and consumed with picking apart everything others say.

Picking apart? I just pointed out an incorrect statement by you and provided proof. I didn't nag anything. Besides, isn't that what you do all the time with me and others? It happens to you and you get bent out of shape.

It wasn't enough for you that I admitted I forgot the low key visit by Bush, you have to label it "SO, YOU WERE WRONG WERENT YOU".

You didn't admit to anything, you brushed it off by saying:
" not a big visit and I was over seas."
Is that admitting you are wrong? My response to you?
"This goes against your claims that no President since Reagan had paid a visit to the NSA. It doesn't matter if it was a big visit or not, he was there."

Nagging and picking apart? Please. Now I'm picking apart what what you said.

Congrats, you must be a ball to live with.

I'm sure you and my ex-wife would agree. I'm sure you are a peach as well...

How tiresome, and tedious you are. But kudos for keeping me honest because you know how desperately I strive to deceive you.

Tiresome and tedious is wasting time on posts like this. You decided to try and stand some sort of moral high ground when talking about Trumps speech at the CIA. It's get's pointed out Obama did the very same thing after being in office for a few months but you didn't have an opinion on his use of the CIA Stars.

And of course you insinuated I'm a hypocrite, you always call everyone a fabricator or insinuate they are dishonest....That's your game, skippy, nothing new to see here.

Read above. You had an issue with Trump giving a speech at the CIA, you don't appear to have an issue with Obama doing the same thing. Yes, that makes you a hypocrite. I only use the word when it applies to someones behavior. You are more than welcome to call me out as one if I should do the same thing. I'm sure I'll give you plenty of opportunity in the future. Bias is a bitch that bites us all.

I don't really get angry with you, your more like that annoying little brother who is keen to prove how smart he is by pointing out how careless and lazy his older siblings are.....you are just annoying, like mosquitoes in August in New Orleans. Sheesh

I'm pretty sure you got mad, it's the only reason you wrote this whole tirade. Your continued personal attacks also back up my belief that you got angry for being called out, by someone who you think is not intelligent.

I hope our next conversation is a better use of 1's and 0's.
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 03:32 pm
@Walter Hinteler,

The left is in disarray, and running around in full panic mode - fake news is their last hope to keep their dwindling flock together.

Trump is erasing O-boy's legacy at a rapid pace, America absolutely loves this.

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Fri 27 Jan, 2017 03:48 pm
You just confirmed what I said. I said I forgot about the 2002 visit but I didn't say I was wrong, I'm so frigging sorry, I was so sooo wrong. You're right, you are always right, even when you are correcting things others didn't say, and especially when they say "I forgot", in the future, I will utterly debase myself for saying anything without apologizing in advance to you.

Where's the Raid, those mosquitoes are aggressive tonight. (I forgot to mention, although I have been to New Orleans, never in August. I depended on my brother in law for that tidbit, he lived in the French Quarter......so I don't personally know if their are even any mosquitoes in New Orleans and for that matter, who knows if mosquitoes are actually real, so I'm wrong about that as well). If you weren't so young, I'd swear you were my exhusband, he's never wrong about anything either)
0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 03:53 pm
glitterbag wrote:

Career people don't routinely submit resignations. That's what political appointees do. I have to tell you George, you have the most inventive imagination I have ever encountered when it comes to how large institutions operate such as the State Department, CIA or any of the other Agencies located in D.C.

The original WP article Blatham posted a couple of days ago indicated that Kennedy had submitted a "routine' resignation but reportedly had indicated to others that he was either willing or anticipating a request to stay on, but had recently changed his mind under unspecified circumstances. Frankly I don't know, or care, whether he is a career bureaucrat or a political appointee. However his record over the post several years suggests that he has become rather politicized and, on the merits of his stewardship, should be removed from the job forthwith. I have little interest in adding to the job security of inept bureaucrats, whether politically appointed or civil service, and am indifferent to the self-created rights and values of our now rather thoroughly unionized agency bureaucracies.
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Fri 27 Jan, 2017 03:53 pm
It's about time!

Trump announces 'vetting for terrorists'
cicerone imposter
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:01 pm
What do you mean, "about time!" Vetting has been on-going for a very long time.

Trump is ignorant about many things. You need to factcheck what Trump says against the facts. That's if you care to know the facts and the truth.


You can remain ignorant like Trump; your choice.

Just reported: Trump failed his first diplomacy test.
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:22 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Yeah. This Phillips guy is a real winner. And Trump's startling inability or unwillingness to discern credible information from utter bullshit sources really instills confidence, doesn't it.
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Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:27 pm
@cicerone imposter,

Vetting has been on-going for a very long time

O-boy was never vetted, and little vetting for terrorist was done
during the 8 years of darkness this nation just endured.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:27 pm
Trump signs executive order for stricter vetting to keep out ‘radical Islamic terrorists’
Politico headline

Reports are pouring from all over the world this afternoon that these terrorists are either now going home to their families or turning themselves in to authorities or committing suicide. They understand that if a US president uses the phrase 'radical Islamic terrorists' then the game is over. Hail Trump. Only he could have done it.
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:31 pm
Jeez. Talk about nit picking.
ADL head rips Trump team over Holocaust statement that doesn’t mention Jews

The CEO of the Anti-Defamation League is criticizing a White House statement in remembrance of International Holocaust Memorial Day because the statement does not specifically mention that millions of Nazi victims were Jewish.
This is just that damned politically correct identity politics.
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:36 pm
if they were caught with drugs while robbing someone's house so they could buy more drugs, then that is another.

Robbery is a crime. We have laws on the books to cover that. No one is saying to give them a pass because they were high.

You must admit that the price premium on drugs due to prohibition drives up the likely hood than an addict will steal to fund their habit.
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:37 pm
Trump got the Anti-Defamation League to do their job thus exposing the
truth about the Holocaust to people that may have been taught differently.

Kudos to the Trump WH.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:38 pm
Josh Marshall at TPM echoes a point I've been making
Some day soon Republicans will realize they face an election in two years as the standardbearers and enablers of extremely unpopular president. (I also hope Democrats will realize this. Jury is still out.) Recent polls show President Trump's approval rating in the mid- to high 30s. That's just the first week. He's barely started. But this is almost always the high point. And the President's party almost always faces losses in the first mid-term in any case.
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Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:40 pm
This one should be self explanatory.


0 Replies
Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:41 pm
What a team they are building. Top notch people. The best. Probably the best team in the history of America, if not the world.
A South Carolina staffer for Donald Trump’s campaign whose racist social media posts drew attention during the election will join the Department of Education, the Huffington Post reported Thursday.

Teresa UnRue, a field organizer and graphic designer for Trump’s advance team, was included on an emailed list of new employees sent by acting secretary for the department Phil Rosenfelt. Huffington Post obtained a copy of the email, which did not specify what role UnRue will take at the department.

In July, an Associated Press review of Trump staffers’ social media accounts unearthed a video on UnRue’s feed of a black man eating fried chicken while berating other black people.

"Why are you mad about slavery?" he asks. "Y'all weren't no damn slaves."

"Had me crack'n up!! Thank you!" UnRue wrote in an accompanying comment. "Please share this with people."

UnRue also shared posts saying we need "Islam control" rather than "gun control" and calling former President Barack Obama a “terrorist.” One post alleged that late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who died last February of a heart attack, was assassinated in a covert government operation.
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Fri 27 Jan, 2017 04:50 pm
* A new Quinnipiac poll shows Americans opposed to pretty much everything Republicans want to do on health care. Only 16 percent say they should repeal all of Obamacare, 62 percent want to maintain funding for Planned Parenthood (a number that increases to 80 percent when they’re told the money doesn’t go for abortions), and 70 percent oppose overturning Roe v. Wade.
Paul Waldman at WP Polling report is HERE
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