monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 31 Jan, 2019 04:36 am
U.S. Far Right Figures Flew to Russia to Party with Oligarchs and Fascists
A cache of hacked emails revealed that a senior figure in the Bradley Foundation, a prominent financier of right-wing groups in the US, attended a gala alongside Russian oligarchs and officials shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014.


Even at the time, the event was not without controversy. Some American conservative groups decided not to participate in the conference and gala. The Concerned Women for America, for example, withdrew from the event. Explaining the reasoning behind the decision, the group said it didn’t want to “appear to be giving aid and comfort to Vladimir Putin,” Think Progress reports.

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Thu 31 Jan, 2019 05:00 am
Bill Clinton campaigned on and signed NAFTA...

Yup. It was part of the Third Way at the time. The deal benefited international corporations and domestic consumers. Succeeding administrations irresponsibly failed to address inadvertent and unforeseen consequences to US laborers. Meanwhile USAmericans enjoyed their stupid big screen TVs. I don't see any of this as evidence of creeping socialism, however.
You seem to think more laws and regulations equal freedom

Don't tell me what "I seem to think". Laws and regulations protect some freedoms and restrict others. "Freedom" comes in various shapes and forms and is employed and enjoyed in many different ways.
Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Do you really think I've never read that quote? I don't consider demands for clean air and water an attempt to "purchase a little temporary Safety".

Stop with the heavy hand of the law making you free.

Then stop harming the people's access to the common good for the sake of profits and social control.
There was no choice in the confrontation...

Look, media events like this pop up all the time now when everyone has video recording devices. I think it's a mistake to get sucked into them. The whole thing was ugly, a perfect representation of contemporary USAmerican society, especially with the multiple ideological interpretations. As far as political effectiveness goes the situation hardly deserved the coverage it got. It was simply exploited for each side's purposes.
Thu 31 Jan, 2019 05:42 am


By Harley Schlanger
January 2019
The pre-dawn raid on the home of Roger Stone on January 25, in which armor-clad FBI agents brandishing weapons pounded on his front door, in front of a TV camera, was scripted like a scene out of a movie. In this case, the target was not a notorious terrorist, a violent narcotics trafficker, or a murderous psychopath, but a well-known, successful political consultant, who is charged with crimes such as "lying to the Congress." In a release from LaRouchePAC, it is described as "yet another Mueller 'bombshell' in which the crime alleged has been created by Mueller, based on harassing and bankrupting potential witnesses—a so-called process crime for falling into created perjury traps—a concocted crime that has nothing to do with Trump himself."

Famed civil liberties attorney Alan Dershowitz pointed out that, like most of Mueller's indictments, the charges have nothing to do with the ostensible purpose of the investigation, which is to prove Trump campaign collusion with Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Instead, the majority of the "crimes" by Trump campaign officials occurred after the election, in response to the investigation! Dershowitz said that the "purpose of the indictment was to get [Stone] to cooperate against Trump." The charges against Stone came in part from Mueller's thuggish tactics against two of Stone's former associates, Randy Credico and Dr. Jerome Corsi, in which the special counsel's team badgered them to get them to turn on Stone.

The indictment comes after nearly two years of a campaign against Stone, from anti-Trump media and Democratic Party elected officials, such as Rep. Adam Schiff, which complemented Mueller's team's ongoing threats against Stone and his associates. Mueller has been trying to prove that Stone had advanced notice of the Wikileaks' dump of Clinton campaign documents, to provide evidence that Trump, through Stone, his former campaign manager and long-time friend and associate, was in "collusion" with Vladimir Putin and his Russian team of election meddlers. Failing to find any evidence to back up charges of meddling, or collusion by the campaign, or of Stone's "Russian connections," Mueller is using "process" indictments to convince Stone that he should "flip" on Trump, and give the special counsel the evidence he needs to justify his witch hunt.

But Stone continues to refuse to give Mueller what he wants. Following his release on bail, he said that he will "cooperate" with Mueller, by telling the truth of what he knows, that there has been no contact by him with the Russians, nor any discussion with Trump of the Wikilieaks' documents, but that he will not make up a story to implicate the President in anything illegal.

Stone has been a fixture in American politics for decades, going back to his work with Presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. From his time with Reagan, he developed an appreciation for Lyndon LaRouche, who had been brought in by Reagan to negotiate with the Soviet Union on the proposed Strategic Defense Initiative. LaRouche's involvement with this triggered a campaign against him from the highest levels of British intelligence, who demanded that the FBI expose LaRouche as a "Russian agent." Mueller served as a key part of the Get LaRouche task force in the mid-1980s. Stone played a key role in shaping Trump's successful campaign, and is a strong supporter of the President's commitment to break with the provocative geopolitics of the establishment behind the Bush and Obama presidencies, especially in their threats against Russia, and replace it with dialogue and cooperation with Putin, as well as with China's Xi Jinping.

The whole point of the British sponsorship of Russiagate has been to prevent Trump from succeeding in doing this. Staging a brute force raid against Stone, which has more in common with the Nazi regime or the East German Stasi than with an honest, truth-seeking investigation, makes more clear that Mueller and the war mongers behind him will continue to trample upon the Constitution until they are stopped.

Thu 31 Jan, 2019 05:49 am
Thanks for my laugh of the day — LaRouche! Got any David Icke for tomorrow?
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Thu 31 Jan, 2019 05:52 am
The wall cometh...

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Thu 31 Jan, 2019 05:58 am

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Thu 31 Jan, 2019 06:12 am
It’s official: The Trump tax cuts were a bust

Right before Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017, President Trump proclaimed:

“It’ll be fantastic for the middle-income people and for jobs, most of all ... I think we could go to 4%, 5% or even 6% [GDP growth], ultimately. We are back. We are really going to start to rock.”

A year later, it’s very clear that the tax cuts boosted gross domestic product and jobs a bit — and just for one year. Its effects are fading as U.S. GDP growth appears likely to weaken in 2019. The only thing that “rocked” were corporate profits and the stock market. And we’re facing trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see.


The numbers couldn’t be clearer: Corporations, big shareholders and top corporate executives reap the lion’s share of the gains from the 2017 tax cut, which should be renamed the Shareholder and CEO Enrichment Act of 2017. It didn’t boost economic growth that much, didn’t start a capital spending boom or U.S. manufacturing renaissance, didn’t bring overseas profits back home, and might have led to modest job growth but little discernible wage increases. And we’ll all be stuck with the bill for a long, long time.

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Thu 31 Jan, 2019 06:18 am
Face it, you're just another brick in President Trump's wall...

Face it, gungasnake, you have nothing to post but memes, conspiracy theories, and second-hand news re-told from a right-wing perspective and even your attempts at personal insult come across as forced and short of the mark.
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Thu 31 Jan, 2019 06:27 am
What's in YOUR State?

Nevada officials had no clue the federal government shipped plutonium to their state

David Choi 1h
Rick Perry
Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. AP

Gov. Steve Sisolak of Nevada railed against the US Department of Energy for what he described as "unacceptable deception," after the agency transported a half-ton of weapons-grade plutonium to Nevada, allegedly without the state's consent.

The plutonium was shipped from the Savannah River Site in South Carolina in order to comply with a federal court order in the state, according to a National Nuclear Security Administration official cited in a Las Vegas Review-Journal report.

Sisolak said during a press conference on Wednesday afternoon that he did not know how the plutonium was transported or the route the Energy Department took to get to Nevada: "They provided us with no information in that regard."

Sisolak said he is "exploring" several options for the plutonium, which was taken to the Nevada National Security Site.The state filed a temporary restraining order on Wednesday to prevent future shipments.
Gov. Steve Sisolak of Nevada railed against the Department of Energy for what he described as "unacceptable deception," after the agency transported a half-ton of weapons-grade plutonium to Nevada, allegedly without the state's consent.

"I am beyond outraged by this completely unacceptable deception from [The Department of Energy]," Sisolak said in a statement. "The Department led the State of Nevada to believe that they were engaging in good-faith negotiations with us regarding a potential shipment of weapons-grade plutonium, only to reveal that those negotiations were a sham all along."

"They lied to the State of Nevada, misled a federal court, and jeopardized the safety of Nevada's families and environment," Sisolak said.

During a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, Sisolak said he did not know how the plutonium was transported or the route the Energy Department took to get to Nevada. "They provided us with no information in that regard," he said.

Sisolak said he would look into several options for the plutonium, which had been taken to the Nevada National Security Site.

"To put the health and the well-being of millions of people at risk ... without giving us the opportunity to prepare in case there would have been a mishap along the way, was irresponsible and reckless on behalf of the department," Sisolak said.

In a court filing, the Energy Department reportedly revealed it had completed the shipment of plutonium, but declined to provide specifics due to security reasons. It noted that the transfer was completed before November 2018, prior to an injunction the state had filed during negotiations.

The plutonium was shipped from the Savannah River Site in South Carolina in order to comply with a federal court order in the state, according to a National Nuclear Security Administration official cited in a Las Vegas Review-Journal report.

The National Nuclear Security Administration, the federal agency responsible for nuclear applications in the US military, claimed the plutonium would only be temporarily stored in Nevada before being moved to another facility in New Mexico or elsewhere, The Review-Journal reported.

Lawmakers from Nevada sought an injunction and raised questions about the safety of transporting the nuclear material, including the impact it could have on the environment. The state also claimed the Energy Department failed to conduct a federally mandated study to assess the risks in transportation, and neglected to study alternative sites for depositing the plutonium, according to The Review-Journal.

Sisolak said the state filed a temporary restraining order on Wednesday to prevent future shipments, and that he was seeking retribution from the Energy Department.

Throughout 2018, state and the federal officials were in preliminary negotiations for the transportation of plutonium, Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford said in the press conference.

In previous group emails, Nevada officials questioned the procedure and said their analysis indicated it was "insufficient ... to commence this transaction," according to Ford.

On October 30, Nevada officials met with Energy Department officials in Washington, DC, to "express the concerns regarding this proposal," Ford said. In November, the state also sent a request to the Energy Department for specific commitments and timelines.

"Now, this is all the while ... they had already shipped some plutonium," Ford said. "We're having good-faith discussions and negotiations ... but they had already shipped this plutonium."

The Energy Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment Wednesday afternoon.

The transportation of nuclear waste is traditionally kept under close guard due to safety concerns. The Office of Secure Transportation within the Energy Department reportedly contracts hundreds of couriers to transport radioactive material using truck convoys.
Thu 31 Jan, 2019 06:32 am
I remember a freak brothers cartoon where Fat Freddy got hold of some plutonium by accident causing Phineas to freak out. He got even more worried when he found out that Freddy had sold it to one of the Haight Ashbury hippies.

When Phineas enquired what had happened to it he was told that he thought Freddy had said platinum, not plutonium, so he turned it into Ronald Reagan pins and sold them at the Republican party conference. They went really quickly.
Thu 31 Jan, 2019 06:36 am
Six migrants on hunger strike at an immigration detention centre in Texas are being force-fed.

Immigration officials are using plastic nasal tubes to feed the men, which family members say are causing severe nosebleeds and vomiting.

The detainees are refusing food over conditions at El Paso Processing Center, the Associated Press reports.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) says a federal judge authorised the force-feeding this month.

AP says the detainees, mainly from India and Cuba, went on hunger strike to protest against guards verbally abusing them and threatening to deport them.

They are also protesting against the length of time they are being detained while they await legal proceedings.

As well as the detainees in El Paso, another four men are on hunger strike in Miami, Phoenix, San Diego and San Francisco, ICE says.

When a person is force-fed through the nose, a lubricated tube is pushed through the nostril until it reaches the throat. Liquid food is then pumped into the stomach.

ICE spokeswoman, Leticia Zamarripa, told AP that a federal court had approved the use of force-feeding against the hunger strikers in mid-January, about two weeks after detainees started refusing food.

Walter Hinteler
Thu 31 Jan, 2019 07:14 am
The story about "The Wall", how it started its rhetorical life at 35 to 40 feet high in early 2016, peaked at 50 feet midcampaign, then fell back to 32 feet in January 2018 from the NYT:

He Says ‘Wall,’ They Say ‘Border Security’: A Glossary of the Border Debate

Kellyanne Conway, White House adviser, recently dismissed as a “silly semantic argument” questions about President Trump’s use of the word “wall” — is it concrete, steel, see-through, a “smart wall,” slatted, piked, solar-powered, a chain-link fence or just a metaphor?

The semantics, however, are anything but trivial. If the White House and House Democrats are to reach a deal to avert another government shutdown by the Feb. 15 deadline, they must first reach a rough détente over what they are talking about — in particular, the definition of Mr. Trump’s “wall,” and of “border security,” the Democrats’ catchall description of their own approach.

“There’s no magic glossary telling you the difference between a fence and wall or a barrier, they are kind of interchangeable,” said Jeh Johnson, who served as President Barack Obama’s homeland security secretary from 2013 to 2017.

“There is a distinction between governing and political rhetoric, and people should not get trapped in the binary,’” Mr. Johnson said. “The moment when we reach a compromise on the vocabulary is the moment we reach a compromise on the policy.”
... ... ...
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Thu 31 Jan, 2019 07:22 am
NPR interview:

Trump Chides Intelligence Officials In A Bid To Play To His Base

Rachel Martin talks to John Sipher, formerly of the CIA's National Clandestine Service, about President Trump blasting intelligence officials' assessments on Iran, North Korea and other matters.

Mr. Sipher (great name for a spook) points out that, while the president is free to accept or reject the findings of his intelligence chiefs, in this case he has not provided one reason, not one piece of evidence, to explain why he believes the findings to be wrong.

0 Replies
Thu 31 Jan, 2019 07:24 am
FFFB was one hell of a good cartoon strip.
Thu 31 Jan, 2019 07:33 am
It was an act of God that propelled then-citizen Donald Trump from his golden hued high-rise on Fifth Avenue to the Oval Office, according to the White House’s press secretary.

“I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times and I think that he wanted Donald Trump to become President, and that’s why he’s there,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a professed Christian told the Christian Broadcasting Network Wednesday. “I think he has done a tremendous job in supporting a lot of the things that people of faith really care about.”
Good thinking! Trump's in the WH because God wanted him there. You know, like how God wanted Trump to lose the House and why God wanted Obama in the WH. It's why there was a Holocaust and why Charlie Manson went out on a lovely LA evening with his friends.
0 Replies
Thu 31 Jan, 2019 08:37 am

Neocon, fundie, Russiagate-fanatic Dan Coats, from his unfortunate position as Director of National Intelligence, issued a frontal assault on the President of the United States on Tuesday in his written testimony before the Senate Select Intelligence Committee. In the annual global risk assessment testimony from the intelligence community, Coats targetted several key efforts which Trump has undertaken to end American subservience to British imperial dictates. Trump was unfazed, and counter-attacked on each front, including a suggestion that "intelligence should go back to school!"

Coats said that Russia and China "will collaborate to counter US objectives, taking advantage of rising doubts in some places about the liberal democratic system." To a certain extent he was correct — but he is leaving out that there is a popular revolt taking place, not in Russia or China, but across the US and Europe, against the failed "liberal democratic order," which would better be identified as the "British system." This, in fact, was the root of the revolt in the US which resulted in the election of Donald Trump, driven by disgust with the collapse of industry, infrastructure, health care, and education, as well as the mass drug war destroying the citizenry, and the "endless wars" which Trump has sworn to end. It is also the root of the Yellow Vests revolt in France, the Brexit in the UK, and the election of the new government in Italy, which is denouncing EU austerity dictates and embracing China's Belt and Road Initiative.

Coats is also, clearly, attacking Trump's insistence that he intends to make the U.S. a "friend" of Russia and China — a direct threat to the British division of the world so beloved by Coats and his neoconservative Republican friends, as well as his neoliberal Democratic friends.......

Thu 31 Jan, 2019 08:54 am
Personally I am glad the intelligence community seemed to have learned their lesson about parroting a President after the Iraq disaster. I think the time is finally coming when republicans have had enough of Trump.

GOP poised to rebuke Trump (The Hill)
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Thu 31 Jan, 2019 08:55 am
Typical anti-American pro-Putin pro-Trump disinformation from a Russian mole.
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Thu 31 Jan, 2019 10:40 am
They've reprinted them, over here at least, in two volumes. From what I remember the only strip that's missing is the one where Fat Freddy's Cat gets kidnapped by aliens.
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