monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 30 Jan, 2019 01:08 pm
Bill Gates says poverty is decreasing. He couldn’t be more wrong

Last week, as world leaders and business elites arrived in Davos for the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates tweeted an infographic to his 46 million followers showing that the world has been getting better and better. “This is one of my favourite infographics,” he wrote. “A lot of people underestimate just how much life has improved over the past two centuries.”


It’s a powerful narrative. And it’s completely wrong.

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Wed 30 Jan, 2019 01:25 pm
Californicator pervs going down, excuse the pun....

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Wed 30 Jan, 2019 01:33 pm
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Wed 30 Jan, 2019 01:52 pm
Huxley offers a description in about a hundred words which applies to neither the granfalloons of the left nor the right. The people — the consumers — have made this choice, seduced by the vapid promises of our cultural mythology which we persist in calling the "American dream".

Sorry to tell you, but the American Dream is not dead, it is very much alive. It's only the leftists on this country who proclaim it's dead.

Educational standards have been watered down,

Who controls and has controlled the educational depts in this country for the last 30 years? I'll give you a hint, it isn't the right leaning folks.

workers' jobs have been "de-skilled",

Thank you NAFTA for sending American jobs to Mexico.

infrastructure has been allowed to decay

That is true.

, our current government weakens environmental and consumer safety laws

I happen to see a lot of those "regulations", they aren't laws they were not passed by Congress and signed by the President, as over regulation.

and offers us some silly version of "freedom" where access to weapons is deemed more important than access to clean air and safe drinking water.

We have this thing called the Constitution and in that Constitution it spells out what limits our govt has. You talk about freedom, but you praise govt laws and regulation, which actually limits our freedom.

I hardly have to draw attention to the opioid problem, the epidemic of obesity, and the rise of the anti-vaccination movement, all signs of an underlying sickness independent of your obsolete political categories.

Freedom of choice is the basis of freedom. People can choose to be fat or addicted to drugs or to not vaccinate their children. You don't like freedom, you want a powerful central govt to make decisions for people, that isn't freedom.

You mention "thought" and "face" crimes — can you supply any examples? And how is "free speech" in danger?

I can provide examples of each.
Face Crime: Covington Catholic High School kid is a perfect example of "Face crimes", the media attacked this kid because of a smirk, he did nothing else, the aggressor was the guy with the drum but he got a free ride from the MSM for harassing high school kids.

Thought Crime: Disagreeing with a leftist. The CEO from Mozilla/Firefox was forced out of his job because he supported Prop 8 in CA. The Google engineer who was fired for contributing to a memo on female diversity in the work place.

Wed 30 Jan, 2019 02:32 pm
Foxconn, which raised hopes of a US manufacturing revival by announcing a new factory in Wisconsin, is now reconsidering its plans.

The Taiwanese manufacturing giant no longer expects to make liquid crystal display panels at the Wisconsin plant, a company official told Reuters.

It plans to hire mostly engineers and researchers not manufacturing workers.

The changes are a significant shift from the firm's plans announced at a White House ceremony in 2017.

At the time, US President Donald Trump claimed credit for landing the investment, which he said was a sign his policies were returning investment to the US.

The yet-to-be-built facility was the "eighth wonder of the world", he said at a groundbreaking ceremony last summer.

Foxconn, a major Apple supplier, had pledged to invest $10bn (£7.6bn) in the plant, which was expected to initially employ 3,000 people, with a potential for up to 13,000, mainly entry-level jobs.

In a statement to the Wisconsin State Journal on Wednesday, Foxconn cited a changed global marketplace, saying all of its projects are being "adjusted to meet these new realities."

"We remain committed to the Wisconsin Valley Science and Technology Park Project, the creation of 13,000 jobs, and to our long-term investment in Wisconsin. As we have previously noted, the global market environment that existed when the project was first announced has changed," the company said.

The state of Wisconsin had agreed to support the project with controversial incentives worth more than $3bn.

Critics of those incentives had long said they did not think that Foxconn would deliver on its promises.

The firm has already fallen short of yearly hiring goals, preventing its receipt of tax credits last year.

Louis Woo, special assistant to Foxconn boss Terry Gou, told Reuters that the firm was still evaluating options for Wisconsin - including creating a "technology hub" made up largely of research facilities for high-tech products aimed at health care, industrial.

But he said high labour costs in the US meant making advanced TV screens didn't make sense.

"In terms of TV, we have no place in the US," he told Reuters. "We can't compete."

Wed 30 Jan, 2019 02:41 pm
It's only the leftists on this country who proclaim it's dead.

No, it's dead to the people for whom the dream has not come true.
Who controls and has controlled the educational depts in this country for the last 30 years? I'll give you a hint, it isn't the right leaning folks.

Actually in a lot of localities it is.
Thank you NAFTA for sending American jobs to Mexico.

And you can thank international capitalism for NAFTA. (De-skilling precedes NAFTA by many years.)
I happen to see a lot of those "regulations", they aren't laws they were not passed by Congress and signed by the President, as over regulation.

Needed laws not passed by Congress — an example of under-regulation.
You talk about freedom, but you praise govt laws and regulation, which actually limits our freedom.

I've got plenty of freedom. I don't see that laws against air pollution or dangerous food additives limit my freedom in any meaningful way.
You don't like freedom, you want a powerful central govt to make decisions for people, that isn't freedom.

Actually, banning, regulating, or controlling dangerous substances contributes to the health and safety of our communities without which "freedom" means very little.

The Covington mob scene really doesn't represent anything other than age old conflicts between people who choose to confront each other over political disagreements. People get hyped up at rallies and demonstrations — both participants and observers. The confusing incident at the Lincoln Memorial hardly sets the stage for a nationwide crackdown on smirking.

"Thought crime" is much too dramatic a phrase to describe the incidents you refer to. Organizations are free to set standards of behavior and individuals are free to challenge those standards and face the consequences. No one was arrested, no one went to jail, no government agents were involved. Do you actually want the government to regulate hiring and firing in businesses?
Wed 30 Jan, 2019 03:25 pm
No, it's dead to the people for whom the dream has not come true.

The dream isn't dead until you are, the left loves to talk about the dream being dead to kids who haven't even taken their first real adult steps.

Actually in a lot of localities it is.

Not in a lot of locations, the unions make sure to get them removed from their positions. Jefferson Country School District in CO is a perfect example of right leaning people winning an election and the teachers unions getting recall elections put in place via lies.

And you can thank international capitalism for NAFTA. (De-skilling precedes NAFTA by many years.)

Bill Clinton campaigned on and signed NAFTA, when people like Ross Perot were telling the country about the "giant sucking sound of jobs headed south if this passes."

Needed laws not passed by Congress — an example of under-regulation.

Call it what you want, regulations are not laws. If one President can pass the regulations, then another President can get rid of them. Presidents can't by pass laws but they can change regulations. This is why Obama has no real legacy, he did almost everything via regulations, EO/EA's.

I've got plenty of freedom. I don't see that laws against air pollution or dangerous food additives limit my freedom in any meaningful way.

Is this a duck and dodge of what real freedom is? You seem to think more laws and regulations equal freedom. Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Actually, banning, regulating, or controlling dangerous substances contributes to the health and safety of our communities without which "freedom" means very little.

Stop with the heavy hand of the law making you free. Ben Franklin was right about liberty and security.

The Covington mob scene really doesn't represent anything other than age old conflicts between people who choose to confront each other over political disagreements. People get hyped up at rallies and demonstrations — both participants and observers. The confusing incident at the Lincoln Memorial hardly sets the stage for a nationwide crackdown on smirking.

There was no choice in the confrontation, the kids were standing at a place waiting for their bus, they didn't confront anyone, they were innocent. I see you have taken the media lies about this event and believe them. The kids were verbally attacked by a bunch of black racists, then the drum dude got in their faces. They were innocent, you were taken in by lies. The MSM did everything in their power to make these kids look bad, the kids received death threats and their school had to be closed because of bomb threats. All from standing in place and having a smirk on your face when someone else invades your personal space.

"Thought crime" is much too dramatic a phrase to describe the incidents you refer to.

What because it didn't include the govt being involved?

Organizations are free to set standards of behavior and individuals are free to challenge those standards and face the consequences.

He didn't even violate his work rules, it was all about the public pressure to get people fired who disagree with the liberal talking points.

No one was arrested, no one went to jail, no government agents were involved.

Yeah, nothing bad happened, he only lost his job because he held a political opinion not shared by activists, who demanded he be fired for a personal opinion not even uttered at work. As for the Google Engineer, he is sueing the company and is likely to win his case.

Do you actually want the government to regulate hiring and firing in businesses?

Don't they do that already, US Dept of Labor? We know that places like CA are getting involved with a law that demands women be on the board of directors for all companies who have boards.
Wed 30 Jan, 2019 03:31 pm

The Covington mob scene really doesn't represent anything other than age old conflicts between people who choose to confront each other over political disagreements. People get hyped up at rallies and demonstrations

It certainly does. It demonstrates the MSM ability to demonize a race and religion at the drop of a hat. And then demonize the hat. It is part of a narrative and genuine incidents do not occur very often, if at all, so they jumped on this, and ended with a hard fail. You can stop apologizing for them now.
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Wed 30 Jan, 2019 05:07 pm
gungasnake wrote:

I think the nation is reaching a consensus that leftists are evil and need to be placed in reeducation camps.
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Wed 30 Jan, 2019 06:48 pm
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Wed 30 Jan, 2019 06:50 pm

Anybody who thinks this **** is cool is a stupid pig.
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Wed 30 Jan, 2019 06:54 pm
Love the "should go back to school" advice from Trump
Wed 30 Jan, 2019 06:58 pm
Wow! Goddamn, Huxley was a bright man.
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Wed 30 Jan, 2019 06:59 pm
Love the "should go back to school" advice from Trump

Every time you criticize Trump do you forget he beat you people at your own game? If you have forgotten, you have just been reminded.
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Wed 30 Jan, 2019 08:27 pm
What kind of insanity is this from the dems?

Wed 30 Jan, 2019 09:30 pm
Meanwhile in the UK.....
These 9 things are 'officially Islamophobic' after UK councils adopt new definition

Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Muslims as such, or of Muslims as a collective group, such as, especially but not exclusively, conspiracies about Muslim entryism in politics, government or other societal institutions; the myth of Muslim identity having a unique propensity for terrorism and claims of a demographic ‘threat’ posed by Muslims or of a ‘Muslim takeover’.

This one describes what they are doing and they object to being called on it. I know someone who probably has these nine considerations memorized.
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Wed 30 Jan, 2019 10:00 pm
What kind of insanity is this from the dems?

The "party of death" is what one pundit said.
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Wed 30 Jan, 2019 11:41 pm
Roger Stone describes the leftist hate mobs he has to deal with:


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Thu 31 Jan, 2019 03:31 am
Jefferson Country School District in CO is a perfect example of right leaning people winning an election and the teachers unions getting recall elections put in place via lies.

Except that it's not just a matter of personnel. The content of the educational curriculum is influenced by conservative ideology as well. This article (not complete) is seven years old and the situation may have changed for better or worse, I don't know. But the effect is the same — political influence in the education system.

How Texas Inflicts Bad Textbooks on Us

No matter where you live, if your children go to public schools, the textbooks they use were very possibly written under Texas influence. If they graduated with a reflexive suspicion of the concept of separation of church and state and an unexpected interest in the contributions of the National Rifle Association to American history, you know who to blame.

When it comes to meddling with school textbooks, Texas is both similar to other states and totally different. It’s hardly the only one that likes to fiddle around with the material its kids study in class. The difference is due to size—4.8 million textbook-reading schoolchildren as of 2011—and the peculiarities of its system of government, in which the State Board of Education is selected in elections that are practically devoid of voters, and wealthy donors can chip in unlimited amounts of money to help their favorites win.

Those favorites are not shrinking violets. In 2009, the nation watched in awe as the state board worked on approving a new science curriculum under the leadership of a chair who believed that “evolution is hooey.” In 2010, the subject was social studies and the teachers tasked with drawing up course guidelines were supposed to work in consultation with “experts” added on by the board, one of whom believed that the income tax was contrary to the word of God in the scriptures.

Ever since the 1960s, the selection of schoolbooks in Texas has been a target for the religious right, which worried that schoolchildren were being indoctrinated in godless secularism, and political conservatives who felt that their kids were being given way too much propaganda about the positive aspects of the federal government. Mel Gabler, an oil company clerk, and his wife, Norma, who began their textbook crusade at their kitchen table, were the leaders of the first wave. They brought their supporters to State Board of Education meetings, unrolling their “scroll of shame,” which listed objections they had to the content of the current reading material. At times, the scroll was fifty-four feet long. Products of the Texas school system have the Gablers to thank for the fact that at one point the New Deal was axed from the timeline of significant events in American history.
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Thu 31 Jan, 2019 03:50 am
With sanctions lifted, Trump transition member gets board position on Russian oligarch's company

A member of President Trump’s transition team was announced as a new board member of a company owned by Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska as soon as the Treasury Department lifted sanctions on Deripaska’s companies Sunday.

On Sunday, the Treasury Department lifted the sanctions on three companies owned by Deripaska 10 months after it imposed them, citing Russia’s “malign activity around the globe.” Deripaska, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was also personally sanctioned because the government accused him of threats to rivals, bribing government officials and links to organized crime.

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