monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 26 Jan, 2017 08:28 am
I'm sure there are a lot of reluctant regrets all over the place now.
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Thu 26 Jan, 2017 08:32 am
Where have you been these past 8 years?

‘We All Belong to the Government'

I sincerely doubt that anyone who felt "suppressed"...

Who cares how anyone 'felt', 0bama & the democrats didn't care
and they did work day & night to suppress rugged individualism.
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 08:34 am
This one is typical
I can be the most presidential person ever, other than possibly the great Abe Lincoln, all right? But I can be the most presidential person. But I may not be able to do the job nearly as well if I do that.
(Trump in ABC interview)

Notice the "possibly" he tosses in there - it is possible Trump might not be able to be as presidential as Lincoln which means it's possible he could be more presidential than Lincoln. You know, if he tried.

Sure, he's a self-promoter, that's his thing. But he's also insane.
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Thu 26 Jan, 2017 08:36 am
Trump has already been more presidential during his first few days than 0 was during his 8 long years.
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Thu 26 Jan, 2017 08:40 am
The rogue ones are coming...

@RogueNASA: America's scientists are launching unofficial Twitter accounts to defy trump

(Reuters) - Employees from more than a dozen U.S. government agencies have established a network of unofficial "rogue" Twitter feeds in defiance of what they see as attempts by President Donald Trump to muzzle federal climate change research and other science.

Seizing on Trump's favourite mode of discourse, scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency, NASA and other bureaus have privately launched Twitter accounts - borrowing names and logos of their agencies - to protest restrictions they view as censorship and provide unfettered platforms for information the new administration has curtailed.

"Can't wait for President Trump to call us FAKE NEWS," one anonymous National Park Service employee posted on the newly opened Twitter account @AltNatParkService. "You can take our official twitter, but you'll never take our free time!"

The @RogueNASA account displayed an introductory disclaimer describing it as "The unofficial 'Resistance' team of NASA. Not an official NASA account." It beckoned readers to follow its feed "for science and climate news and facts. REAL NEWS, REAL FACTS."
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 08:42 am
@RogueNASA is a fake news spewing robot.
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Thu 26 Jan, 2017 08:43 am
Speaking of fake news...

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Thu 26 Jan, 2017 08:46 am
Whistle blowing and resistance necessary. This has a negative possible consequence though in that others with different motives entirely can easily set up accounts, claim to be part of this "rogue" network and then post tweets that are, say, sexually crude or ulta-extremist, and thereby diminish the credibility of the scientists using this device.
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 08:51 am
Anti-Trump Protesters Block Bus & Downtown Train.
How Police Handle Them Has Crowd Cheering...
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Thu 26 Jan, 2017 09:01 am
Good post from Josh Marshall, starting off with an enlightening perception that really needs to be grasped.
As I've noted, Mexico paying for the Trump Wall has never been mainly about budgets or money. It's about dominance and humiliation.

As I noted yesterday, Ryan just said that “There are different ways of defining how exactly they pay for it.” which is a beautiful little bit of Orwellian english.

But Ryan also admitted that the US is going to pay for it. Here's Josh again:
And yet here we are, one week in and Trump has managed his colossal self-own. Who's paying for it? We're paying for it! Or, who's paying for it? Mexico! How? On lay-away! Or with some kind of forced promissory note which they themselves reject and say they'll never pay. Trump has made all of America into the first stiffed Trump vendor of his administration.

..No less important, every Republican in Congress is going to give this the green light, forcing American tax payers to pay for the Wall themselves..
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Thu 26 Jan, 2017 09:07 am
Trump does a promo for self (well, sorry, I guess there's no need to say that) and for his television Pravda group
President Donald Trump continues to offer praise for Fox News, telling ABC News' David Muir in an interview that aired Wednesday night that only Fox News covered his speech at the CIA fairly.

"That speech was a home run," Trump said. "We see what Fox said. They said it was one of the great speeches. They showed the people applauding and screaming and — and they were all CIA."

That last bit was a lie. Big surprise.
Authorities are also pushing back against the perception that the CIA workforce was cheering for the president. They say the first three rows in front of the president were largely made up of supporters of Mr. Trump’s campaign.

An official with knowledge of the make-up of the crowd says that there were about 40 people who’d been invited by the Trump, Mike Pence and Rep. Mike Pompeo teams. The Trump team originally expected Rep. Pompeo, R-Kansas, to be sworn in during the event as the next CIA director, but the vote to confirm him was delayed on Friday by Senate Democrats. Also sitting in the first several rows in front of the president was the CIA’s senior leadership, which was not cheering the remarks.
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Thu 26 Jan, 2017 09:21 am
For the love of God. Trump loyalists are going to get twisted around in their noggins so badly over the next (who knows how long) that making sense even to themselves is going to be impossible.
But Conway, appearing on NBC’s “Today” also said that it is “high time” that the U.S. spend money protecting its own border.

“President Trump has been very clear and consistent on this point, Matt. He’s going to build the wall, Mexico will pay for it. Whether they pay for it straight-out, or it's reimbursed later on after congressional funding,” Conway told NBC host Matt Lauer. “It's about being a sovereign nation. The United States of America spends billions of dollars protecting other countries' borders. It's high time we spend some money protecting our own.”
The wall that Trump promised is going to be paid for by Mexico must be paid for by Americans if they want to be patriots and protect their own country. But I promise Mexico will pay for it somehow and you can trust me and Donald because we tell the truth. So there you go. Settled perfectly.
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 09:33 am
You lost us with Matt Lauer, he's a tool.
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Thu 26 Jan, 2017 09:48 am
That's a risk inherent to any covert resistance effort, and not a big problem in that the "correct" rogue accounts will probably have a distinctive pro-freedom and pro-science tone.
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 09:55 am
The dance GOP leaders are having to do with Trump at the top
House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell indicated Thursday that congressional Republicans are not interested in changing the definition of what kinds of interrogation practices constitute torture.

“I believe virtually all of my members are comfortable with the state of the law on that issue,” McConnell said during a press conference ahead of President Donald Trump’s visit to the Republican retreat happening here.

“And torture is illegal,” added Ryan. “We agree with it not being legal.
"We are in disagreement with the madman who is our leader and president (many of his cabinet nominees were forced into this position too). But now let's talk about the things the American people really care about and not all these attacks the media constantly make on our talented new President.

We have nothing but respect for this incredibly successful business man who got so many citizens out to vote and who constructed a massive electoral win and as leaders of the second branch of government it is our duty to follow what Americans have told us they want us to do and we'll do that regardless of what that imbecile in the WH says on twitter."

An interesting question here is how long Trump will be able to put up with the negative side of this schizophrenia before he becomes totally unglued.
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Thu 26 Jan, 2017 09:56 am
Where have you been these past 8 years?

Oh, you're confusing some statement in a 4 year old video with actual policy. As usual, if you look at the statement in context it doesn't look radical at all:

"Government’s the only thing we all belong to,” the narrator intoned. “We have different churches, different clubs, but we’re together as a part of our city, or our county, or our state – and our nation."

Gee, how sinister.
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 09:57 am
I'm hoping so. Just wanted to flag a potential downside.
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Thu 26 Jan, 2017 10:23 am
Obamacare Order 'Truly Revolutionary,' Exactly What Trump Promised
0 Replies
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 10:24 am
Oh, you're one of those.
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 10:28 am
PPP has apparently just put out a poll that has Trump's favorability rating at 42% and favorability rating of Obamacare at 50% I'll post a link when I get it.

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