monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Walter Hinteler
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 08:39 am
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 09:02 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Wonderful news. One of these enterprising young christian-educated students will probably help out the nation with a careful study of Nancy Pelosi's speeches played backwards (because it is a certainty that there are Satanic messages lurking shallowly there). And Campus Crusade for Christ will take the show on the road.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 09:15 am
The Post also reports that Trump privately raged over Democrats’ refusal to bend to his will, leading him to consult the White House counsel’s office about the legal repercussions of declaring a national emergency. White House officials say Trump believes this threat will pressure Democrats to buckle over the wall. Trump even privately sought advice about the negotiations from … Fox Business host Lou Dobbs.
Greg Sargent

Good thinking, Donald!
Region Philbis
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 09:17 am

only the best ideas...
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 09:21 am
Greg notes Dobbs' Fox appearance where he described Trump as being "whipped" by Pelosi. Pussy-whipped being the suggestion. Oddly, I haven't seen any commentary noting this rather obvious bit of sexism.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 09:27 am
@Region Philbis,
Probably the smartest President in history so all the rich ideas fall upon us like sweat and dingle-berries from the bum of a hairy Scotsman in his kilt, running and throwing a caber.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:17 am
neptuneblue wrote:
oralloy wrote:
I notice that you failed to suggest a better term for her.
I don't need to. Labels are irrelevant.
Since you have failed to suggest a better term for referring to the slut, I will continue to call her a slut for now.

If you change your mind and decide to suggest a better term, I will review your suggestion when you provide it.

neptuneblue wrote:
In which case, calling any thing but her name is beside the point.
Since she is a slut, that is the proper term for referring to her.

neptuneblue wrote:
It's ironic you call out bad behavior on her part but conveniently leave out the fact Trump was married at the time. So, someone who is truthful gets insults hurled at them and someone who lied gets reveled. It seems your moral compass is not sitting upright,
I just don't care who that slut had sex with. If she is going to bombard me with that information, I'm going to treat her with the derision that she richly deserves.

neptuneblue wrote:
As for throwing an ex-president into the mix just shows how doing something wrong instead of right is still considered ok by you.
If Democratic presidents get to be above the law, so do Republican presidents.

neptuneblue wrote:
having sex in the Oval Office
Make that: sexual harassment (Paula Jones), sexual assault (Kathleen Willey), and rape (Juanita Broaddrick).

neptuneblue wrote:
and lying about it
Make that: perjury in a civil trial, perjury before a grand jury, obstruction of justice (sending Betty Currie to remove the gifts that he had given to Monica Lewinsky before investigators could find them), and witness tampering (coaching Betty Currie on how she should testify in court).

neptuneblue wrote:
is small potatoes compared to colluding with a hostile foreign government and lying about it,
Your personal opinion on whether Russia is hostile or not is just your personal opinion.

And no. That is an imaginary crime. There is no law against it.

But even if it had been an actual crime, there is no reason to think that Trump has done anything like that.

neptuneblue wrote:
Clinton got caught and paid the price by impeachment.
Not exactly. The Democrats refused to remove him from office.

neptuneblue wrote:
As will Trump.
There is no reason to think that Trump has even committed the acts that you accuse him of.

But even if he had actually committed those acts, the Republicans will not allow him to be removed from office over an imaginary crime.

And even if this had been an actual crime and Trump had actually committed it, since Democratic presidents get to be above the law, so do Republican presidents.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:20 am
Partial U.S. government shutdown cost economy $3 billion: budget office
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. economy is expected to lose $3 billion from the 35-day partial federal government shutdown over President Donald Trump’s demand for border wall funding, congressional researchers said on Monday.

The cost of the shutdown will make the U.S. economy 0.02 percent smaller than expected in 2019, a report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said. But researchers said more significant effects will be felt by individual businesses and workers, particularly the nearly 800,000 federal employees who went without pay.

Overall, the U.S. economy lost about $11 billion during the five-week period, the report said. But CBO expects $8 billion to be recovered as the government reopens and federal workers receive back pay.

The U.S. government reopened fully on Monday. It remained to be seen how lawmakers address border security before the Feb. 15 deadline while avoiding another closure.

Trump had demanded $5.7 billion toward building his long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, which he says is necessary to stop illegal immigration, human trafficking and drug smuggling. Democrats oppose any money for a wall but say they back additional funding for security measures along the border.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:21 am
MontereyJack wrote:
My heart bleeds for coldjoint and his tender concern for all those corrupt GOP operatives whose crimes Mueller is uncovering by using standard prosecutorial tactics on. Oh the shame.
Gosh! I hear that Mueller is planning a big jaywalking bust in coming days.

Maybe if luck goes Mueller's way, he can bust someone for not properly separating their recycling. Maybe he could call out the national guard to lock down the neighborhood for the recycling bust.

Referring to these trivial offenses (where they actually exist) as "corruption" is pretty silly.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:21 am
I'm labeling you as a childish human being.

I will review any suggestions to change the label when you provide it.

But since you are a childish human being (I'll give you the cool abbreviation of CHB), that is the proper term to call you and to refer to you.

If you're going to continue being childish, I will continue to treat you with the derision that you deserve.
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:23 am
Can you point to any childish behavior on my part?

The left are the ones who keep throwing temper tantrums here.
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:25 am

....Roger Stone has been bankrupted by legal fees stemming from the investigatory and grand jury process as well as by civil suits launched against him by Democratic partisans. It’s obvious that Mueller will now try and flip Stone, using the hammer created by the years in prison implied in multiple false-statement, obstruction, and witness-tampering charges. To date, including in his first post-arrest statement, Stone has loudly and publicly refused to cave, compose, or fabricate in order to falsely implicate the President in any crime.....
0 Replies
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:28 am
....The WikiLeaks purloined emails at issue, demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that Hillary Clinton and the DNC were rigging the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries against Bernie Sanders and that Hillary Clinton was a craven suck-up to Wall Street. The truth of what was released by WikiLeaks in 2016 about Clinton and Podesta has largely been buried in the fake drama concocted by Mueller and his collaborators in the media and the Congress about “Russian interference” to swing the election to Trump. This drama was originally produced and directed by British intelligence with the Obama White House and intelligence agencies as its main actors. Mueller is charged with re-running it endlessly, dressing it up, and destroying those who refuse to play their part in the now completely confabulated tale. It is hoped that as the result of the sheer volume of the bull pucky thrown, all with self-righteous and pompous seriousness, some episode in this fabricated drama might finally stick with the American public.....
0 Replies
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:28 am
oralloy wrote:

Can you point to any childish behavior on my part?

Calling people names is considered childish.
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:31 am
After reading your post my thoughts of such people as Baghdad Bob and of course the current defender of Trump Ms Sander an how you could full a similar job for Trump in the future.

Ms Sander is having a very hard time keeping the pain from showing on her face so the poor woman might need to give up her job opening a possible job for you.
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:34 am

The real interference in the 2016 election was coming from the geopolitical game section of the British government, and not from Russia:

Even Barack Obama admitted that the “Russian hack” part of the concocted drama had a fatal flaw — exactly how did the material, allegedly purloined by the Russian GRU, get to WikiLeaks with Julian Assange confined to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and under constant and intense surveillance? Julian Assange and former British Ambassador Craig Murray have insisted there was no Russian hack and the emails were leaked to WikiLeaks by individuals in Washington, D.C., with Murray serving as the courier. By his indictment of Stone, Mueller is hoping to throw up enough smoke around “lies” concerning links to Trump that the public will forget the fact that his story about the Russians makes absolutely no real sense. And, as this website and others have repeatedly shown, it is all part of the British campaign to force Trump’s impeachment at all costs and to mobilize U.S. citizens for war with Russia. Stone has been outspoken in pointing to the British as the actual foreign culprits trying to shape the 2016 Presidential campaign to Hillary Clinton’s benefit, and the British have noticed.

0 Replies
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:35 am
maporsche wrote:
Calling people names is considered childish.
For starters, that marks the left as the primary perpetrators of childish behavior here.

But look, I'm not interested in knowing who this slut has sex with. If she bombards me with this unsolicited information, I'm going to call her a slut.
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:42 am

....The media coverage of Stone’s arrest is noteworthy for its noxious perfidy. John Brennan, who headed Obama’s CIA, conducted a completely illegal investigation of candidate Trump, beginning in early Spring, 2016, using CIA headquarters and British and NATO “intelligence” leads, along with surveillance and attempted entrapments. Now employed to pontificate against Trump on MSNBC, Brennan opined that Stone’s arrest showed, once again, that “the walls are closing in.” He went further, predicting that Mueller was about to drop innumerable indictments showing a conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and Russia. This leads to the question which must be asked by any honest intelligence or law enforcement figure now: What, exactly is Brennan’s relationship to the Mueller investigation? Since it is actually Brennan who is guilty of criminal actions in 2016, if he is being given leads by Mueller’s minions, isn’t this the real coverup and actual obstruction?....
0 Replies
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:42 am
BillRM wrote:
After reading your post my thoughts of such people as Baghdad Bob
Can you point out anything that I've gotten wrong?

I'd suggest that Baghdad Bob would be better compared to the people who are pretending that a jaywalking bust is some dramatic offense.

BillRM wrote:
Ms Sander is having a very hard time keeping the pain from showing on her face so the poor woman might need to give up her job opening a possible job for you.
I considered joining the campaign with an eye towards getting a job in the White House back when it first became apparent that Trump was going to be a transformative leader who would reshape American government.

However, I'm lazy and would not be happy in a high demand job. I wisely decided to not pursue such a course.

I made the right decision. It's not the job for me.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Jan, 2019 10:43 am
So then we are perfectly justified in calling the person she had sex with, who then lied abot it a lying cheating duplicitous adulterous son of a bitch, right?

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