monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 25 Jan, 2017 11:35 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Forgot to say it, but I'm with Rog on this one, eh, Finn?
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 25 Jan, 2017 11:50 pm
I am making no claim, but pointing out that "sending in the Feds" is something his predecessor was fond of and need not get anyone's panties in a twist.

He can't send in the US Military and the National Guard is not federal.

There are probably legal grounds for sending FBI agents in and they could take control of the operations, but that would hardly be the same as sending in an army of federal policing entities and, in any case, I doubt they will be carrying bayonets.

Wed 25 Jan, 2017 11:58 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

He can't send in the US Military and the National Guard is not federal.

Sez here:

The National Guard of the United States, part of the reserve components of the United States Armed Forces, is a reserve military force, composed of National Guard military members.... All members of the National Guard of the United States are also members of the militia of the United States as defined by 10 U.S.C. § 311. National Guard units are under the dual control of the state and the federal government

...Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, assemblages, or rebellion make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any state or territory, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any state.

The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a state, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy.


There's gunna be Tanks rollin up and down South Halsted Street, I tellya. They see a ride fulla drive-by shooters, and WAMMO! All gone with just one shell.
0 Replies
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 12:10 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
As I said, I think he was just putting out another line of bullshit that would appeal to his base (it appears he tweeted immediately following an O'Reilly segment on violence/crime in black chicago).

But your first sentence here is a bit disingenuous in that concern re federal operations within states is far less a concern for the left than it is for the right. And the nature of Trump's statement was definitely pointing to or hinting at policing actions. He didn't say, "Hey, this is getting bad, I'll send in some bureaucrats". Nobody would have taken it that way.

Re bayonets, one hopes not. We saw enough of that in the sixties.
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 12:13 am
blatham wrote:

Re bayonets, one hopes not. We saw enough of that in the sixties.

Hope on, cheese-eater. It's goin down.
0 Replies
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 12:21 am
Remember this, from last August?

On Monday night, Trump appeared on Fox News for an interview on “The O’Reilly Factor,” where host Bill O’Reilly asked him about how — specifically — he would deal with crime in the country. O’Reilly mentioned the situation in Chicago, as Trump has before, and asked the candidate what he would do to deal with the bloodshed there.

In response, Trump said that he had met “a top police officer in Chicago” during a visit there and that this officer assured him he could solve the violence “in one week.”

One week, give or take a couple of days. Law-abiding black citizens of Chicago, rejoice. The cavalry is on the way.

This is gunna make the St. Valentine's Day massacre look like a Sunday picnic.
0 Replies
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 12:34 am
It will be an all-out shock and awe campaign. First order of the day will be to shell the gang headquarters of the Gangster Disciples, The Eight ball Posse, The Insane Gangster Disciples and Hellraisers, and every other one of the dozens of street gangs in Chicago.

After that a "mop-up" mission designed to eliminate every stray gang member will be conducted. That's the only reason it will take a week or so, see?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 12:57 am
Some like it hot.
0 Replies
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 01:00 am
Plans are in the works for Billionaires and others to set up folding card tables all over the White House lawn. They will fleece the tourists who sign up for white house tours.

Their scam used to be called "three-card monte," but now it's called "Trump a Chump."

I have applied for a vendor's license, but, I tellya what---the price is awful steep. That greedy-ass Trump demands half the take.

It might not be so bad if the competition wasn't so steep. Half the lawn will be allocated to professional Carnies, who will set up their whole panoply of sucker games.
0 Replies
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 01:30 am
"The soft bigotry of low expectations is what creates a further divide."

If Trump needs some new material to call fat, dumb, and ugly, he can find it here, sho nuff.

Thu 26 Jan, 2017 01:45 am
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 01:46 am
He came in 2002, not a big visit and I was over seas....He want to NSOC and the Crypto Museam which is located elsewhere away from hq's. But I'm sure if you keep googling you will convince yourself you know more about these things than I could possibly know. I'll bet you already think you do.
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 01:54 am
I really can't see where that spoiled bitch would ever need to worry about getting raped, know what I'm sayin?

I kinda liked the way Trump totally exonerated himself from false sexual assualt allegations on the campaign trail.

He asked the crowd: "Have you seen her? She wouldn't be my first choice, I can tellya that."

That settled it, of course, but I was still kinda curious about a couple of things, like: Would she be your second choice, Don? Who would be your first choice for your next sexual assault?
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Thu 26 Jan, 2017 04:04 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
I still cannot reconcile the cartoon version of Trump with the man who, in reaction to the repeated disagreements voiced by his nominees during confirmation hearings, defied all negative expectations and behaved precisely in the manner which even his critics have to acknowledge was perfect for the situation.

First, great contribution,; I've always appreciated someone taking the time to compose a serious response, especially when it states views opposed to my own.

I wasn't as surprised or impressed with Trump's reactions to the few instances where his nominees were shown to be in outright disagreement with him and I don't think it reveals anything especially benign about his temperament. I'm sure all these differences were known to him before. He wants loyalty but that's different from forbidding someone from expressing a different opinion. His views are well known but until they are put forward as policy I don't think his investment in them is sufficient to ignite a fit of pique.
Out of control, petty, megalomaniacs don't react as he did, nor do thin skinned people with impulse control problems.

Again, I'm sure he and his nominees were well-prepared for the airing of a few divergent opinions. And as you say, "but we are on Day 6 of his Administration. It is way too early to reach any conclusions or finalize judgments."

As for Conway's "alternative facts" statement, oh come on, it was stupid. He painted himself into a corner by making claims which were self-aggrandizing and, unfortunately, wrong. He didn't win in a "landslide", there weren't three to five million "illegal" votes, and no, his inauguration wasn't the biggest crowd ever assembled. What kind of person makes these claims? Why should they be left unchallenged?

To paraphrase your remark, just as with "binders of women" there is a context wherein the phrase "basket of deplorables" makes sense and has no sinister connotation but as with the phrase used against Romney, Clinton's enemies will never admit this. Sure, any statement can be spun, rationalized, and sanitized — but these examples are descriptive phrases, not demonstrable falsehoods.

This is one of those phony controversies the Left likes to hatch and then beat to death with talking heads, print pundits, and political operatives throughout the internet. The rank & file pick up on it like dutiful worker ants and it is spread far and wide until it somehow becomes "fact."

Do you really believe that this phenomenon is limited to the "left"?
0 Replies
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 04:05 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Yes, a racial bigot, scammer and misogynist won the presidency. Many are predicting he will be impeached before his first term is over. He doesn't understand rules and regulations. He even encouraged violence, and promised to pay the legal fees. The majority of women in this world understand this crotch grabber, and two million around the world demonstrated against this narcissist.

Quote one racist thing Trump said.
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 04:12 am
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:

blatham wrote:
But this presidency is unprecedented in this precisely because Trump himself is so abnormal. As I've said before, the number of senior GOP/conservatives who have been fighting to stop Trump is unprecedented as well. That can't be ignored.

You're right. Trump is abnormal. That can't be ignored. We must resist and demand his removal from office. See the following commentary:

The Resistance--Keith Olbermann

A plea to Trump fans: This man is dangerous


“He refused to say that he would accept the results of our election,” Clinton said. “Now, I have to admit, when we were both asked the questions, I assumed he would say what everybody else has always said, which is, ‘Hey, of course.’ You know, because to say you won’t respect the results of the election — that is a direct threat to our democracy.”

-- Hillary Clinton
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old europe
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 04:57 am
Brandon9000 wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:
Yes, a racial bigot, scammer and misogynist won the presidency. Many are predicting he will be impeached before his first term is over. He doesn't understand rules and regulations. He even encouraged violence, and promised to pay the legal fees. The majority of women in this world understand this crotch grabber, and two million around the world demonstrated against this narcissist.

Quote one racist thing Trump said.

I like how Brandon isn't even trying to debate the other points. He looked at the list, said to himself "Well, there are records that he's been scamming people, he's on tape being sexist and encouraging violence.... racism is the most ambivalent accusation.... Yep, I can probably defend that!" and went ahead with it.
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 05:04 am
@old europe,

I like how Brandon isn't even trying to debate the other points.

Selective amnesia is a common affliction on this board.
0 Replies
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 05:12 am
@old europe,
old europe wrote:

Brandon9000 wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:
Yes, a racial bigot, scammer and misogynist won the presidency. Many are predicting he will be impeached before his first term is over. He doesn't understand rules and regulations. He even encouraged violence, and promised to pay the legal fees. The majority of women in this world understand this crotch grabber, and two million around the world demonstrated against this narcissist.

Quote one racist thing Trump said.

I like how Brandon isn't even trying to debate the other points. He looked at the list, said to himself "Well, there are records that he's been scamming people, he's on tape being sexist and encouraging violence.... racism is the most ambivalent accusation.... Yep, I can probably defend that!" and went ahead with it.

So, then, you can't quote one racist thing he said.
Thu 26 Jan, 2017 05:52 am
So, then, you can't quote one racist thing he said.

Why is a quote necessary?

The guy is probably aware enough not to say "nigger" but we do know that he made an issue of a judge being unqualified because he's a "Mexican". There's also his refusal to renounce the support of white supremacists and his preoccupation with the stupid 'birther" issue. There's also this:
Trump disparaged his black casino employees as “lazy” in vividly bigoted terms, according to a 1991 book by John O’Donnell, a former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino.

“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it,” O’Donnell recalled Trump saying. “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

“I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”


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