monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 9 Jan, 2019 06:24 am
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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 06:27 am
A pressure flaked obsidian knife blade, for example is just about the swhqrpest thing you can make, since it comes pretty close to having a monomolecular edge, far sharper than steel scalpels,
Yes. When I was doing my archaeology studies, an anthropology prof at UBC who was scheduled for surgery, flaked some blades for his surgeon to use because of the differences you mention. Healing time was significantly reduced. The only negative that turned up was that the flaked blades snapped much more easily than steel scalpels.
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 06:29 am
Not only that it kills white walkers.

Wed 9 Jan, 2019 06:46 am
Poor girl said something about Robert Mueller....

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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 06:58 am
It would have been entirely like having Ma Barker in the white house
So instead we get Bugsy Siegel
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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 07:23 am
Well Trumplicans how do you feel about having your military turned into a protection racket.

No longer will your sons and daughters put their lives on the line for such mundane things as protecting democracy or fighting against evil ideologies like ISIS.
No, from here on in your sons and daughters will be fighting and dying for the Trump Dollar.
You heard from the Idiot in Chief himself, you want our help you pay for it.
Sounds like a protection racket to me.

Another thing Trumplicans, you hear him addressing the troops in Iraq telling them they're more respected now, We're no longer suckers he says.
I've bad news for you Trumplicans, you're not more respected, in fact you're the laughing stock of the world.
You've made a joke out of your country, the world looks on in amazement at the farce you've created.

I just hope that when the idiot plays the war card and he will, it's your sons and daughters pay the price and not mine.

Wed 9 Jan, 2019 07:53 am
Polls show a huge majority of Americans viewing the Southern border as a gigantic problem and wanting the barrier wall. Schumer and Pelosi have made themselves look like total cretins.

Wed 9 Jan, 2019 07:57 am
Granted we might have needed to do something about Iraq immediately after 911, but the something was not to make guardianship of the place into a permanent deep-state industry. Americans do not want their sons guarding poppy fields, opium refineries, globalist pipeline schemes or any such, and they sure as hell do not want their sons doing that kind of **** while we have no border with Mexico.
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 08:03 am
Trump’s Prime-Time Bludgeon

The people who didn’t want television networks to cede a prime-time hour last night — or, as it turned out, a prime-time 10 minutes — to the president of the United States were implicitly giving Donald Trump a credit that he does not deserve. There is a kind of silver-tongued orator who can persuade in any situation, who like Caesar’s Mark Antony can find a crowd leaning one way and leave them stirred up for the opposite cause, who is legitimately dangerous when given a rostrum or a soapbox or a prime-time speech. But that is not our president: His rhetoric is a bludgeon, and what we saw last night was just an attempt to club his enemies and critics with the same arguments he’s made a thousand times before.


But the problem for Trump is that presidents have to deal with changing circumstances and cope with unexpected crises, not just fulminate in the same style regardless of the context. And the world of 2019 looks different than the world in which he campaigned. The crime rate didn’t keep rising, the pace of terror attacks hasn’t quickened, and fate has given him an immigration crisis that’s substantially different than the crisis of murderers and terror plotters that he invoked in his campaign rhetoric — a humanitarian crisis, a crisis of families and children, in which the problem isn’t the people that we can’t catch crossing the borders but the people who surrender willingly, hoping to exploit our overstrained asylum system and disappear with their kids into the American interior.

A more supple strategist and orator than our president might have been able to adapt his tough-guy proposals to this complicated new reality, and in the process to exploit the Democrats’ core vulnerability — their difficulty figuring out exactly what kind of deportation policies, if any, their base will allow them to support.


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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 08:40 am
People used whatever material they had available to to make tools. There is no one alive today who is a Neanderthal, and they managed to live in Ice Age Europe, a far more challenging environment than you are living in today, for a hundred thousand years. You and your imaginary Russians are far closer to homo erectus than to Neanderthals.
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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 08:48 am
The FACT remains, Trump lost the election by nearly three million votes. He was only appointed by the electoral college, which seems to exist only tok choose Republicans who lose the vote to be president. It was a major blunder by the framers, like slavery. We wanted Clinton, not Trump. He lost and was foisted on us.
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 08:50 am
I notice Builder is now joining gungasnaKKKe in the a2k Misogynistic Hall of Fame.
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 08:54 am
No. Whaty the polls show is that Americans by something like a 20% margin oppose Trump's wall.
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 08:58 am
NYT sent a team to all 5 states along the border and they repoted that the folks who live there feel that their only emergency is finding enough workers to cover the jobs. The inhabitants (according to NYT, oppose the wall 90 to 10).

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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 09:00 am
Great copy there snake, too bad its bullshit.
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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 09:22 am
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 09:53 am
There's a reason Erdogan told Trump to blow it out of his arse, it's because he knows Trump is weak. So does, Kim Jong Un, Putin, Xi Jinping and Mohammad bin Salman. They all know Trump is a coward, a dim witted blowhard who talks tough to the weak, asylum seekers, yet sucks up to powerful corporate interests, polluters and dictators. That's why they treat him with contempt.

You're right, Trump hasn't made America great again, he's made it a laughing stock.
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 10:46 am
daughters pay the price and not mine.

Like the daughters in the UK raped and pimped while the authorities did nothing?
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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 12:38 pm

It appears someone in Canada wants the truth about Islam's Muhammad and his similarities with Hitler out in the open. Nice to see someone unafraid of the backlash from emasculated losers, that make up the Canadian government and the mob on social networks.

Of course this link calls the truth Islamophobic. But it does not say it is a lie, maybe because it is not. Remember, Muhammad is Islam's perfect man and role model.

Hitler is obviously the nicer of he two.


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