monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 9 Jan, 2019 12:54 pm
Ive heard today that Manafort's papers disclosed information that there WAS collusion twixt the Plump campaign and Russian Intelligence.
WAIT A MINIT, all our on line geniuses (pinky, gungasnail, Gllenny,and Baldy ( all claimed that Mueller was engaged in a non productive witch hunt and there was no evidence of collusion). WHO AM I SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE????
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 01:11 pm
disclosed information that there WAS collusion twixt the Plump campaign and Russian Intelligence

Time to charge Trump then, what is he hold up?
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 01:11 pm
Donald Trump is in fact the worst malignant cancer that RBG and the country face, not what might be in her lungs. She knows it and we know it. Fight on, Justice Ginsburg. Never give in, We'll back you all the way.
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 01:14 pm
worst malignant cancer

Islam gets that cigar.
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 01:29 pm
Top justice department official Rod Rosenstein, who oversaw the inquiry into alleged Russian meddling in 2016, is planning to quit, US media reports.

The deputy attorney general reportedly made the decision to step down and was not forced out by the White House.

But he has been a frequent target of President Donald Trump's criticism.

Mr Rosenstein had reportedly considered resigning last fall after a report emerged that he suggested secretly recording Mr Trump.

The no 2 US Department of Justice official plans to stay on until the confirmation of attorney general nominee William Barr, sources say.

Mr Rosenstein has yet to comment on the reports.

Senate hearings for Mr Barr's confirmation are scheduled to begin on 15 January.

If confirmed, Mr Barr will succeed acting attorney General Matthew Whitaker, who replaced former Attorney General Jeff Sessions after he was fired by Mr Trump.

There is no set timeline for Mr Rosenstein's departure, according to US media.

CBS News reports that Mr Rosenstein will depart in the next few weeks, after Mr Barr is expected to take over, in order to ensure a smooth transition.

According to Fox News and ABC News, Mr Rosenstein had long planned to leave after two years as deputy attorney general.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told Fox News on Wednesday that she knew "the deputy attorney general has always planned to roughly stay around two years".

"My guess is that he is making room for the new attorney general to build a team that he wants around him," she added.

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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 01:37 pm
Trump has metastasized throughout the bodies of 30% of Americans. Time for the most aggressive chemotherapy possible (the midterms helped a lot for awhile and will continue helping, but we need to fight on).
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Walter Hinteler
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 01:38 pm
According to a new research about "fake news", older Americans - especially those over 65 - were much more likely to share fake news than younger ones, and conservatives and Republicans were more likely to share fake news than were liberals and Democrats.

Science Advances: Less than you think: Prevalence and predictors of fake news dissemination on Facebook
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 01:39 pm
Hold on, it's coming.
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 01:42 pm
Hold on, it's coming.

When, where are the top Democrats? Are we the only ones that know?
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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 01:44 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
This article is a little misleading, the majority of users on FB are in fact older people. Most younger people use other social media sites like Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat.
I would also like to point out the the biggest BLM fb page was actually a scam, how much fake news did these popular page publish?

Walter Hinteler
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 01:53 pm
Baldimo wrote:

This article is a little misleading, the majority of users on FB are in fact older people. Most younger people use other social media sites like Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat.
I would also like to point out the the biggest BLM fb page was actually a scam, how much fake news did these popular page publish?

Well, at least it's in the authors' opinion a research and not an "article" (an article over nine pages seems to be long, in my opinion, to be get such a name). They gave a lot of data, including the researched age groups.

If you think that it is misleading, write a counterargument to the authors or Science Advances. (Or publish the results of your own research.)
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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 02:19 pm
Damn. I'd forgotten that important aspect.
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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 02:43 pm
Why did the broadcast networks carry [Trump's speech]? It’s not as if the speech (or, more accurately, speechlet) was unavailable in real time elsewhere. It was aired live on all the cable news networks. Cord-cutters could watch it streamed free on a multitude of news sites and social networks. The only reason the broadcast networks had for airing it were commercial (to feel relevant as brands at a time when viewers are fleeing in droves) and political (to avoid the ire of the Trump base and White House). Had they run onscreen fact-checking as the president spoke (instead of relegating it to the web or playing post-speech catch-up), there at least would have been some added value. But they did not. Given that journalistic derogation of duty, the right
thing to do would have been to monitor the speech and break into it live only if Trump committed some actual news — e.g., declaring that threatened “national emergency.” Instead, they allowed Trump to spew the same old same old, only this time with the added boost of an Oval Office backdrop and the implicit network imprimatur that comes with preempting prime-time entertainment programming. In other words, the broadcast networks essentially surrendered their editorial independence to Fox News — literally so in the person of Bill Shine, the former Fox News executive now running White House propaganda.

Trump is not Hitler, the invented “crisis” at the border isn’t the Reichstag fire, and Shine is no Goebbels. But last night’s network-news travesty was in line with the master Third Reich propagandist’s playbook. “When it comes to things that affect the national existence of a people and must therefore be solved by the government,” Goebbels said early on, in 1934, “the job of the press is to just take note. Discussion changes nothing, in any case.”
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 03:18 pm
Your kidding? This is like a royal Hitler straight flush. Shocked
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 03:49 pm
government by temper tantrum. Trump slams table and stalks out of shutdown meetimg.
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 04:13 pm
Trump slams table and stalks out of shutdown meetimg.

The vice president said it did not happen. I like that story better.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Jan, 2019 04:15 pm
Wonderful! Trump is going to declair another communist national emergency for his wall just like the commies did for the Berlin wall. Bet he got the idea from Putin. His handler.
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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 04:37 pm
President Trump walks out of meeting with Schumer/Pelosi. Watch the Army Corps of Engineers build the wall, and President Trump find a way to take the money for it out of demokkkrat hides.....

Wed 9 Jan, 2019 04:44 pm
Yeah. Infowars.s. Fake n en
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