I think that those who fight for their culture should and can get it.
Personally, I like the Bavarian culture, but never would like to adopt it.
I've often been to e,g, Thurinia, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt and like the culture there.
But I do prefer our culture here* (and that on the Frisian coast).
* My home state, North Rhine-Westphalia is divided into two area associations (
Landschaftsverbände), one for the Rhineland, and one for Westphalia-Lippe. This arrangement was meant to ease the friction caused by uniting the two culturally different regions into a single state.
(My wife is from a subdivision of the Rhineland, I'm a Westphalian.)
Merkel is - as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany - the head of government of Germany. The chancellor is elected by the
Bundestag (second chamber/lower house of parliament).
According to oue constitution (
Grundgesetz/"Basic Law") the 'state authority' is given through elections.
Do you have a different source?