Besides the wall, there's even a little bit of US foreign politcs.
In the Middle East, for instance.
During his visit there (today andyesterday) Bolton should ensure that Turkey refrains from another military operation against the YPG in Northern Syria even after the withdrawal of the Americans. Instead, according to American officials, a buffer zone could be created in the border region from which the YPG would voluntarily withdraw.
Now, however, Bolton is leaving Turkey more or less empty-handed. Erdogan affirmed that Turkey continues to plan to invade Syria. "We will do whatever it takes to kill the terrorists," he said. The Turkish president rejected a meeting with Bolton.
Trump was just praising himself for his "smart" and "courageous" Syria strategy. But his erratic policy has only intensified the chaos in the region. Neither Turkey, nor the YPG, nor anyone else is prepared to rely any longer on the words of the US president.
"There is absolutely no plan. Only dysfunction," criticizes Aaron Stein, Middle East director at the American Foreign Policy Research Institute.
(Copied and translated from various agencies/media via spiegel-online)