monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 28 Nov, 2018 12:22 pm
@Walter Hinteler,

A guide to nine false or misleading statements made by the president in his interview with The Washington Post:

Any you can keep your doctor, or there is not one smidgen of corruption in the IRS, or Bergdhal served his country with distinction?
Wed 28 Nov, 2018 12:26 pm
Don't forget "40% of gun sales take place without a background check". Another lie by Obama that was echoed by the MSM, not fact checked for the lie it was.
Walter Hinteler
Wed 28 Nov, 2018 12:41 pm
That's why the Washington Post Fact Checker gave the pinocchios for that wrong number.
But how does this old story change Trump's interview?
(coldjoint usually says: "history lessons are irrelevant".)
Wed 28 Nov, 2018 12:44 pm
Another lie by Obama that was echoed by the MSM,

The MSM is a propaganda outfit for globalists and authoritarians. Any interest they show in America and what it stands for is no more than lip service.
0 Replies
Wed 28 Nov, 2018 12:45 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
"history lessons are irrelevant".)

Do you have something from 14th century America? Laughing Laughing Laughing
Walter Hinteler
Wed 28 Nov, 2018 12:51 pm
0 Replies
Wed 28 Nov, 2018 12:54 pm
Islamists in Pittsburgh pocket cash raised for Jewish community in wake of mass shooting

Concerning the individuals behind the Pittsburgh fundraiser, there were already several red flags.

“There is a pattern of American Islamists pretending to be sympathetic to domestic U.S. Jews to build credibility that they are not anti-Semites. Several of these Islamists have been involved in crowdfunding campaigns to aid the Pittsburgh synagogue,” Ryan Mauro and Alex VanNess of the Clarion Project reported.

The Islamic Center of Pittsburgh is a mosque with deep ties to Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the United States. A former imam there was an overt anti-Semite who blamed Jews for the rise of ISIS, and he was ultra-cozy with anti-Semitic hate preacher Louis Farrakhan.

Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour in particular (who fundraised in the wake of the Pittsburgh attacks, through her Islamic advocacy group called MPower Change) has a long history of running Jewish “solidarity” scams, which resulted in raised cash simply disappearing.

Last year, Sarsour and El-Messidi raised over $100,000 for the purported goal of helping to repair Jewish cemeteries that were damaged by vandals. Months went by, and several cemeteries that were promised funds never received a check from the group.

More lip service for people that that think Islam gives a **** about anything but Islam. That is not true and will never be true. If there are no gains for Islam it will not be done.
Wed 28 Nov, 2018 01:13 pm
A Virginia man has pleaded guilty to the rape and murder of a 17-year-old Muslim girl whom he attacked near a mosque during Ramadan.

Darwin Martinez Torres, 25, assaulted Nabra Hassanen on 18 June 2017 in Sterling, about 30 miles (48km) west of Washington DC.

Torres admitted all eight counts in a plea deal that will spare him the possibility of the death penalty.

Investigators said they found no evidence it was a hate crime.

Nabra and her friends were walking back to the All Dulles Area Muslim Society mosque after a pre-dawn, fast-food meal when Torres pulled over in what police described as a road rage incident.

The construction worker drove at the group, ramming his car into the curb.

He followed the group in his car as they ran into a parking lot before jumping out wielding a baseball bat. He attacked Nabra and pulled her into his car.

Police said they found Torres hours later, circling the area with blood stains in his vehicle.

He eventually confessed and led police to where he dumped her body in a pond in Loudoun County, Virginia.

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Wed 28 Nov, 2018 01:25 pm
Students for Life Calls on Trump to Defund Planned Parenthood

Where is the MSM? It was all over David Hogg and gun control. They thought children should make our laws when it came to guns. Abortion kills too. Are these students going to get the exposure Hogg did? I do not think so.
In a letter to the White House on the eve of a meeting to be held there, Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins praised President Trump for his pro-life successes and asked that he redouble his efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, redirecting the scarce taxpayer resource to true medical care for women and their children, born and preborn.

Hawkins also noted that SFLA would be calling on Millennials in the more than 1,200 groups on college, university and high school campuses and SFLA supporters nationwide to reach out to the President as well as Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar II, asking them to redirect tax payer dollars away from fetal tissue research funded to the tune of more than $100 million at HHS, as one of five pro-life efforts that his administration can pursue in the next two years.


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Wed 28 Nov, 2018 01:42 pm
The federal government doesn't pay for any abortions.
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Wed 28 Nov, 2018 01:59 pm
They don't cover it, I imagine, because it doesn't happen.

The government doesn't pay for abortions. That's been enshrined in law I believe.
Wed 28 Nov, 2018 02:24 pm
So you still can't provide one example of the primaries being "fixed" or "rigged"

Already showed you links to a CNN article with video. Wasserman Shultz resigned over it. Brazile resigned over it. Senator Warren admits to it on film. Sanders apologizes to his supporters over it.

The fact that it was "legitimised" by the contract HRC had them sign does not detract in any way, shape, or form, that it was rigged in her favour, and the dupe still lost, most probably because of it.

But, you're welcome to keep your head firmly shoved up your khyber pass, and keep pointing to Russia about it.
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Wed 28 Nov, 2018 02:34 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
I believe Zeenat Karzai, wife of the Afghan president, had some involvement in Radio Free Europe?
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Wed 28 Nov, 2018 06:35 pm
Muslim Fundraisers Falsely Accused of Not Handing Over Money to Jewish Victims of Pittsburgh Shooting

Crowdfunding project has donated $155,000 to synagogue, but Israeli activist and others wrongly accused it of pocketing all of it but $10,000

Allison Kaplan Sommer SendSend me email alerts
Nov 28, 2018 6:56 PM

U.S. Muslims raise $190,000 for burial of Jewish Pittsburgh victims
Finger-pointing and name-calling over funds raised by Muslims for the families of victims of the Pittsburgh shooting have cast a shadow over commemorations marking a month since the murder of 11 congregants at the Tree of Life synagogue.

The disagreement focuses on money raised by a group called Muslims Unite For Pittsburgh Synagogue. On its crowdfunding page, the group specified that it was raising money to “support shooting victims with short-term needs (funeral expenses, medical bills, etc.)”

The effort was organized by CelebrateMercy – a group led by Tarek el-Messidi, a self-described “Muslim-American social entrepreneur and speaker” – in partnership with MPower Change, the group co-founded by Palestinian-American activist and Women’s March co-chair Linda Sarsour. The funds were to be distributed by the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh, working with the Tree of Life synagogue.

Hen Mazzig

So @lsarsour raised $400,000 for the Tree of Life in Pittsburgh, but ONLY $10,000 got to them. Not enough for one funereal even. I think it’s great that other people support us, but not when they use our tragedy to fundraise and not even 10% gets to the real victims.
5:45 AM - Nov 27, 2018 · Israel

The opening shot in the dispute came in a tweet Tuesday by Israeli activist Hen Mazzig. He complained that Sarsour “raised $400,000 for the Tree of Life in Pittsburgh, but ONLY $10,000 got to them. Not enough for one funereal [sic] even. I think it’s great that other people support us, but not when they use our tragedy to fundraise and not even 10% gets to the real victims.”

Mazzig’s accusation was echoed by the pro-Israel advocacy group StandWithUs and the right-wing blog Townhall, which also charged, without substantiation, that the Islamic Center had “terror ties.”

Sophie Ellman-Golan

· 22h
The accusations that @lsarsour pocketed $ she’s raised for Jewish communities in mourning and crisis is appalling and blatantly false. It’s an attack on her and an effort to drive a wedge between Jews & those showing up for us.

The Right traffics in lies. Here’s some hard proof:

Sophie Ellman-Golan

I hope everyone takes note of which outlets and which people are sharing the latest round of baseless claims about @lsarsour. I hope we all notice how eagerly people are amplifying blatant lies about her.

I hope we all think about why folks are so eager to believe these lies.
10:30 PM - Nov 27, 2018

Rebecca Pierce🕸
At what point to we admit this is nothing but cold calculated racism? Disappointed that so many made excuses that allow this to get to this point

Tema Smith
I am so disgusted at the people who are letting this lie spread. @aidenpink chased the facts and reported on them. @EgSophie is showing documentation. Transfers of funds between charities, especially for this amount, are not instantaneous. Islamophobia is NOT the answer. https://twitter.com/egsophie/status/1067592583600398336

9:12 PM - Nov 27, 2018

In addition, the Conservative Review alleged that “Islamists in Pittsburgh” had “pocketed” the cash raised for the Jewish victims. And a piece in the Washington Examiner, which has since been removed, was headlined “Linda Sarsour Uses the Blood of Murdered Jews to Line Her Pockets.”

Sarsour’s defenders responded furiously to what they said were baseless smears. Sophie Ellman-Golan, deputy head of social media and outreach for the Women’s March and a progressive Jewish activist, called Mazzig’s charges “appalling and blatantly false”

Aiden Pink
This tweet is incredibly inaccurate and grossly distorts my article. But what's even worse is that he subsequently acknowledged that he was wrong, but still kept the tweet up so he could get more retweets and likes.

Hen Mazzig

So @lsarsour raised $400,000 for the Tree of Life in Pittsburgh, but ONLY $10,000 got to them. Not enough for one funereal even. I think it’s great that other people support us, but not when they use our tragedy to fundraise and not even 10% gets to the real victims.
3:12 PM - Nov 27, 2018

Mazzig’s numbers, it turned out, were an amalgamation of two separate crowdfunding campaigns: One from February 2017 to repair Jewish cemeteries; and the Tree of Life campaign, the details of which were reported in the Forward on Sunday.

The article on the American-Jewish website was written by reporter Aiden Pink, who tweeted later that Mazzig’s tweet was “incredibly inaccurate and grossly distorts my article.” Pink’s piece said that the 2017 cemetery repair campaign raised a total of $162,468.

El-Messidi told the Forward how $100,000 of that has been distributed to various cemeteries. The remaining $62,000, he said, had been held to act as a “rapid-response fund” to be used after “any hate crimes or vandalism that take place at synagogues, or any kind of Jewish institution.”

To that end, el-Messidi said a $10,000 check had been mailed from that fund to the Tree of Life synagogue this week, to be used for building repairs.

The separate crowdfunding campaign for the Tree of Life victims began with the goal of raising $25,000. Overwhelmed with donations, the total was raised to $150,000 and ultimately accumulated nearly $240,000.

In an update to the crowdfunding site on October 29 – two days after the shooting – it was announced that the first installment of funds ($25,000) was transferred “to the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh to immediately begin disbursing help to the families.” The next day, October 30, it announced that it “transferred the second installment of funds ($25K) to the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh (ICP)” and that a center representative “met with the local Jewish Federation and twice with the funeral home to begin planning fund disbursement to the victims’ families.”

On November 1, it said it had “transferred a total of $110,000 to ICP to disburse among the victims’ families (average funeral costs are $10,000 each). By November 20, another $45,000 was transferred and “this completes the final transfer of funds – now a total of $155,000 – for ICP to disburse to the victims’ families. ICP will manage disbursement of the funds to victims’ families.”

Regarding the remaining money, el-Messidi wrote that “Any leftover proceeds, after disbursing funds to victims’ families, will be spent on projects that help foster Muslim-Jewish collaboration, dialogue, and solidarity.”

El-Messidi noted that when decisions were made about which projects to fund, he would update the page.

Despite the fact that funds had begun moving to the Islamic Center almost a month earlier, it was only on November 25 – the day before Pink’s article in the Forward was published – that el-Messidi updated on the crowdfunding site that the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh gave a $155,000 check to the Tree of Life synagogue. He provided a link to a letter acknowledging that 100 percent of the funds would be disbursed by the synagogue to the victims’ families by December 15, 2018.

In the Forward, el-Messidi said he was “still brainstorming” what exactly to do with the remaining $83,000 promised for Muslim-Jewish partnerships, and that “he wanted to have a conversation soon with MPower Change, Sarsour’s organization, to brainstorm more ideas, as well as use their large mailing list to promote the availability of the grants to donors and community members.”

He said that the funds would not be limited to Pittsburgh, though he hoped leaders in that community would be involved.

The director of the Pittsburgh Jewish Federation’s Community Relations Council, Josh Sayles, confirmed to the Forward that the $155,000 transferred to the Islamic Center “is in the process of being distributed to the Jewish community.”

He said his group had “a strong working relationship that goes back many years” with the Islamic Center, and that he and its executive director “have spoken almost daily since the shooting to strategize as to the most efficient way for the Muslim community to allocate the funds. One hundred percent of these funds will go to the Jewish community.”

While the sum raised by the Muslim-sponsored crowdfunding effort is impressive, it represents only a fraction of the total amount of money raised to help the victims’ families and Pittsburgh’s Jewish community.

According to the Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle, the total amount of donations will total more than $5 million – a sum that includes $3.65 million pledged to the local Jewish Federation’s Victims of Terror Fund.

Jewish community leaders are reportedly working with an expert attorney who helped distribute funds to victims of 9/11, the Sandy Hook massacre, and the Pulse nightclub and Las Vegas shootings.
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Wed 28 Nov, 2018 06:44 pm

Sophie Ellman-Golan calls herself an activist and a communicator. It’s an apt description for the deputy head of communications of the Women’s March, the activist group that led the march on Washington in January 2017 and continues to advocate for progressive causes. But communication can be tough when the frantic tone of public discourse is set by Twitter tirades and polarizing Facebook posts.

Proven anti-Semites, and that money means nothing, it amounts to lip service. Islam is backed by unlimited funds. And this women is a progressive idiot using the race card and promoting guilt with gay abandon.

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