Quote: a desperate attempt to gain sympathy by hijacking and then misapplying a long-loathed term in hopes of sowing distrust and confusion.
Yes, it's a pretty obvious disinformation attempt.
Some people are more comfortable being hated than being loved. Many ultra-zionists entertain the myth that everybody hates them. It help them sustain their 'us vs. them' world view.
During my time in NYC, I attended a J-Street event. J-street is the anti-AIPAC: a US Jewish group agitating for peace with the Palestinians. They had pins saying "Pro-Israel -- Pro-peace". I got meself one and pinned it onto my coat. The next day, I was taking lunch in this joint near the office when some other patrons objected to it. The discussion went like this:
Me: Why don't you like this pin? You guys are against Israel?
Them: No no no of course not! We're Jewish!
Me: Alright so... Are you against peace, then???
Them: No no no of course not! How could anyone be against peace?
Me: So what's your problem with the damn pin?
Them: .... errr... nothing.