@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
You keep demonstrating selective blindness with your "No one on the Democrat side has..." The last time it was the silly claim that no one on your side uses juvenile monikers like "Demokkkrat"
It seems that claims start of as silly, and then become more and more believable. Half the stuff peddled at Infowars was taken for a fact by the followers, and that is in my opinion a conservative estimate. Furthermore, dismissing a claim as silly is all well and good, and within your right, but I take offense at the idea of being identified with the KKK.
Besides, this is more than a silly claim. I hear the call to outlaw the democratic party more and more these days, and with the current president, anything is possible.
We can and will argue all day which tribe is the worst, but your obvious tendency to want to portray yours as without fault or flaw is silly.
Don't put words in my mouth. I will never claim the democrats are innocent, or ar without flaw or fault. That is how you choose to interpret this. There's plenty of deplorable bad behavior on both sides of the political spectrum.
Oralloy keeps advancing the foolish notion of outlawing the Democrat party, likely because he knows it's guaranteed to get a rise out of you and others. He's done it so many times, it's really hard to believe anyone responds to it still.
Funny, how what is trivial to one can come across as threatening to another.
In any case, he is one person in a tiny internet discussion forum and not a spokesman for any organization or cause.
Is this you making the case oralloy is the only person to say this? Hmm?
https://answers.yahoo.com/qu<br />
Somewhere out there I'm sure we could find at least one person arguing for outlawing the Republican party.
Yes, of course. I searched for this as well, and found some links, although noticeably less so.
So what? When we hear people with power and influence advancing such notions, that will be the time for concern.
People in power, especially in countries where the population can vote, tend to try and find out the opinion of said population. If enough people repeat this, there's bound to be someone in a position of power to endorse it. There used to be a time I would laugh such a preposterous idea away, but these past two years have opened my eyes to the depths people in power, or people desiring power, will sink to.
BTW who in this forum has suggested something worse than outlawing the Democrat party and what was it? Lining all Democrats up in front of a firing squad?
You seriously ask me to point this out, when you start your post by calling my claims silly?