monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Finn dAbuzz
Sat 10 Nov, 2018 02:17 pm
May I ask the denomination?

The bit about prostrating yourselves was hyperbole right?
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 10 Nov, 2018 02:38 pm
najmelliw wrote:

Finn dAbuzz wrote:

You keep demonstrating selective blindness with your "No one on the Democrat side has..." The last time it was the silly claim that no one on your side uses juvenile monikers like "Demokkkrat"

It seems that claims start of as silly, and then become more and more believable.

How so, I can easily point out the use of juvenile monikers by people on your side: Repukes, tRump. President Plump etc

Half the stuff peddled at Infowars was taken for a fact by the followers, and that is in my opinion a conservative estimate. Furthermore, dismissing a claim as silly is all well and good, and within your right, but I take offense at the idea of being identified with the KKK.

You need to toughen your skin. There is only one person in this forum who uses terms like Demokkkrats and no one takes him very seriously. Besides you're not a Democrat. You don't even live in the US. And, if you do some research you will find that there were at one time ties between the KKK and the Democrat party.

Besides, this is more than a silly claim. I hear the call to outlaw the democratic party more and more these days, and with the current president, anything is possible.

More and more? You must spend a lot of time on fringe websites. As for anything being possible with Trump as president, it seems you've decided to double down on silly claims. The Democrat Party is not going to be outlawed, and Trump isn't going to install himself as Dictator. He may push the boundaries of his authority, but at one time or another, all presidents do. Obama did.


We can and will argue all day which tribe is the worst, but your obvious tendency to want to portray yours as without fault or flaw is silly.

Don't put words in my mouth. I will never claim the democrats are innocent, or ar without flaw or fault. That is how you choose to interpret this. There's plenty of deplorable bad behavior on both sides of the political spectrum.

And yet you keep making these statements about how it only Republicans or conservatives who do this or that


Oralloy keeps advancing the foolish notion of outlawing the Democrat party, likely because he knows it's guaranteed to get a rise out of you and others. He's done it so many times, it's really hard to believe anyone responds to it still.

Funny, how what is trivial to one can come across as threatening to another.

It is very funny that you might feel threatened by Oralloy.


In any case, he is one person in a tiny internet discussion forum and not a spokesman for any organization or cause.

Is this you making the case oralloy is the only person to say this? Hmm?
https://answers.yahoo.com/qu<br /> estion/index?qid=20120212110210AAfdXPe

I didn't have to check out these links to know that these folks are not spokespersons for serious organizations or causes either. There has and always be a fringe of extremists out there. Thanks to the internet their voices have been amplified, but unitl you start hearing elected officials repeating this nonsense, you need not worry.


Somewhere out there I'm sure we could find at least one person arguing for outlawing the Republican party.

Yes, of course. I searched for this as well, and found some links, although noticeably less so.


So what? When we hear people with power and influence advancing such notions, that will be the time for concern.

People in power, especially in countries where the population can vote, tend to try and find out the opinion of said population. If enough people repeat this, there's bound to be someone in a position of power to endorse it. There used to be a time I would laugh such a preposterous idea away, but these past two years have opened my eyes to the depths people in power, or people desiring power, will sink to.

But there hasn't been so you can untwist your knickers. If you've only just learned that people will do almost anything to gain or retain power (like "discovering" thousands of uncounted votes; all for their candidate), you lived a sheltered life.


BTW who in this forum has suggested something worse than outlawing the Democrat party and what was it? Lining all Democrats up in front of a firing squad?

You seriously ask me to point this out, when you start your post by calling my claims silly?

Yes I do. You made the claim. You should be able to back it up.
Sat 10 Nov, 2018 02:44 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Non-denominational/ evangelical
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Finn dAbuzz
Sat 10 Nov, 2018 03:26 pm
Well, not having been there I can't know what happened, but I can imagine how it might have felt humiliating. I can also imagine that there are people who seek help from others under false pretenses so I don't have a problem with any person or organization asking questions before dishing out the cash. Of course what those questions are and how they are asked can be appropriate or inappropriate, and a young child watching his parents answer such questions might automatically feel they are inappropriate.

In the final analysis, it sounds as if your family benefited from the largess of a church that was not legally bound to help.

Replace the government with the church and questions will still be asked (at least they certainly should be). Many years ago when I was collecting unemployment I would have to go to an office every week and someone would ask me if I had looked for a job since the last time I was there. At first, my reaction was anger and I wanted to answer "You tell me? Would I be here if I had found a job?" That was ridiculous on my part and stemmed from a sense of humiliation about accepting a "handout." Of course, there are people who abuse unemployment and that stupid question isn't going to catch or stop them. I'm not sure how the abuse can be detected, but if there is no attempt, at all, to do so, it will get worse.

I would guess that the number of people legitimately collecting benefits of one kind or the other from the government is greater than those jobbing the system, but I don't believe the number of frauds is insignificant. I don't advocate having someone down on their luck being subjected to a humiliating interrogation, but I'm afraid we can't assume that everyone asking for help actually needs and deserves it.

0 Replies
Sat 10 Nov, 2018 03:45 pm

it's a thing of beauty
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 10 Nov, 2018 04:18 pm
Gosh. You're not a Female Nationalist, are you?
0 Replies
Sat 10 Nov, 2018 04:28 pm
It is racist. Are there ophthalmologists in Canada? Here is a link for you.

0 Replies
Sat 10 Nov, 2018 06:23 pm

DOJ’S NEW LEADER Says He’d Do To Hillary What Sessions Didn’t Do!

According to FBI Director James Comey’s statement on Tuesday, former secretary of State Hillary Clinton could have been charged with violating several different code sections, and he detailed the evidence that supports bringing criminal charges.

Yet, Director Comey’s judgment was that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring the case. I disagree. I believe myself to have been a reasonable prosecutor, and when the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted…

…A reasonable prosecutor may ask, if on numerous occasions, an unknown State Department employee had taken top secret information from a secured system, emailed that information on a Gmail account, and stored the information on a personal server for years, would that individual be prosecuted? I believe they would

0 Replies
Sun 11 Nov, 2018 04:44 am
More on Fart's refusal to visit war graves.

Amidst brewing international consternation, Trump was criticised in harsh terms by Winston Churchill’s grandson, Nicholas Soames, who tweeted: “They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen #hesnotfittorepresenthisgreatcountry.”


Churchill refused to move out of London during the Blitz. Who wouldn't have let a few raindrops stop him from honouring the fallen.
NSFW (view)
Sun 11 Nov, 2018 06:18 am
@Walter Hinteler,
At least Melania's found herself a new role.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Nov, 2018 06:22 am
Something that should concern us all. HIV/AIDS didn't limit itself to Africa.

More than 200 people have now died in the latest outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo, according to health officials.

About half the victims were from Beni, a city of 800,000 in the North Kivu region, the national health authority said.

A vaccination programme has so far inoculated about 25,000 people.

However, health minister Oly Ilunga said armed rebels were continuing to harass medical teams.

In September, vaccinations were suspended in Beni when a rebel group launched an attack that lasted several hours.

Congo has suffered from years of civil war and political upheaval.

The current outbreak of Ebola, which began in July, is the 10th to hit the country since 1976. The virus is spread via small amounts of bodily fluid and infection often proves fatal.

In its latest update, the health ministry said 291 cases had been confirmed and 201 deaths had been recorded.

UN peacekeepers in the country have called on armed groups not to hinder medical workers fighting the disease.

Mr Ilunga said, on Friday, that teams had faced "threats, physical assaults, repeated destruction of their equipment and kidnapping".

"Two of our colleagues in the Rapid Response Medical Unit have even lost their lives in an attack," he added.

Last week, the World Health Organization's director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said the lack of security was posing the greatest challenge in countering the current epidemic.

0 Replies
Sun 11 Nov, 2018 08:26 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

How so, I can easily point out the use of juvenile monikers by people on your side: Repukes, tRump. President Plump etc

You won't see me using them. But regardless, there is a HUGE difference between these names and stuff like the demokkkrats. One is a sneer, the other is an implication that the democrats are actually the kkk, and are therefor racist murderers.

You need to toughen your skin. There is only one person in this forum who uses terms like Demokkkrats and no one takes him very seriously.

I didn't think people took InfoWars seriously either. Until I found out otherwise.


More and more? You must spend a lot of time on fringe websites. As for anything being possible with Trump as president, it seems you've decided to double down on silly claims. The Democrat Party is not going to be outlawed, and Trump isn't going to install himself as Dictator. He may push the boundaries of his authority, but at one time or another, all presidents do. Obama did.

Since I figure you would be one of those who would rejoice if the democratic party was actually banned, forgive me if I take your predictions with a few grains of salt.

And yet you keep making these statements about how it only Republicans or conservatives who do this or that

There's 3000 pages filled with posts of people making claims back and forth about how republicans and/or democrats do this or that. You may have noticed I haven't responded to about 99% of the crap mentioned. So if I do, you can rest assured it's because I am disturbed by it. Call it my thin skin, but I'm not going to stop anytime soon.

It is very funny that you might feel threatened by Oralloy.

Not the person, but the idea. Which you very well know. How many more ad hominems are you going to fire off?


I didn't have to check out these links to know that these folks are not spokespersons for serious organizations or causes either. There has and always be a fringe of extremists out there. Thanks to the internet their voices have been amplified, but unitl you start hearing elected officials repeating this nonsense, you need not worry.

When I'm hearing this nonsense from 'elected officials' it's too late. Then again, I figure it would please you if the democratic party was banned, so I get why you don't want anyone to pay heed to these 'silly' outcries.

But there hasn't been so you can untwist your knickers. If you've only just learned that people will do almost anything to gain or retain power (like "discovering" thousands of uncounted votes; all for their candidate), you lived a sheltered life.

Which is why there are laws, right? It should be assumed that people, also those in power, will adhere to that law. Not try to skirt around it in order to gain (more) power.

Yes I do. You made the claim. You should be able to back it up.

I'm not going to search through 3000+ pages with posts to find a specific one, especially since all it will invite from you is another ad hominem about my paper thin skin or my sheltered lifestyle.
Sun 11 Nov, 2018 09:56 am
najmelliw wrote:
the other is an implication that the democrats are actually the kkk,

The Democratic party was the party of the south, which was 'liberated' (in some people's eyes) from reconstruction by the underground resistance movement, aka the KKK (yes, try saying "aka the KKK" ten times fast). The KKK is known as a secret society, and they don't even have marches or appear on the Jerry Springer show as they did in the past. So, it is pertinent to ask the question what happened to the KKK, or at least the spirit of the KKK, and what is the relationship between that spirit and the Democratic party, which now seems to have flipped 180 degrees?

I.e. Are the KKK's mission and the Democrat policies now fundamentally in opposition, or has politics evolved into a more sophisticated form where front-stage/back-stage differentiation allows policies/politics to go on for public view whose primary function is not to actually pursue goals within a constructive democratic discourse but rather to tease out resistance, which is then dealt with on a more private/covert level?

This sounds like horrendous conspiracy theory, but it is a political tactic that is well-established, i.e. tolerance for control. Actual goals and priorities are kept unspoken/secret and those that deviate from the 'correct' political orientation are kept on a leash and tolerated, so that they can be kept from making inroads with anything that doesn't support that 'correct' orientation.

This is what I think has happened with the Democrat party. Ostensibly, it promotes all these humanitarian and environmental goals, but it puts a big price tag on each goal and then whenever support is garnered to unleash the goal, the money is awarded and everyone involved gets pacified and re-integrated into the normative consumption economy. In this way, the economic status quo is maintained and only superficial policy measures are implemented, which pay lip-service to their stated purposes, but in practice they actually serve only to strengthen the market positions of established corporations and stimulate the economy from which those corporations feed.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 11 Nov, 2018 11:43 am
It's pretty rich to see you continually bleat about ad hominem and then twice assert that I am someone who would like to to see the Democrat Party legally outlawed.

Sun 11 Nov, 2018 11:47 am
ehBeth wrote:
The intern was in over her head and probably negatively effected by the really negative vibes coming from Acosta and #45. Whoever supervises her should not have let her try to get involved. That is a disciplinary matter for whoever manages the interns.

well well well

that was no intern


Ms. Sanders didn't need to lie, had to realize the lie would be discovered. Why bother lying? why bother releasing doctored video?


what's in it for Ms. Sanders?

Sun 11 Nov, 2018 01:14 pm

Mr. Soames is the son of WSC's daughter, Mary, the woman in the right foreground. She and her father were at the AAA battery she commanded near London, seen in the background. Here's a link to an article on how the fat boy avoided military service during the Vietnam War..
0 Replies
Sun 11 Nov, 2018 01:22 pm
Sarah seems like a woman bent on payback. Her face contorts with contempt, its no secret how she feels. What I don’t understand is how she gives herself permission to lie. Her father, Mike Huckabee has been crafting fire and brimstone remarks to demonize people he disagrees with, and it seems to me that Sarah is following his example. I think Sarah is fatally confused, she thinks she’s combating evil and refuses to recognize that people can disagree with each other on which path to follow. She is able to view people as lesser beings because of their profession, their religion or lack of religion, their party affiliation or something as simple as asking for clarification of a position. That’s what a press secretary paid by the tax payers is supposed to do. Unfortunately, that’s a concept that escapes her, she is doling out payback to all those who sin or are evil.

Walter Hinteler
Sun 11 Nov, 2018 02:29 pm
The Paris Peace Forum, attended by over 80 Heads of State and Government, was part of the commemoration ceremony for Armistice Day today.

Trump, who champions a policy of "America first" and has said he is proud to be a nationalist, snubbed the event. Air Force One departed Paris for Washington shortly after the peace forum opened.

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