Acosta is not a reporter. He's a pundit masquerading as one. He didn't ask a tough question he attempted to debate the president. There are multiple definitions of "invasion" and depending upon which you choose you can argue that Trump is right or that Acosta is, but since there are multiple definitions, Acosta's premise that the Caravan
is not an invasion is dishonest. In addition, even if you want to accept his definition (a military assault) the fact that they are 100 miles away is totally immaterial. Otherwise, when the Nazis were 100 miles away from their border, the French would have been
wrong to consider them an invading force.
Acosta is generally reviled among his colleagues as a grandstander, but they are going to come to his defense in cases like this.
If I were Trump, I would simply refuse to take his questions. CNN is going to criticize him regardless of what he does, but at least it wouldn't give this pompous a-hole oxygen.