monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

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Fri 5 Oct, 2018 09:04 pm
You’re right about one thing, talking to you is a colossal waste of time, and you need a refresher in vocabulary and ask Santa Claus to bring you a dictionary if you believe in Christmas. Tell you what, I won’t try and talk to you and you can stop responding to everything I post. If you have even a tsp. full of self-control you will stop. I’m betting you can’t, I bet you will feel compelled to say something else stupid as soon as you see this. Even you know that’s true, you can’t stop, you just can’t.
Fri 5 Oct, 2018 09:08 pm
Even you know that’s true, you can’t stop, you just can’t.

That is exactly what I told you months ago about your trolling. Anything else?
0 Replies
Fri 5 Oct, 2018 09:23 pm
She/He can't help it, he/she has zero self control. Did I call it or did I call it.
Fri 5 Oct, 2018 09:33 pm
Did I call it or did I call it.

Are you talking to your fans? I'm impressed. Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Fri 5 Oct, 2018 10:04 pm
Feinstein busted making threats to a colleague?

Say it ain't so.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 12:45 am
Gunga's little parable was neither amusing nor skewering, and it's typical of his coarse provocation, but you took the bait, or you just couldn't resist registering more of your sanctimonious moral outrage.

Not that he's, necessarily, incapable of doing so, but It's silly to suggest he was ridiculing a rape victim. Clearly, his point was that, sometime in the future, after 40 years of repeatedly leveling false sexual assault accusations against Republicans, a Democrat's word will be less than worthless, it will work against them. Like I said, it wasn't amusing and it wasn't skewering, but then he likes to use the sort of oversized sledgehammers we see clowns in a circus swinging around.

There is though an important point buried in his post; that has been raised repeatedly over the last two weeks or so and most often by women: Fallacious accusations of sexual assault do not help to raise awareness of the problem that is both the crime and the manner in which women who come forward to report it are treated. On the contrary, they hurt it.

According to various sources, the incident rate of false accusations of sexual assault is between 2% and 10%. Even at the high end, this is a relatively low rate and should not cast undue doubt on what would be 90% legitimate accusations. However, the false ones tend to involve high profile cases and so get a lot of attention.

False accusations of any sort will be used to question legitimate ones, but in an environment in which we are supposed to believe the accusers solely on their say-so, an accusation that is proven false is that much more corrosive.

The Duke Lacross Team travesty is a good example. Immediately after the charges were leveled, the left at Duke, followed almost instantaneously by the left around the nation and the MSM, declared that these male students were guilty and demanded their scalps. The Lacross coach was fired because he had the gall to say he didn't believe the accused members of his team were guilty. The DA who was eventually proven to be totally corrupt, along with the leaders and members of virtually every leftwing group on campus (including the faculty) viciously attacked the young men for having the temerity and insensitivity to try and defend themselves (sound familiar?). Didn't they know they were guilty? A woman accused them of rape and that was all there was to it. She had to be believed!

That she was a drug addict who made a living having sex with men she did not know could not be spoken aloud, and while only an irrational twit would suggest this had no bearing whatsoever on the case, it's relevance had nothing to do with whether it would have been a crime if she had been raped. It is unquestionable that a prostitute can be raped, and if this one had been, her rapists would have deserved severe punishment. However the people who screamed obscenities in the faces of anyone bringing up the fact that the woman was a prostitute, were, from the git-go, telling anyone who would listen that privileged white athletes, attending a prestigious university and who are the scions of elite and wealthy families are just the sort of entitled male brutes who are most likely to rape women. Apparently, it was entirely appropriate for their social status to be declared as proof of their guilt

As we now know, the allegations were false and the DA, shamefully and criminally tried to railroad the players into prison sentences for personal political gain. If our system of justice had operated as the Duke administration did and in the way the left and numerous MSM commentators insisted it should, innocent young men would have gone to prison and might still be there today.

This is scary stuff not only for men, but for their wives, mothers, sisters and all of their female family members and friends. The number of women chanting "Shame" at Joe Manchin and screaming at Senators in elevators, who would maintain their insistence on believing the Survivor and imposing presumed guilt upon the accused if the accused was their son, brother or father is likely less than the number of women filing false accusations against men, but until a male loved one of theirs is confronted by this Medeval injustice they will proudly sit astride their high horses and scream about rape culture.

Thankfully, in the Duke Lacross case the rule of law prevailed over mob rule and the players were exonerated. Of course their reputations were severely damaged (although that damage pales in comparison to what Judge Kavanaugh has suffered) and I think it's pretty safe to assume that they keep the fact that were involved in the blood circus from everyone they meet, because even though they were exonerated, they know, all too well, that there are still a great many people who either a) Didn't follow the story beyond its initial tabloid treatment and only remember it as "That time when a bunch of frat boys gang raped a woman at one of their parties," or b) Refuse to accept the fact that they were not guilty, and that their wealthy and powerful parents did not pull whatever strings were necessary to get them off.

In an environment where a woman alleging sexual assault must be believed, even if her only "proof" is her uncorroborated and inconsistent testimony, and where the man or men she accuses must, to avoid punishment beyond their soiled reputations, provide proof positive of a negative, that they didn't commit the crime, every prior case of false accusations, no matter how few they may be, are going to assume a much greater weight than they deserve, and will be raised in defense of the accused.

If you are being told that, contrary to the nation's fundamental principles of justice and fair play, you are guilty until you prove your innocence, and your accuser need not provide any details that you might refute in order to establish your innocence, what do you and your supporters have left but to remind everyone who will listen that there have been cases just like yours where it was proven that the accusations were false? I suppose one way to make sure this doesn't happen is to gag the accused and threaten to punish him if he brings up any prior cases, but unless the people who want to turn our centuries old concept of justice upside down are prepared to make it illegal for anyone to mention the Duke Lacross Team case, The Rolling Stone's Fictional Account of (yet again) Frat Boy rape at UVA posing as fact, or any of whatever number of cases there may be where a woman's accusations were proven to be false, they are not going to purge this source of doubt from the public mind.

I wouldn't be surprised, BTW, if folks like Corey Spartacus Booker and Da Nang Dick Blumenthal would support such draconian measures. Ridiculous! some with think and respond, but tell me why such an idea is absurd; how neither of these men nor Kamala Harris, Maise Hirono, Chris Coons, Chuck Schumer, or any Democrat on the Judiciary Committee didn't make multiple outrageous and reprehensible statements during this process.

Like Hirono telling a CNN interviewer that Kavanaugh doesn't get to rely on the principle of presumption of innocence because she doesn't agree with his judicial philosophy, or this gem:

“Guess who is perpetrating all of these kinds of actions? It’s the men in this country. I just want to say to the men in this country: Just shut up and step up (and tie the noose for Brett Kavanaugh's lynching). Do the right thing, for a change!”

"The men in this country" are "perpetrating these kinds of actions." Not "some" men, but "the" men, and "the men in this country" need to do the right thing, "for a change!" Really? This is misandry pure and simple. Now the folks who consider Hirono a heroic spitfire are likely the same ones who mock the notion of misandry. I can hear one of our members (and so huge a fan of mine that for years she used quotes from my posts as her signature line) now saying "Oh poor little snowflake. Did you cry when big bad Maise was mean to men?" but of course misandry, like misogyny, exists and when you angrily suggest that it would be a notable change if all the men in the country did the right thing, instead of perpetrating these kinds of actions, you've demonstrated a misandrist attitude. Imagine if Mitch McConnell (who the collegial Senator Hirono ordered to do the right things as she passed him a Senate hallway) had told reporters:

"It the women in this country who are telling these kinds of lies. I just want to say to the women in this country: Just shut up and step up. Tell the truth, for a change!"

(I kind of wish he had. It would have been fun watching all of the leftwing heads explode.)

Later she tried to explain that she made this outrageously stupid comment because she was upset about the unfairness of the situation. Ha! She deprives Kavanaugh of the presumption of innocence because she doesn't agree with his judicial philosophy and she's upset about unfairness? Not to mention that when Kavanaugh reacted emotionally to the efforts to destroy his professional and personal lives by people who didn't care one whit about the impact it was having on his wife and kids, Hirono found it grounds to disqualify him for the USSC. I guess she was including him in her admonition for all men to just shut up. It would have been a lot easier for the Dems if the dumb bastard has just shut up and stepped up and withdrawn.

She ended her claification with this bit intended to soften the image of a living blade that she had just cultivated. The irony is wonderful and, I'm sure, totally lost on Maise and her adoring throng

We should all be holding together. We should all be treating each other like human beings

Unless, of course, you are a conservative nominee for the USSC, selected by a Republican president...or his wife and kids.

She's a dangerous demagogue, but at least she's a frank one. When Graham went off last Thursday about how one of the Dems publically stated that the plan was to delay the nomination long enough for them to gain back the Senate in November and then kill it in 2019, he was pointing his finger at her. And this woman has become a hero for the left. I knew Hawaii was Blue, but how the hell did this woman get elected? This has to be a new Maise Hirono for Hawaiian voters. Good grief, I think we now have a new 2020 hopeful in the Democrat Party!

I could go on with one outrageous Democrat notion and ploy after another if you'd like me to, but somehow I suspect you will dismiss them out of hand.
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 01:01 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Good post.
0 Replies
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 02:57 am
glitterbag wrote:

Wasn’t there a big Hoo Hah some years back when one of the Princes dressed as a Nazi for a Halloween Party?

I don't know if it was Halloween, but there was a party where the theme was Out Of Africa and he dressed as a Nazi.

Walter Hinteler
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 04:10 am
It was actually the uniform of Rommel's Afrika Korps, completed with (= added to the uniform) the swastika band. (Wehrmacht and even SS Uniforms did not have the arm band except for certain ceremonial purposes)

The reason for this party was a "colonials and natives" party at Richard Meade's equestrian centre.
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 04:23 am
@Walter Hinteler,
So he didn't even need to wear a swastika for it to be authentic. How unsurprising.
0 Replies
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 04:59 am
He's just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let him be misunderstood.

(Apologies to Nina Simon and Eric Burdon)
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 05:26 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Thank you for taking the time to write a well thought essay.

I stood up for my principles and if you want to see it as " sanctimonious moral outrage" be my guest. Can't really stop you, or anything, for that matter.

The only thing I can do is to use my voice and my typing skills to acknowledge a particular issue that pertains to me. You are correct, for every false claim there's hundreds, even thousands of victims that don't get heard. For every #metoo story, there will be at least one that will challenge it.

It's been an interesting read on some of these threads. Republicans versus Democrats, men versus women, truth versus lies. There's been a few posters that seem to enjoy the chaos and revel in the dysfunction. I view it half halfheartedly, as others do. Sometimes, there's just no need to fight.

Other days, the fight is real.

Today is that day.
0 Replies
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 05:50 am
Using that term is racist whether you think you're being racist or not.
I think we dilute the meaning of "racism" when ironic, self-deprecating, or non-malevolent usage of a term is proscribed. The linguistic vestiges of racism serve to remind us of our cultural history. Scrubbing particular words from our vocabulary doesn't necessarily mean that the referents of those words no longer exist or that their consequences have been addressed.
Beckett wrote:
No use indicting words. They're no shoddier than the ideas they peddle.

0 Replies
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 08:26 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
If you are correct that 90% of rape allegations are true, then I don't think the accuser should be treated as a liar until every possible lead has been explored. With the Kavanaugh hearing there was no legitimate FBI investigation; it was too limited. Witnesses were not allowed to corroborate her account of the sexual assault. Misleading statements were told by both Kavanaugh and republicans when they said all the people Ford named refute her allegation.

Moreover, Kavanaugh gave a partisan ranting testimony filled with baseless accusations against democrats. He will be on the high court providing justice for all Americans. He did not show an impartiality in his testimony. He appeared drunk to me, but I don't know that. He acted like he was in a drunken crying rage in his testimony. He did not act like he was interviewed for the highest court in the land. That hearing was not a trial, it was a job interview. If people had doubts about Kavanaugh for whatever reason, they should not vote for him to be confirmed even if the allegations could not be proven. The doubt is enough. It came down who appeared more credible in their testimony, Ford clearly did.
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 08:40 am
Quote revellette to Finn:
If you are correct that 90% of rape allegations are true, then I don't think the accuser should be treated as a liar until every possible lead has been explored.

Yes, but Finn has to treat them like that. Misogyny has been a platform of the Republican Party for some years, and Finn has to do his part.
0 Replies
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 08:57 am
0 Replies
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 09:02 am
revelette1 wrote:

If you are correct that 90% of rape allegations are true, then I don't think the accuser should be treated as a liar until every possible lead has been explored. .

I believe one of us has misread something. It looks to me like he was referring to false accusations.

Finn dAbuzz wrote:

According to various sources, the incident rate of false accusations of sexual assault is between 2% and 10%. Even at the high end, this is a relatively low rate and should not cast undue doubt on what would be 90% legitimate accusations. However, the false ones tend to involve high profile cases and so get a lot of attention.
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 09:38 am
You might want to apologise to Holocaust victims and people from the Indian sub continent while you're at it.
0 Replies
Sat 6 Oct, 2018 09:42 am
I think I might have posted this before, but Katy Kay nails the lie about false rape allegations. This is the first bit of a much longer article.

The truth about false assault accusations by women

Either Brett Kavanaugh or Christine Blasey Ford is lying. We don't know which one.

Here's what we do know.

Over the past 20 years, only 2-10% of rape accusations (Prof Ford's lawyer says she believes this was attempted rape) are proven to be fake, argue the authors of a 2010 US study.

That figure does not include any unsubstantiated accusations where an investigation was unable to prove a sexual assault occurred, so an accurate figure for the total remains unknown.

Other studies have figures in the same range. The FBI has put the number of "unfounded" rapes - those determined to be false after investigation - at 8%.

Fake rape accusations get a lot of attention.

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