@Finn dAbuzz,
Quote:Anyone who has been reading the WaPo over the time Jennifer Rubin has been a columnist for the paper knows that she has been a favorite target of a dedicated cadre of left-wing clowns who enjoyed nothing better than coming together in the Comments section of every one of her columns and mocking her just as you might expect from the Mean Girls lunch table in HS.
Now she's becoming their darling thanks to her savage attacks against Trump.
There's some truth in that. Rubin was hired on at the same time as Greg Sargent, one to argue from the right and one from the left. She pretty much always followed the party line until Trump happened. But as with many other conservative writers, she considered him a threat to conservatism, to the party and to America (or beyond).
One can, with some justification, indict liberal readers for shifting in their regard of her columns. Of course, that would hold for conservative readers who liked her before but now don't. Same phenomenon, pretty much.
What is notable and important to recognize in this situation is that Rubin is not unique. She's only one example of many conservatives who did and do consider Trump a dangerous anomaly in US politics and in conservatism.
As we know, the National Review, a key bastion of conservative writers and thinkers, put out a special edition where some 20 conservative writers wrote on why they felt Trump must not arrive in the WH. There's no precedent for that in our lifetimes and beyond. And there's Michael Gerson and Colin Powell and the senior Bushes (and Jeb said he wouldn't vote for Trump), Christine Todd Whitman, etc - it's a long list.