Technically, I think layman is against the mesophilic cheeses like brie. I dont think hes against the thremophilics like Parmesan because that would be a racist slap against spaghetti. I dont think hes against Cheddaring also, otherwise hed be against the cheeseburger.
He drinks a lot of MAd Dog 20 20 so he often gets to hallucinating but any "manly cheese" he is for, (these go well with MAd Dog and pretxels) Ill have to ask him when hes sober.
Is he still doing that " illiterate black guy " impersonation??
Is it even possible to get raped by a block of Velveeta?? That would explain a lot though.
I have him on ignore so the only way he exists is when he gets referenced like your humorous recognition of his "Anti-Cheesite persona"