monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 8 Sep, 2018 03:29 pm
You could have thought a wee bit more you know.

No , I couldn't. Not with this ******* hangover.

It's now about 3:30. I'm beginning to feel better.
Sat 8 Sep, 2018 03:33 pm
An old fart like you really ought to know better, Bernie.
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Sat 8 Sep, 2018 03:34 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Definite quote of the day here
“It’s hard to draw people into a movement of hate,” Mr. Mulvaney
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Sat 8 Sep, 2018 03:40 pm
Very informative discussion between Rick Perlstein and Josh Marshall on the history of voter fraud claims as a means of actually suppressing voting. See the Josh Marshall podcast
Also, read this by Perlstein and Livia Gershon
Stolen Elections, Voting Dogs And Other Fantastic Fables From The GOP Voter Fraud Mythology
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Sat 8 Sep, 2018 07:52 pm
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Sat 8 Sep, 2018 08:14 pm
He views Islam based on facts.

Like you, cj. What a joke. He, like all Americans, views Muslims based on US governments' long history of lies lies lies.
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Real Music
Sun 9 Sep, 2018 12:32 am
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Real Music
Sun 9 Sep, 2018 01:05 am
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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 05:29 am
I'm trying to imagine the internal turmoil that will be experienced by the nationalists and the religious right cadres within modern US conservatism when they hear of this and then fret over whether to admit they think this (with very minor changes) is a really good idea the Chinese have here
HOTAN, China — On the edge of a desert in far western China, an imposing building sits behind a fence topped with barbed wire. Large red characters on the facade urge people to learn Chinese, study law and acquire job skills. Guards make clear that visitors are not welcome.

Inside, hundreds of ethnic Uighur Muslims spend their days in a high-pressure indoctrination program, where they are forced to listen to lectures, sing hymns praising the Chinese Communist Party and write “self-criticism” essays, according to detainees who have been released.

The goal is to remove any devotion to Islam.
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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 05:51 am
We all know about the horrific Kent State event where white students were killed by National Guard troops. It was all over the news, print and television, for a long while.

I did not know anything at all about an earlier incident involving the killing of black students.
‘Stained with blood’: The 1968 campus massacre of black protesters by South Carolina police
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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 07:02 am
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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 07:03 am
This joke of a president needs to go. He will answer whatever Mueller wants him to answer. I don't get RuGiu's fantasy that somehow he or anybody else gets to dictate what the special prosecutor gets to ask.

Giuliani tells AP Trump won't answer Mueller's obstruction questions, then backtracks

President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani said Thursday that the president would not answer questions about obstruction of justice from the special counsel’s team, but in a subsequent interview was less definitive.

Giuliani first told The Associated Press in an interview: “That's a no-go. That is not going to happen," and "there will be no questions at all on obstruction."

But later, when asked by NBC News, Giuliani said those questions are "not ruled in or out."
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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 08:37 am
Trump wants to toughen the nation's libel laws. Here's why he isn't likely to succeed
SEP 08, 2018 | 1:25 PM

Donald Trump hates to lose unless he wins by losing.

So, the president is quick to portray himself as a victim, especially when he thinks he has been defamed.

On Wednesday, in response to the publication of excerpts from “Fear: Trump in the White House,” author Bob Woodward’s new, critical book on his presidency, Trump called on “Washington politicians” to change our nation’s libel laws.

Earlier this year Trump called libel laws “a sham and a disgrace,” shortly after his lawyers had threatened a possible libel suit in an unsuccessful attempt to block publication of another book — Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.” He then renewed his campaign promise to “open up” America’s libel laws, pledging “to take a strong look” at them.

Changing our libel laws is easier said than done and, upon reflection, Trump might not want to push for change. Neither the president nor Congress can easily change defamation laws, and Trump’s own inflammatory rhetoric would most certainly be a casualty were libel laws toughened.

Trump has never brought a successful defamation case in court. Still, his lawsuits, including litigation deemed frivolous, are an effective tool for attacking his critics, forcing them to spend lots of time and money defending themselves.

A 2016 USA Today analysis found that Trump and his businesses had been involved in more than 4,000 lawsuits over 30 years in U.S. state and federal courts, including seven speech-related actions brought against media outlets and other critics. It and a subsequent report commissioned by the American Bar Assn. showed these actions were part of a broader attack on the media that included countless cease-and-desist letters and threats of much more litigation.

The ABA report, prepared by Susan E. Seager, a Los Angeles-based 1st Amendment lawyer, concluded that four of the seven actions were dismissed on the merits and two were withdrawn voluntarily, and that Trump won one arbitration case against a former Miss Pennsylvania by default. Seager said there is some question whether the defendant paid any of the $5-million judgment against her before or after Trump’s lawyers filed a “Notice of Satisfaction” that ended that case.

Trump’s ability to change libel laws is limited by the 1st Amendment, the Supreme Court, and the fact that libel cases are decided in state courts interpreting the law of that state. The 1st Amendment prohibits Congress from passing any law that abridges “the freedom of speech, or of the press,” and the 14th Amendment extends that prohibition to the states.

The Supreme Court, in a 1964 case, laid down a “federal rule” requiring public officials to prove “actual malice” — that a statement was made with “the knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.” That landmark, 9-0 decision in New York Times Co. vs. Sullivan has been extended in subsequent cases to include “public figures” as well as “public officials.”

While the president’s most prominent libel lawyer, Charles J. Harder, has effectively used privacy laws when suing media companies on behalf of celebrities, including Terry Bollea (a.k.a. Hulk Hogan), it is difficult to see how Trump could successfully assert that his right to privacy extends to his actions in office or while campaigning.

Nor does the Supreme Court seem likely to reverse its libel rulings. Although Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in 2016, told me in a 2005 interview that, given the chance, he would have voted to reverse Sullivan, no sitting justice has voiced similar sentiments. Congress’ commitment to the 1st Amendment and that of the Supreme Court seem secure, even with the addition of a new justice to succeed Anthony M. Kennedy.

On Wednesday, Trump’s tweet asked, “Isn’t it a shame that someone can write an article or book, totally make up stories and form a picture of a person that is literally the exact opposite of the fact, and get away with it without retribution or cost.”

Donald J. Trump

Isn’t it a shame that someone can write an article or book, totally make up stories and form a picture of a person that is literally the exact opposite of the fact, and get away with it without retribution or cost. Don’t know why Washington politicians don’t change libel laws?
7:33 AM - Sep 5, 2018

What Trump describes is a near-perfect definition of “actual malice,” and as such, it is already covered by the Sullivan decision. In addition, Sullivan and the precedents the court relied on in reaching its decision protect the president from suits asserting his most outrageous attacks are themselves libelous.

“Authoritative interpretations of the 1st Amendment guarantees have consistently refused to recognize an exception for any test of truth,” Justice William J. Brennan wrote in Sullivan. His opinion went on to accept the fact that politicians “at times [resort] to exaggeration, to vilification” and even to “false statement.”

Impassioned rhetoric notwithstanding, there is no reason to believe President Trump really wants to do anything that would jeopardize that protection.
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Real Music
Sun 9 Sep, 2018 09:07 am
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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 09:10 am
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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 09:11 am
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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 09:12 am

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