monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 28 Aug, 2018 09:50 pm
You forgot to include the "christian" "religions".
Tue 28 Aug, 2018 09:55 pm
You forgot

I have forgotten more than you will ever know.
Tue 28 Aug, 2018 10:03 pm
You have forgotten how to be dishonest and deceptive.

You forgot to include the "christian" "religions".
0 Replies
Tue 28 Aug, 2018 10:34 pm
Jesus said anybody guilty of that sort of **** would be be better just being dumped into the Mariannas Trench with a millstone tied to his neck.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Aug, 2018 10:37 pm
Jesus said "Suffer the little children to come unto me [so I can teach them the ways of righteousne]"

Muhammad said "Suffer the little children to come unto me [so I can pork them].....

I think that is part of what libtards like about I-slam....
Tue 28 Aug, 2018 10:57 pm
Louis Armstrong provides funeral music for John the maverick songbird McCain:

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Tue 28 Aug, 2018 10:58 pm
Child marriage is a part of Islam. It is completely legal under Sharia law. Daughters can be sold into a marriage as young as 1. The marriage is consummated after the first menstruation period. Until then they can be fondled or "thighed" which is more or less using the child to masturbate.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 28 Aug, 2018 11:31 pm

The Daily Caller is now the favourite news source?
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Wed 29 Aug, 2018 01:09 am
Officials in Puerto Rico now say 2,975 people died following Hurricane Maria - a devastating storm that struck the US island territory in September 2017.

The revised death toll is nearly 50 times the previous estimate of 64.

Governor Ricardo Rossello "accepted" the findings in a long-awaited independent investigation.

Puerto Rico has struggled to repair its infrastructure and power grid since the storm, and is asking US Congress for $139bn (£108bn) in recovery funds.

"I'm giving an order to update the official number of deaths to 2,975," Governor Ricardo Rossello said at a press conference on Tuesday. "Although this is an estimate, it has a scientific basis."

In a statement, the White House said the federal government supported the governor's efforts to "ensure a full accountability and transparency of fatalities" in last year's hurricane.

President Donald Trump was criticised for praising the federal response to the hurricane-ravaged island in the weeks following the storm. Critics accused him of showing more concern for residents in Texas and Florida after they were hit by hurricanes.

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Wed 29 Aug, 2018 02:30 am
US President Donald Trump has warned that his policies will be "violently" overturned if the Democrats win November's mid-term elections.

He told Evangelical leaders that the vote was a "referendum" on freedom of speech and religion, and that these were threatened by "violent people".

He appealed to conservative Christian groups for help, saying they were one vote away from "losing everything".

Mid-term elections are widely seen as a test of the president's popularity.

Mr Trump has been battling negative publicity after his ex-lawyer and former campaign chief were convicted earlier this month.

An audio recording of Mr Trump's closed-door meeting with Evangelical leaders at the White House was leaked to US media.

During the meeting, Mr Trump said the mid-term elections were not just a referendum on him but also "on your religion, it's a referendum on free speech and the First Amendment [guaranteeing basic freedoms]".

"It's not a question of like or dislike, it's a question that they will overturn everything that we've done and they will do it quickly and violently. And violently. There is violence. When you look at Antifa - these are violent people," he said.

Antifa - short for anti-fascist - refers to groups of far-left protesters who fight far-right ideology and regularly clash with far-right demonstrators.

The US president has previously criticised left-wing groups, infamously saying that there had been violence on "many sides" after a white nationalist killed a left-wing demonstrator at a white nationalist protest in Charlottesville last year.

Urging the Evangelical leaders to use their influence to swing voters, Mr Trump told them they had "tremendous power".

"In this room, you have people who preach to almost 200 million people. Depending on which Sunday we're talking about," he said.

"Little thing: Merry Christmas, right? You couldn't say 'Merry Christmas'," he added, according to US media reports.

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Wed 29 Aug, 2018 04:37 am
Posts wrongly blame John McCain for deadly 1967 fire aboard USS Forrestal

By Joshua Gillin on Monday, August 7th, 2017 at 5:28 p.m.

Calling McCain "a traitor and disgrace to the American People," an Aug. 6, 2017, post on WorldNewsCircle.com attacks the Arizona Republican for his role in a 1967 fire on the USS Forrestal during the Vietnam War.

Facebook users flagged the post as being potentially fabricated, as part of the social media site’s efforts to combat fake news. They also highlighted similar posts on some other sites.

Appearing after McCain derailed GOP efforts on July 28 to pass a bill in the Senate repealing the Affordable Care Act, the article blames the then-U.S. Navy pilot for the blaze.

"McCain train wreck career met an all time low when he was singlehandedly responsible for starting a fire on USS Forrestal Aircraft Carrier," the post read. "The accident claimed the lives of 134 sailors and left permanently disabled another 161 who were dismissed from active duty."

The essay said McCain "decided to practice a reckless maneuver that day called a wet start," in which a pilot sends extra fuel to a jet’s thrusters to create a showy flame on takeoff. The post said that wet start ignited an adjacent plane’s missiles, which fired and hit "multiple planes filled with explosives all through the carrier’s deck."

(Still more internet posts have been saying McCain dropped his plane’s own bombs on the deck, causing the explosions, or that McCain abandoned the deck prematurely.)

This charge has been leveled against McCain before, as the event did come up during his 2008 presidential campaign. But official reports and other accounts don’t support the assertion that he was responsible.

Fire aboard the Forrestal

McCain was aboard the Forrestal as a lieutenant commander piloting an A-4 Skyhawk for the U.S. Navy on July 29, 1967, the day of the fire. The Forrestal had recently been resupplied with munitions, including 1,000-pound bombs from the Korean War, stored on the deck, because modern bombs were in short supply. McCain’s jet was parked on the deck, tail pointed outward before takeoff, as the ship sailed in the Gulf of Tonkin.

McCain didn’t "wet start" his jet, but rather an F-4 Phantom about 100 feet away at the opposite end of the deck accidentally fired a rocket because of an electrical surge.

The details vary depending on the account, but the rocket hit either McCain’s plane or the plane of fellow Skyhawk pilot Lt. Cdr. Fred White.

Our friends at FactCheck.org found that McCain’s own statements immediately after the disaster showed him admitting his memory of the event was muddled.

McCain remembered the rocket hitting his own plane in Chapter 14 of his 1999 book Faith of My Fathers: "In the next instant, a Zuni missile struck the belly fuel tank of my plane, tearing it open, igniting two hundred gallons of fuel that spilled onto the deck, and knocking two of my bombs to the deck."

But the official U.S. Navy report of the accident said the rocket hit White’s plane, rupturing the fuel tank and igniting the jet fuel.

A fragment also punctured the fuel tank of another Skyhawk next to White, spilling more fuel and igniting it. The rocket itself fell into the ocean without detonating, but a bomb from one of the aircraft exploded as crew members rushed to put out the flames. (Subsequent reports have noted modern bombs would not have "cooked off" the way the Korean War-era munitions did, contributing to the disaster.)

Gregory Freeman, author of the 2002 book Sailors to the End, has sided with McCain’s account, but conceded on his website that it was entirely possible the rocket hit both Skyhawks.

McCain managed to escape his cockpit through the flames, suffering burns and shrapnel wounds in his legs and chest. He described the conflagration in his book:

"All around me was mayhem. Planes were burning. More bombs cooked off. Body parts, pieces of the ship, and scraps of planes were dropping onto the deck. Pilots strapped in their seats ejected into the firestorm. Men trapped by flames jumped overboard. More Zuni missiles streaked across the deck. Explosions tore craters in the flight deck, and burning fuel fell through the opening into the hangar bay, spreading the fire below."

McCain wrote that he helped dump some bombs over the side of the ship before heading to the ready room and then sick bay to treat his wounds. He acknowledged the crew managed to control the flight deck fire by that afternoon, but below-deck fires lasted for another 24 hours.

"The fires were consuming the Forrestal. I thought she might sink," he wrote. "But the crew’s heroics kept her afloat. Men sacrificed their lives for one another and for their ship. Many of them were only 18 or 19 years old."

The Forrestal was drydocked and refit, staying in service until being decommissioned in 1993. The fire, considered the worst combat-related naval disaster since World War II, led to changes in crew training and flight deck procedures.

McCain transferred to the USS Oriskany, the aircraft carrier from which he took off on Oct. 27, 1967, the day he was shot down over North Vietnam and taken prisoner.

Our ruling
Bloggers said McCain "was singlehandedly responsible for starting a fire on (the) USS Forrestal aircraft carrier."

Though specific details vary, no official or thoroughly researched account of the Forrestal fire blames McCain or any other particular pilot. A rocket from a jet other than McCain’s misfired due to an electrical surge, hitting a plane from across the flight deck and starting the blaze. Several other factors contributed to the conflagration burning out of control and killing 134 sailors and pilots.

We rate this claim Pants on Fire!
Wed 29 Aug, 2018 06:46 am
Sane people will want to read this:
A New Book Details the Damage Done by the Right-Wing Media in 2016
The Washington conventional wisdom presupposes a kind of symmetry between our polarized political parties. Liberals and conservatives, it is said, live in separate bubbles, where they watch different television networks, frequent different Web sites, and absorb different realities. The implication of this view is that both sides resemble each other in their twisted views of reality. Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity, in other words, represent two sides of the same coin.

This view is precisely wrong, according to a provocative new book by Yochai Benkler, Robert Faris, and Hal Roberts that will be published next month by Oxford University Press. The book’s title, “Network Propaganda: Manipulation, Disinformation, and Radicalization in American Politics,” is a mouthful, but the book’s message is almost simple. The two sides are not, in fact, equal when it comes to evaluating “news” stories, or even in how they view reality. Liberals want facts; conservatives want their biases reinforced. Liberals embrace journalism; conservatives believe propaganda. In the more measured but still emphatic words of the authors, “the right-wing media ecosystem differs categorically from the rest of the media environment,” and has been much more susceptible to “disinformation, lies and half-truths.”
Jeff Toobin at the New Yorker
Wed 29 Aug, 2018 06:53 am
Trump Reaches Revised Trade Deal With Mexico, Threatening to Leave Out Canada (NYT)

Yet while Mr. Trump may try to change the name, the agreement reached with Mexico is simply a revised Nafta, with updates to provisions surrounding the digital economy, automobiles, agriculture and labor unions. The core of the trade pact — which allows American companies to operate in Mexico and Canada without tariffs — remains intact.

Now, the question becomes whether a trilateral pact becomes a bilateral deal — or Mr. Trump’s threats pressure Canada to return to the negotiating table and accede to many of the United States’ demands.

The president’s apparent willingness to move on without Canada prompted confusion and concern among lawmakers — who said it may not be legally permissible, let alone smart — and businesses whose supply chains depend on a deal encompassing all three countries.
0 Replies
Wed 29 Aug, 2018 09:13 am
Sane people will want to read this:

And who do you think you are to judge who is sane or not?
“the right-wing media ecosystem differs categorically from the rest of the media environment,” and has been much more susceptible to “disinformation, lies and half-truths.”

And judging by that statement you are looking for stupid people, not sane ones.
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Wed 29 Aug, 2018 09:50 am
Arizona to mourn Senator John McCain at state capitol
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Wed 29 Aug, 2018 10:02 am
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Wed 29 Aug, 2018 10:05 am
WASHINGTON — President Trump warned evangelical leaders Monday night that Democrats “will overturn everything that we’ve done and they’ll do it quickly and violently” if Republicans lose control of Congress in the midterm elections.

Speaking to the group in the State Dining Room of the White House, Mr. Trump painted a stark picture of what losing the majority would mean for the administration’s conservative agenda, according to an audiotape of his remarks provided to The New York Times by someone who attended the event.

“They will end everything immediately,” Mr. Trump said. “When you look at antifa,” he added, a term that describes militant leftist groups, “and you look at some of these groups, these are violent people.”

A White House spokesman, Hogan Gidley, declined to elaborate on what the president meant.


He conveniently forgets the white supremist who ran down counter protestors at Charlottesville. So the GOP strategy is going to be to equate the progressive movement with "Antifa?" I hope people are not so stupid as to buy that load of crap.
Wed 29 Aug, 2018 10:10 am
Jeffrey Toobin isn’t very bright

I believe an article by this idiot was recently posted for sane people. He says Antifa is a black thing. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Good grief. Jeffrey Toobin isn’t particularly bright, is he?

I mean he’s either deeply stupid or shamelessly dishonest.

Hey, Jeffrey. I guess you’ve never seen those mugshots.

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