Amazing. I would expect progressives to be sympathetic to rape victims. I guess that depends on the identity of the rapist(s), those whom progressives (especially those in Europe) want to protect from the consequences of their despicable crimes. Unlike these individuals, I have sympathy for
all rape victims, regardless of who their victimizers happen to be. What good is the feminist movement in Europe when they refuse to condemn rapists who happen to be Muslims?
Regarding the A2K member who lacked the courage to let us know what he/she found to be objectionable about the article: I'm sure you're a progressive, whoever you are. I'm still amazed that any progressive would be unsympathetic to a
rape victim. No wonder politics stink!
By the way, just because I may agree with coldjoint on an issue doesn't mean I agree with him on
everything. Making that assumption is really stupid. I still am not a Republican or a Trump supporter. I remain opposed to any vicious thugs who prey on others. I don't care what their identity is.
Good grief. No wonder I hate A2K.