monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 27 Aug, 2018 04:48 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
You are troubled, get help

I'm not celebrating war crimes the equivalent of the Nazis, Finn, you are.
0 Replies
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 04:55 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Total agreement with the way similar events are slanted and reported by some sources
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 04:55 pm
Trump at odds with Don McGahn over Manafort pardon: Report
by Diana Stancy Correll
| August 27, 2018 05:36 PM

President Trump has discussed the potential of granting his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort with a pardon, putting him at odds with White House counsel Don McGahn, according to a report Monday.

Manafort was found guilty last Tuesday on eight counts of bank and tax fraud — charges that did not concern his work with the Trump campaign. A mistrial was declared on 10 other charges brought against him as a result of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.

While Trump has publicly said that Manafort has not been treated fairly in Mueller’s probe and privately has been weighing a pardon for Manafort, McGahn adamantly opposes issuing a pardon for Manafort, Vanity Fair reports. As a result, Trump indicated that he is open to taking on a new lawyer to draft a pardon for Manafort.

“He really at this point does not care,” a former official told Vanity Fair. “He would rather fight the battle. He doesn’t want to do anything that would cede executive authority.”

The White House did not respond to Vanity Fair’s request for comment, nor did a lawyer for McGahn.

Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether officials in the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin.

Manafort’s conviction occurred the same day that Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to eight counts, including one count of willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of excessive campaign contribution on Oct. 27, 2016. The campaign finance violations pertained to payments Cohen made to two women who claimed to have had affairs with Trump. They were paid per the direction of the “candidate” in exchange for their silence.

Trump has publicly asserted that the payments did not come from campaign funds and he has denied the alleged affairs ever happened. But Trump’s attorneys have argued he should confess to engaging in the affairs and say that the hush money had been given to them for years so the payments would be considered standard business rather than campaign donations, Vanity Fair reports.

Trump has declined to move forward with the suggestion.

“It was because of Melania,” one source said, according to Vanity Fair, referring to Trump's wife, first lady Melania Trump.
Finn dAbuzz
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 05:12 pm

They were slanted towards ebeth's POV
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 05:22 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
They were slanted towards ebeth's POV

Oh, the calamity!!
0 Replies
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 05:41 pm
0 Replies
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 06:09 pm
Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether officials in the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin.

And has found none. And will not find any. So he will persecute Trump's associates until he finds or is able to invent an impeachable offense. That does not seem to be going to well either.
0 Replies
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 06:11 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
The graphic is self-explanatory Finn.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 06:13 pm
Such as republicans in congress.
Such as the NRA.
Such as many right-wing posters on this board and elsewhere.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 06:15 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
dunno about you but I'd rather be white in the US than any other colour

things go easier - as a citizen, as a tourist, as a murderer, as a patient - when you're white in the US

can't (and don't plan to) deny that that is my POV based on personal observation and reviewing statistics

Mon 27 Aug, 2018 06:20 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Here, I'll explain it. Though I doubt you really needed me to.


What the Republicans/NRA Types will say if the shooter is:

...hispanic, they will say "see, it's time to build the wall, criminals all of them; rapists. murders. MAGA!!" (see girl in Iowa for a recent example of this)

...arab, they will say "we can't allow these towelheads in our country until we figure out what the hell is going on...Muslim ban! MAGA!" (many examples since 2001 but really ugly ones since Trump)

...black, they will say "god damn thug criminals and those BLM Antifa activist thugs need to be put in their place. Stop & Frisk. Stand your ground against all hoodie wearing thugs"

...white, they will say what's in the infographic....like they are saying right now with this Jacksonville kid
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 06:24 pm
They'll also do nothing about guns, but instead take actions against black and brown people.
Real Music
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 06:31 pm
Trump doesn't care about justice — only protection.

Published August 24, 2018

There's a reason why President Trump increasingly sounds like the mob boss in a cliche-ridden gangster film: That's basically what he is — and he must know how such movies usually end.

On Wednesday morning — a day after his former campaign chairman was convicted of felonies in one federal courthouse and his longtime lawyer pleaded guilty to felonies in another — Trump issued this statement on Twitter:

"I feel very badly for Paul Manafort and his wonderful family. 'Justice' took a 12 year old tax case, among other things, applied tremendous pressure on him and, unlike Michael Cohen, he refused to 'break' — make up stories in order to get a 'deal.' Such respect for a brave man!"

A few days earlier, Trump had referred to John Dean, the White House counsel whose truth-telling was instrumental in Richard Nixon's downfall, as a "RAT." And in a Fox News interview broadcast Thursday, he complained at length about defendants who "flip" and inform on higher-ups in exchange for leniency at sentencing: "This whole thing about flipping, they call it, I know all about flipping. For 30, 40 years I have been watching flippers. Everything's wonderful and then they get 10 years in jail and they flip on whoever the next highest one is or as high as you can go. It almost ought to be outlawed."

Those are not the words of some two-bit hoodlum who feels the law closing in. They are the words of the president of the United States — who apparently feels the law closing in.

Trump speaks as if the Trump Organization, the Trump campaign and the Trump administration were one long continuing criminal enterprise. The man charged with faithfully executing the nation's laws paints his own Justice Department as a villain and celebrates criminals who stoically go to prison rather than inform on higher-ups. Nixon talked that way in private, among friends and co-conspirators; Trump just blurts it out. He makes no bones about valuing loyalty over respect for the law.

Manafort, who might have much to tell about contacts between the campaign and the Russians, has been silent thus far. But he was convicted in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, on eight counts of bank and tax fraud, and could receive what amounts to a life sentence for a 69-year-old man. Now he faces another trial, this time in federal court in Washington, on conspiracy and other charges stemming from the influence-peddling work he did for Russia-backed politicians in Ukraine.

The second trial could produce even more jail time — and definitely will generate another crushing pile of legal bills for a man whose finances were shown to be in tatters. After Tuesday's verdict was read in Alexandria, a statement from Manafort's defense team said nothing about possible appeals or the looming court proceedings. Instead, it said Manafort was examining his options.

Perhaps that is why Trump is going so far out of his way to praise Manafort's virtue — and why, when asked if he will grant Manafort a pardon, the president never says a discouraging word.

Cohen, on the other hand, used the occasion of his guilty plea in federal court in Manhattan to directly implicate Trump in two felony crimes. He said Trump directed him to arrange six-figure payments, in the days leading up to the election, to guarantee the silence of Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels — two women who say they had extramarital liaisons with Trump.

Cohen has offered full cooperation to authorities, including special counsel Robert Mueller, and Cohen's attorney has strongly suggested his client might have evidence bearing on the question of collusion. Perhaps that is why Trump was up at 1 a.m. Thursday, angrily tweeting: "NO COLLUSION — RIGGED WITCH HUNT!"

Look at the people Trump surrounds himself with. So far, four men with high-level roles in his campaign and one with a more junior role have pleaded or been found guilty of federal crimes.

Look at the people who are drawn to him. The first sitting member of Congress to endorse his candidacy, Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y., was indicted earlier this month on charges of insider trading. The second sitting member to endorse Trump, Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., was indicted Tuesday on charges of illegally using more than $250,000 in campaign funds to underwrite his lavish personal lifestyle.

Responding to criticism from Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared Thursday that the Justice Department "will not be improperly influenced by political considerations." He must understand by now that Trump doesn't care about justice. The president wants only protection.

0 Replies
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 06:38 pm
dunno about you but I'd rather be white in the US than any other colour

But then you would be at fault for all the problems the country has, at least that is what you are implying. And people from Canada, a country run by an emasculated self hating fop, would be attacking you and your race daily.

Mon 27 Aug, 2018 07:14 pm
Go ahead, arrest me!' Salvini's DEFIANT rebuke of EU 'interference' in migrant showdown

I bet he has Trump in his corner. Good luck EU.
Speaking to Italian news yesterday, the Italian minister said: "I think Italy has given enough. Seven hundred thousands disembarkations in just a few years.

"One hundred sixty thousand guests in hotels paid by the Italian people. I decided to put the brake on it. Stop."

Quizzed about the prosecutor's migrant probe, Mr Salvini responded: "I am not worried because I have the support of the majority of the Italian people.

"If there are some magistrates, some prosecutors who want to investigate me for illegal detention, go ahead.

"I will present myself, I want to explain my reasons. If someone is thinking of arresting me, they misunderstand, because I am on the side of the Italian people who want order, rules, respect and controlled immigration.

Poland, Hungary and Austria have all told the EU to shove their migrants right up their ass.
0 Replies
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 07:15 pm
But then you would be at fault for all the problems the country has, at least that is what you are implying.

Beth didn't say she would also be racist, coldjoint.

You pretend there are no problems which is total nonsense. If Whites had actually cared it wouldn't have taken a full century [1954] to bring Blacks to an equality that even then was not remotely close to equal.

Let's try a few centuries of white as slaves, destroy white civilization completely, make white kids know they are trash, worth nothing except as an unpaid laborer, that can be sexually abused at any time by their Black, Asian, Hispanic masters. I guarantee you that the situation will be just like today with the roles reversed.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 07:19 pm
Let's try a few centuries of white as slaves,

That has been done. Do you work hard at being ignorant or does it just come natural? Islamic countries had as many as three million white slaves.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 07:24 pm
Under the same circumstances, in modern times, in the USA, the bastion of freedom, a country which has stolen the freedom, lives and wealth of hundreds of millions around the globe.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 07:29 pm
a country which has stolen the freedom, lives and wealth of hundreds of millions around the globe.

Funny, this country still allows you to run your mouth.
Mon 27 Aug, 2018 07:31 pm
That doesn't have anything to do with the fact that the USA is a country which has stolen the freedom, lives and wealth of hundreds of millions around the globe.

Would you have been as willing a Nazi death camp guard too?
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