monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 22 Aug, 2018 03:02 pm
Sometimes it also helps to know what you are replying to.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 03:16 pm
An absolutely clear demonstration of an utterly ideological and partisan viewpoint.

If Trump was as horrible as you have numerously stated, you would want him gone tomorrow.

Thanks for the revelation!
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 03:17 pm
As much as I dislike "what about-ism"...I'm going to resort to it when it suits me. Smile
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 03:19 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Are you pointing out that Hightor can be as hypocritical as you, Finn?
0 Replies
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 04:14 pm
engineer wrote:

I agree, but I am now reluctantly in the impeach camp. I think it would be bad for Democrats, would energize Trump supporters and Pence would continue some of the worst of the Trump policies but I've come to the opinion that something is deeply wrong with the Trump presidency completely aside from policy differences. The situation with Russia is too bizarre for words. Our election infrastructure is under attack from a foreign power and our President is not only not confronting the issue but actively denying reports from our own intelligence agencies. Trump is aggressively denigrating our judiciary, our federal law enforcement agencies and inciting violence against journalists, often with brazen lies. He's using the power of the presidency to take action against those who speak out against him in direct violation of the first amendment protection of free speech from government retribution. These aren't policy differences, they are abdications of the fundamental duties of the office and violations of the rights of American citizens. While it might be great for the Democratic party to have Trump as a bogeyman during the election, it is terrible for our country to allow this cancer to continue to spread, not only within our borders but around the world.

Wow! You are so deep in the kool-aid it's probably coming out your ass.

I doubt you have ever been "reluctantly in the impeach camp." Pretty sure you've been hip deep in it.

Situation with Russia? Trump has more sanctions against Russia than Obama did. Remember that reset button Hillary toted around? What was Obama's efforts once they learned of Russian obstruction?
President Obama did so privately with the Russian president Vladimir Putin. He took him aside at an international summit and said, please stop interfering in our election - to no effect.

Trump is nominating judges to the judiciary. Just like every other President has. That is NOT
aggressively denigrating our judiciary.
Christ, you should get an Oscar for your dramatics here.

Asking our law enforcement agencies to actually enforce the law is also not denigrating them. Calling fake news fake news is also not denigration. It's calling a spade a spade.

Your screed is better in the comic pages where it belongs than in public. You are nothing more than a shill for the Democratic party and anyone with a brain can see right through you.
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 04:34 pm
You are nothing more than a shill for the Democratic party and anyone with a brain can see right through you.

One of the best examples ever of stunningly hypocritical finger pointing, McG. A post that will live in infamy.
0 Replies
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 04:35 pm
Wow! You are so deep in the kool-aid it's probably coming out your ass.

That makes zero sense and then you got worse, way worse.
0 Replies
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 05:27 pm
Trump has more sanctions against Russia than Obama did.

Those sanctions were not initiated by Mr. Trump.
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 05:29 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Well Finn, when somebody repeatedly uses that particular rhetorical device on his opponents, I don't think it's too radical to point it out to him when he does the same thing.
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 06:08 pm
Quote McGentrix:
Trump has more sanctions against Russia than Obama did.

So how come the FBI overheard Flynn on the phone talking to the Russian ambassador telling him that as soon as Trump takes office, he's going to remove the sanctions Obama slapped on Putin for interfering?

And why did Trump say that instead of sticking with NATO, we need to deal with Russia on the basis of mutual self-interest? Not a word of sticking up for our allies if they get invaded-just mutual self-interest. As long as Russia makes it work for us, screw the allies.
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 06:19 pm
Not a word of sticking up for our allies if they get invaded-just mutual self-interest.

That has always been the case. Henry Kissinger long ago said that the US doesn't have friends, just needed at the moment allies. Being "friends" with the backstabbing USA has seen lots of people being murdered.

Highly conceited people don't have friends, they simply have those they can use.

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 06:23 pm
Here, here!
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 06:25 pm
Who said it was radical?

If you really don't like it, don't do it.

If you don't care enough to stop yourself, don't complain about it.

That's pretty simple.

Finn dAbuzz
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 06:26 pm
Who were they initiated by?
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 06:28 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
How long are you going to milk this non-issue, Finn?
0 Replies
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 06:32 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
If Trump was as horrible as you have numerously stated, you would want him gone tomorrow.

that would just be dumb
I've always been much more concerned about the midterms and Pence than about #45

better to let #45 keep working his mouth


and look, the DNC bosses have been reading my posts (now if they'd just really pay attention to them)


As Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's former personal lawyer, was pleading guilty in a federal court to campaign charges implicating the president, House Democratic leaders were on a conference call warning rank-and-file lawmakers: Don't use the word "impeachment."

Speaking to members back home in their districts, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s leadership team Tuesday cautioned lawmakers to frame Cohen's plea deal as further evidence of a corrupt administration that needs a Democratic check in Congress, they said. Or, play up Hill Republicans’ apathy in the face of Trump’s endless scandals, they encouraged.

But be wary of impeachment, they insisted — it could backfire.

With 76 days to go until the midterm elections, Democratic leaders are adamant that they will not turn Nov. 6 into a litmus test for impeachment — even though Cohen accused Trump of directing him to break campaign-finance laws to win the presidency. Party leaders believe that’s the wrong hill to die on and the issue won’t register with voters. And most rank-and-file Democrats in both chambers are following that advice.

Republicans, meanwhile, are almost daring Democrats to make the issue a central campaign matter in the 2018 midterms. Impeachment talks will only turn out Republican voters, many conservatives believe, and could help them keep their majorities in Congress.

“I presume that’s what the Democrats will make the midterm elections about, which is impeaching the president and that will be the reason to gain their majority in the House,” said Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas.)

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Wednesday that impeachment is “the only message [Democrats] have going into the midterms”

Republicans paid a political price for impeaching then-President Bill Clinton for lying under oath about a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky. And House Democrats don’t want to make the same mistake this fall.

"It has yet to be proven that this will help us win the majority," said a Democratic leadership aide of focusing on Trump's potential impeachment. "If that changes, the conversation will change. But we still have to win an election to do anything."

For now, Green appears to be in the minority. The Democratic strategy, as dictated by Pelosi’s leadership team in the Tuesday afternoon call, is to: stick to pocketbook issues favored by voters, including health care; don’t hesitate to highlight corruption; and ding Republicans for doing nothing to counter the president.

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) took that approach Wednesday, arguing that House Judiciary Committee Republicans should immediately convene hearings to determine whether Trump committed a felony by allegedly directing Cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels.

"This is serious stuff and for the Republicans to continue to ignore the facts before their eyes is a complete abdication of their constitutional duties," he said.

given the number of times I've linked his stuff here, it's likely no surprise that I'm a big fan of Ted Lieu.
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 06:40 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
I'll do it when it seems appropriate. But thanks for the advice. Good to know my editor's got my back.
0 Replies
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 07:11 pm
better to let #45 keep working his mouth

I agree. That mouth is going to keep the House under Republican control. Hopefully with more Trump Republicans. Justin can put on his sad outfit when that happens. We have already seen him pout.
0 Replies
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 07:23 pm
Five Other Heinous Illegal Alien Crimes You Didn’t Hear About This Week
Why are liberal mainstream media figures afraid to tell Americans all the facts about who enters our country?

1.) Illegal alien from Mexico charged in brutal Minnesota murder.
2.) Accused “rideshare rapist” is Orlando Vilchez Lazo,
3.) Illegal alien from Mexico charged with raping an 11-year-old Arkansas girl.
4.) Convicted and deported murderer caught near El Paso.
5.) Convicted sex offender caught reentering U.S. illegally.

Manafort is more important than Americans suffering from illegal immigration. The MSM does not want people to know about any of these crimes. I only recall network coverage on one. And it is not on the list. Almost everyday an American is murdered or raped by an illegal. The MSM is terrified people will find out. But now you know so when you deny it, it won't fly.
Wed 22 Aug, 2018 07:33 pm
But you aren't one bit concerned about this:

At least 72 shot, 13 killed in Chicago over violent summer weekend, police department says

Aamer Madhani, USA TODAY Published 11:45 a.m. ET Aug. 6, 2018 | Updated 3:31 p.m. ET Aug. 7, 2018
(Photo: Antonio Perez, AP)

CHICAGO – At least 72 people were shot, including 12 fatally, over the weekend in Chicago, another eruption of violence in a city that has struggled with murders and shootings in recent years even as the national homicide rate hovers near historic lows.

Police investigated a 13th murder – the slaying of a 32-year-old woman who was found dead around 9 p.m. Sunday in a bathtub with her hands and feet bound. The Cook County Medical Examiner's Office was scheduled to conduct an autopsy Monday to determine how the woman, Shantel Boler, was slain.

No arrests have been made in any of the incidents, but police said investigators have strong leads for some of the shootings.

"There is a shortage of values about what is right, what is wrong," Mayor Rahm Emanuel said. "We as a city, in every corner, have an accountability and responsibility. If you know who did this, be a neighbor. Speak up."

The violence, which police say is primarily fueled by gangs, disproportionately affects several swaths of low-income black and Latino neighborhoods on the city’s West and South Sides.

The latest shootings, stretching over a 60-hour period from Friday evening until early Monday morning, came after city officials expressed optimism that Chicago had made headway in cutting the persistent gun violence.

At the end of July, the city had recorded more than 300 murders –more than any other U.S. city, but an improvement for Chicago. Murders were down 23% compared with the same point last year, and the city tallied 19% fewer shooting incidents.

The weekend’s violence underscored that although the city had witnessed a positive trend, several neighborhoods remain volatile.

More: Chicago violence toll: 34 people shot, 5 killed

More: Chicago activists shut down Lake Shore Drive, speak out against gun violence at Wrigley

More: Can you change how criminals think? Chicago hopes behavioral therapy can cut gun violence

More: At end of bloody year in Chicago, too few murders solved

Thirty-nine people were shot, including five fatally, in a roughly seven-hour span late Saturday and early Sunday. In a half-dozen of the weekend's incidents, at least four victims were wounded or killed by gunfire, according to police reports.

In one incident, around 12:40 a.m. Sunday, several gunmen fired on a group of people standing in the courtyard of a building, wounding eight. The victims ranged in age from 14 to 35 in the shooting in the Auburn-Gresham neighborhood on the city’s South Side. No one was in custody for that shooting.

Around 3:30 a.m. Monday, police responded to a call of shots fired on the city's West Side. Officers found a 29-year-old man wounded in the neck. He was transported to a nearby hospital but succumbed to his injuries.

In this Sunday, Aug. 5, 2018 photo, evidence markers sit on the ground at the scene where a boy was killed after being shot in the abdomen while riding his bike in Chicago. Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson plans to discuss the weekend violence during a Monday news conference.
In this Sunday, Aug. 5, 2018 photo, evidence markers sit on the ground at the scene where a boy was killed after being shot in the abdomen while riding his bike in Chicago. Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson plans to discuss the weekend violence during a Monday news conference. (Photo: Armando L. Sanchez, AP)

Police have solved or made arrests in few of the killings – the murder clearance rate for the city hovered around 20% last year.

The murder rate has become an issue for Emanuel, who is up for re-election in February. Monday morning, Emanuel visited two area hospitals that treated many of those wounded over the weekend to thank officials for their work.

“What Chicago witnessed this weekend was absolutely horrific and should not be tolerated," mayoral challenger Paul Vallas said. "Right now, Chicago has one of the worst clearance rates for homicides and other violent crimes among America’s major cities. This is a crisis in which four out of five killers in Chicago are literally getting away with murder."

Last week, dozens of protesters temporarily shut down the Windy City’s Lake Shore Drive to express their outrage over Chicago’s endemic gun violence and call for Emanuel’s resignation.

The demonstration's organizers timed the protest to coincide with rush-hour traffic along the busy thoroughfare on the city’s lakefront, then marched to Wrigley Field, where the Chicago Cubs hosted the San Diego Padres.

In this Sunday, Aug. 5, 2018 photo, evidence markers sit on the ground at the scene where a boy was killed after being shot in the abdomen while riding his bike in Chicago. Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson plans to discuss the weekend violence during a Monday news conference. Armando L. Sanchez, Chicago Tribune via AP

Ira Acree, co-chairman of the Leaders Network-Chicago and a pastor on the city’s West Side, said this weekend’s violence shows that two Chicagos exist – one that is thriving and largely inoculated from the shootings and another ravaged by a lack of investment and indifference from the city’s politicians.

“Chicago's political leadership – Emanuel and City Council – won't address the poverty that fuels the frustration, anger and self-hatred which leads to violence,” Acree said. “As a concerned citizen and pastor, I am against all forms of violence – urban, domestic and police violence – but until we confront the institutional economic violence being committed at City Hall, substantial transformation will never take place.”

The mayor pushed $55 million in grants to help boost small-business creation in some of the neighborhoods hardest hit by the violence. Emanuel also touts his One Summer Chicago program, which offers more than 30,000 paid internships to city teens and young adults.

Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson blames the violence, in part, on gun laws that he said aren't stringent enough to dissuade criminals from using a weapon. He said police need more help from the community, so authorities can identify, arrest and prosecute culprits.

"They hold me accountable, they hold the mayor accountable, they hold the City Council accountable," Johnson said. "You know what I never hear? I never hear people saying these individuals out on the street need to stop pulling the trigger. I never hear that. They get a pass from everybody."

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