To link President Plump to Theodore Roosevelt is, of course, purest horseshit. The Roosevelts were an old, old New York family who would not have given the time of day to Fred Trump or his idiot child son.
Teddy Roosevelt should never be mentioned in a paragraph about the Trump family.........if you want to discuss the military experience of the Trump family, you are out of luck, since the Trump men love the military but just think it’s something that they don’t need to participate in......not when there are all those real estate schemes that are a national emergency.....hey, it’s lucrative and somebody should profit.
It is also false that Roosevelt had the same ideas on immigration as President Plump. In January, 1919, just days before his death, he wrote:
Quote:"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." (emphasis added)
Roosevelt would never have sought to exclude someone because they were Muslim, or came from any particular country. One of the greatest annoyances he had as President was the racist pukes on the west coast who discriminated against the Chinese and the Japanese.
The amount of bullshit peddled in this thread by the conservative/Tory clique is really disgusting.
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:Tough. You don’t publically call the president of the Unites States a traitor if you are a “patriot”
On the contrary, you can't call Trump anything else than a traitor, if you are a true patriot.
I thought I'd point this out to you, before I report your post for name-calling. Your reading comprehension skills seem rather poor. From Snopes, the source you cited: The comments quoted at this head of the page are more in the same vein; excerpts not from (as claimed in the accompanying text) a statement made by Theodore Roosevelt in 1907 (while he was still President), but from a letter written shortly before his death in January 1919, just a few months after the armistice that ended the fighting in World War I . . .
What part of " . . . it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin . . ." did you not understand? President Plump specifically placed a travel ban on Muslims (creed, ya know?) from specified nations (birthplace, origin). Of course, what was pathetic about that idiot's travel ban was that it did not include Saudi Arabia, the Lebanon or Egypt--the nations from which the September 11th attackers came. It also did not include Afghanistan, which is where the parents of the Orlando shooter came from. It did not include Pakistan, where the parents of the San Bernardino shooter came from, and where his wife, who joined him in the shooting, had been born. It did not include Jordan or Kuwait, where the Chattanooga shooter had been born and from whence he immigrated. Had Plump's program been in effect for the last 30 years, it would not have prevented those shooters from coming here, or their parents from coming here. But that's simple, because Plump is a moron. It was all a fairy tale to make it look like he cares, and he's doing something about it.
Now, off to see if I can get your post pulled.
Joshua Jaxx to #WalkAway Campaign
Yesterday at 3:21 AM ·
I'm Jaxx from Baltimore. As of February of this year my city was named the most dangerous in America. It's been run by democrats(mostly black) for 50 years and I've seen it rot from inside out. Rats the size of cats. Heroin so strong that it turns people into walking zombies. Sky high std and teen birth rates and homicides daily. The leaders here don't care about the community. All they care about is making their pockets fat. 3 years ago during the Freddie Gray riots I finally started to see the bullshit and brainwashing by the leftstream media. I began having hundreds of discussions and debates with fellow liberal friends at that time and after a few thousand discussions, the outcome was the same from both black and white liberals. Uncle Tom,Coon,Sellout, traitor were the insults thrown at me and now in 2018 a Russian bot although I'm dark skinned from a chocolate city 😂😂. My conclusion is that trying to educate the left is as impossible as explaining to a three year old why eating candy all day is not healthy. I'm now an independent conservative and Trump will get my vote in 2020. I create music to talk about the harsh reality of where I'm from and on a video I plan to wear a #WalkAway shirt gladly. Peace everyone black,white, hispanic,Asian and all colors.
Walk away from the insanity and hate. Walk away from the racism and gangsterism. Walk away from the crime syndicate which is the demokkkrat party. If Joshua Jaxx can do it, so can you.
@Finn dAbuzz,
Quote:Tough. You don’t publically call the president of the Unites States a traitor if you are a “patriot”
That's debatable. What if you sincerely believe that the president is incompetent, dishonest, or has violated his oath of office? Here's a dictionary definition of "patriot":
Quote:a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
So unless someone is privy to the inner workings of Brennan's brain I don't see how we establish that his devotion falls short of what's required to be truly "patriotic". Obviously different people have different conceptions of what it means to be a "patriot". I doubt that uncritical support of a sitting president is a widely accepted criterion.
Quote:Nor do spy on members of Congress and then lie about it.
Publicly revealing the existence of a top secret intelligence program would be considered disgracefully "unpatriotic" in some circles.
Quote:Your tolerance of his disgraceful behavior is remarkable but telling
What you think I "tolerate" is totally irrelevant. Why personalize the discussion? Any alleged hypocrisy on my part doesn't change the fact that you made this statement:
Quote:He's calling POTUS a traitor for meeting with Putin.
I disagreed and pointed out that Trump was criticized for his behavior, not for simply meeting with Putin. Tough.
I wanted a distributive force. And I understood that disruption would be messy. But I did not want, and I can not accept, a dishonest bully who purposely lies to the American people every single day and who regularly places his own interests above the country's interests.
8:56 PM - 16 Aug 2018
If Joe Walsh can do it, so can you!

If Mary Kathleen Logel can do it, so can you!
Silvio Canto Jr wrote:Can you find another example of a former CIA director who was that partisan after leaving office?
Can you find another example of a sitting president who lies repeatedly, talks like a simpleton, insults our allies, encourages divisiveness, tries to undercut the efforts of his justice department, and openly denigrates the intelligence community?
I know the administration will clean it up Trump admitting he revoked Brennan's clearance because of the "rigged witch hunt." But I wonder if those words fall under obstruction of justice since Brennan was one of the intelligence officers who signed off the Russian interference of 2016 election?
Trump connects revoking Brennan's security clearance to Russia investigation
"I call it the rigged witch hunt, (it) is a sham. And these people led it!" Trump said in the interview, a full transcript of which was not immediately published by the newspaper. "So I think it's something that had to be done."
Quote:In an interview on CNN's "New Day" Thursday, Clapper called Trump's drawn connection from the Russia investigation to revoking Brennan's clearance a "candid admission" and "very disturbing."
"I find it very disturbing that here we were in compliance with a request of the then-President of the United States to put into one document our insight and knowledge of the profound threat that Russia posed to this country," Clapper said. "And now, apparently, we're being punished for this. John (Brennan) already has been."
CNN national security analyst Lisa Monaco, a former Obama Homeland security and counterterrorism adviser, echoed Clapper's remarks, saying on "New Day" that Trump's interview revealed "a stunningly candid and disturbing admission on the President's part."
Setanta wrote:
maporsche wrote:You can’t strongly disagree with the president and also be a patriot?
The juxtaposition of a discussion of treason is interesting. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., twenty-sixth President of the United States, is one of the most popular Republican politicians in American history. In an editorial in
The Kansas City Star, written in May, 1918, he wrote:
Quote:To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
interestingly this quote by Roosevelt was used regularly by the conservatives on this site during the Obama presidency.
they claimed to be doing their patriotic duty by criticizing President Obama
nowwwwwwwwww criticism of #45 is a bad bad thing
yeah right
Criticism of any president is not a bad thing. Who has said it is other than those Obama supporters who assigned it's motivation to racism?
It's not that Brennan is criticizing the president that is disgraceful, it's the manner in which he has chosen to do so. It's as equally disgraceful as the insistence that Obama was a traitor: a Muslim sleeper agent.
It's also his conduct in office. Spying on the offices of congressmen & women and then lying about it to their faces.
You never once saw me support the notion that Obama was a traitor and if any high ranking, former member of the Bush Administration had called him one I would have found it equally disgraceful.
What can't be true is that when you allow your ego, personal passion, and partisan bias to fuel a continuous tirade of completely over-the-top criticism, you are being
As agitprop agents go, I have to reluctantly admit that you're not bad. Surely your handlers will recognize this and promote you.