Quote coldjoint:
Quote:Nothing about him [O'Connor] not towing the party line saying he will work with Trump? Is he lying?
There is no Democratic party line against working with any president of any party to rebuild infrastructure and keep America's defense alliances strong. But on such things as Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy, Danny O'Connor said the bill "doesn't do anything for working people." He also supports Medicaid expansion and Obamacare. He is dead-set against cutbacks in Social Security and Medicare. He is for gun control.
Even more, as a Democrat he will vote for a Democratic Speaker of the House and if the Democrats win the House every single committee will have a Democratic chairman and majority Democratic members. To give you just one example, that means that Devin Nunes will no longer be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and Adam Schiff will be. That's an enormous change right there. You're trying to paint him as a Republican who is somehow running as a Democrat, but it's not true. And even if it was, his votes to put Democrats in charge of the committees, (like every majority party in history always votes), means the entire agenda of the House undergoes a huge change.
If Danny O'Connor wins against the odds he's facing in that Republican district, that's a pretty good indication the Democrats will be the majority party in the House.