monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 7 Aug, 2018 07:27 am
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is expected to issue a proposal in coming weeks that would make it harder for legal immigrants to become citizens or get green cards if they have ever used a range of popular public welfare programs, including Obamacare, four sources with knowledge of the plan told NBC News.

The move, which would not need Congressional approval, is part of White House senior adviser Stephen Miller's plan to limit the number of migrants who obtain legal status in the U.S. each year.

Details of the rulemaking proposal are still being finalized, but based on a recent draft seen last week and described to NBC News, immigrants living legally in the U.S. who have ever used or whose household members have ever used Obamacare, children's health insurance, food stamps and other benefits could be hindered from obtaining legal status in the U.S.

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Tue 7 Aug, 2018 10:36 am
Ohio District in Special Election for House Representative. Trump won the district by 11 points in 2016, but polls have it tied.

Ohio special election: Democrat Danny O'Connor has momentum in "tight race"

-- The final special congressional election before November is happening Tuesday in central Ohio. Voters will decide between Democrat Danny O'Connor and Republican Troy Balderson. Many analysts see this race as a possible preview of the midterm elections.

Bottom line: This isn't a place where Democrats should be competitive, reports CBS News correspondent Ed O'Keefe. President Trump won Ohio District 12 in 2016, but a 31-year-old Democrat is now running even with the Republican for an open House seat that the GOP has held since the early 1980s.

O'Connor rallied his volunteers Monday. He's facing Balderson, a state senator, who acknowledged "It's going to be a tight race." Balderson has earned endorsements from Mr. Trump and Vice President Pence.

"There's only one choice in this election. That's vote for Troy Balderson," Mr. Trump said Saturday.

Mr. Trump urged his supporters to turn out and attacked O'Connor over the weekend.

"Danny O'Connor on his resume, put stuff that wasn't true," Mr. Trump said, adding, "He was like a low-level person that did nothing."

O'Connor said he's not worried about the president's involvement.

"All these people parachuting in from Washington, D.C., they stay for a couple hours, they leave town. They are not folks who are going to our schools. They're not folks walking our streets," O'Connor said.

Mr. Trump's appearance caused a last-minute headache for Balderson after Ohio Gov. John Kasich suggested that Balderson didn't want the president's help.

"I said, 'Troy, why, did you invite Trump in here, the president?' He said, 'No, I didn't,'" Kasich told ABC News on Sunday.

But Balderson said Mr. Trump gave him a boost.

"Did the president coming on Saturday help or hurt?" O'Keefe asked.

"Huge help. A lot of enthusiasm. We were around the district yesterday and that was the total conversation," Balderson said.

The rival campaigns spent hundreds of thousands this summer on ads. But with momentum on O'Connor's side, his supporters think he'll win by convincing some Republicans to vote for him.

"They are interested in new leadership, in fresh energy," voter Ruchira Datta said.

Democrats point out this district is similar to other parts of the country where they think they can win this fall. Mr. Trump won by 11 percentage points in 2016, so if Democrats do win Tuesday, it suggests we could see a bigger-than-expected blue wave in November.
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Democrats have been outperforming their 2016 performance in special elections since Trump took office. Today we see if a Republican can still win in this solidly GOP district, or if this district also falls to the Democrats.
Tue 7 Aug, 2018 10:42 am
Okay now. Has FoxNews become fake news as well in Trump's mind?

0 Replies
Tue 7 Aug, 2018 10:45 am
Democrats have been outperforming their 2016 performance in special elections since Trump took office. Today we see if a Republican can still win in this solidly GOP district, or if this district also falls to the Democrats.

Even if the Democrat loses it will be spun into a victory and the MSM will back the narrative that hating Trump is enough to win elections. They will neglect to mention these Democrats are saying they will work with Trump. That is not the party line, is it?
Tue 7 Aug, 2018 10:55 am

from the live updates

Mr. Gates revealed an intriguing new name as a client of Mr. Manafort at his trial on Tuesday — the Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk.

Mr. Pinchuk’s relationship with Mr. Trump has drawn the interest of the special counsel. In response to a subpoena for records, the Trump Organization provided details of a $150,000 donation in 2015 to Mr. Trump’s foundation in exchange for Mr. Trump doing a 20-minute video call into a conference organized by Mr. Pinchuk in Kiev that year.

Mr. Gates revealed that Mr. Pinchuk paid Mr. Manafort through a company called Plymouth Consultants Limited for what he described as a legal project. He did not provide details about how much was paid or when.

Mr. Pinchuk’s representatives did not respond to a request for comment. Mr. Pinchuk, a steel magnate who is generally regarded as pro-Western, has donated far more money — $13 million since 2006 — to the Clinton Foundation, according to its website.


donate right/donate left
apparently the thing to do is donate
(and don't forget to donate to yourself)


Two hundred ninety of those transactions took place before the 2008 election cycle – beginning at the start of 2007 – during which time Trump donated $303,600 to Democrats and $188,750 to Republicans – as well a $50,000 contribution to his own Donald J. Trump New York Delegate Committee.

Tue 7 Aug, 2018 11:05 am
Two hundred ninety of those transactions took place before the 2008 election cycle – beginning at the start of 2007 – during which time Trump donated $303,600 to Democrats and $188,750 to Republicans – as well a $50,000 contribution to his own Donald J. Trump New York Delegate Committee.

What does that have to do with Russian collusion? "Show me the man I'll show you the crime". Mueller is acting like Stalin's KGB. But, hey, that's cool right. This is abuse of power, and it is rampant.
Tue 7 Aug, 2018 11:12 am
What does that have to do with Russian collusion?

here's the deal about this week's trial

• Though this is the first trial stemming from the investigation of Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, Mr. Manafort’s case is separate from the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and any ties to the Trump campaign.

Tue 7 Aug, 2018 11:19 am
• Though this is the first trial stemming from the investigation of Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, Mr. Manafort’s case is separate from the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and any ties to the Trump campaign.

Then why are you making such a fuss? It is not like Justin has a run in his stocking. That would be important.
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Tue 7 Aug, 2018 11:27 am
Quote coldjoint:
Even if the Democrat loses it will be spun into a victory
Not a victory, but if the Democrat, Danny O'Connor, makes it close running in a district that's been solidly GOP since the 80s and which the Republicans won by 11 points two years ago, then that will be rightfully taken as another indicator that 2018 is going to be a lot more Democratic than 2016 was. And if Democrat Danny O'Connor wins outright, that effect will be multiplied.

Facts are facts. Here is the record of special elections since Trump took office. Almost all the movement has been toward much higher Democratic margins than in 2016:


Democrats have been averaging 14 points better in special elections than they did in the 2016 elections. This district went GOP by 11 points in 2016. Polls are close-let's see what happens.
Tue 7 Aug, 2018 11:31 am
Not a victory, but if the Democrat, Danny O'Connor, makes it close running in a district that's been solidly GOP since the 80s and which the Republicans won by 11 points two years ago, then that will be rightfully taken as another indicator that 2018 is going to be a lot more Democratic than 2016 was. And if Democrat Danny O'Connor wins outright, that effect will be multiplied.

Nothing about him not towing the party line saying he will work with Trump? Is he lying?
Tue 7 Aug, 2018 11:51 am

One of the things that drives people crazy about Washington is all the pointless theater.

All politics involves a bit of showmanship, especially these days, but when things are done just for show, it's so much hot air.

For all the talk about fiscal responsibility, for instance, no one in this capital much cares that we're about to rack up nearly $1 trillion in additional debt over the next decade, courtesy of the Trump tax cuts for corporations, according to new figures. The Republicans used to be the party of balanced budgets, but that's out the window. The Democrats once bragged of balancing the budget during the Clinton era, but now mainly use it as an argument when the GOP is in power, and vice versa.

Deficits are not a major voting issue, the thinking goes, so both sides just yak about it while busting past limits on the national credit card.

A dozen conservative House members have now introduced a resolution to impeach Rod Rosenstein. He's not going to be impeached, of course, so it's just more theater.

In fact, Paul Ryan much ruled it out for a vote yesterday, but it remains "on the table."

Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan, among others, say the deputy attorney general is slow-walking all kinds of House document requests. The Justice Department has turned over a small mountain of documents, but some disagreements exist.

I've covered many congressional subpoena battles over the years, and sometimes they lead to contempt-of-Congress citations. (These usually are voided when the inevitable compromise is reached.) But I can't think of a case that led to a serious impeachment effort.

So even if the lawmakers' frustration with Rosenstein is justified, the resolution seems more like a public protest of his role in overseeing the Mueller investigation.

Jeff Sessions said yesterday that "my deputy, Rod Rosenstein, is highly capable. I have the highest confidence in him."

And by the way, President Trump could fire Rosenstein today (except there would be an enormous political backlash). That's why the impeachment effort isn't serious, and Meadows said yesterday he is dropping it for now.

when they say it at Fox

Deficits are not a major voting issue, the thinking goes, so both sides just yak about it while busting past limits on the national credit card.

0 Replies
Tue 7 Aug, 2018 11:58 am

Six factors to consider on Tuesday - Columbus Dispatch: “A half-dozen factors to watch as the race for the open 12th Congressional District seat draws to a close:

1. The early vote … When the first results are announced Tuesday, Democrat O’Connor almost certainly will be ahead. … The rest of the evening is spent counting Election Day votes, which Balderson is likely to have more of. …

2. The timing … Aug. 7 is, according to one GOP operative, a ‘lousy’ time to have an election. …

3. The turnout … This means the early vote may take on additional importance. …

4. The cash … Between July 1 and July 18, O’Connor raised $587,875. Balderson raised $138,776. O’Connor had $129,201 in the bank, while Balderson had $208,032. …

5. Delaware County … The X-factor, however, is Delaware County — a big reason Trump visited there Saturday. …

6. Surrogate city … Balderson has gotten endorsements from Trump and Ohio Gov. John Kasich … O’Connor has key endorsements from Sen. Sherrod Brown, Rep. Joyce Beatty and Franklin County Commissioner John O’Grady…

If Balderson wins, it means the Republican establishment … successfully united to defend a long-held GOP district. If O’Connor wins, it’s a sign that the GOP can throw everything but the proverbial kitchen sink at a race in friendly territory and still go down this year.”
0 Replies
Tue 7 Aug, 2018 12:03 pm
Quote coldjoint:
Nothing about him [O'Connor] not towing the party line saying he will work with Trump? Is he lying?
There is no Democratic party line against working with any president of any party to rebuild infrastructure and keep America's defense alliances strong. But on such things as Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy, Danny O'Connor said the bill "doesn't do anything for working people." He also supports Medicaid expansion and Obamacare. He is dead-set against cutbacks in Social Security and Medicare. He is for gun control.

Even more, as a Democrat he will vote for a Democratic Speaker of the House and if the Democrats win the House every single committee will have a Democratic chairman and majority Democratic members. To give you just one example, that means that Devin Nunes will no longer be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and Adam Schiff will be. That's an enormous change right there. You're trying to paint him as a Republican who is somehow running as a Democrat, but it's not true. And even if it was, his votes to put Democrats in charge of the committees, (like every majority party in history always votes), means the entire agenda of the House undergoes a huge change.

If Danny O'Connor wins against the odds he's facing in that Republican district, that's a pretty good indication the Democrats will be the majority party in the House.
Tue 7 Aug, 2018 12:16 pm
2016 Best Crybaby Acts:

Tue 7 Aug, 2018 12:17 pm
You're trying to paint him as a Republican who is somehow running as a Democrat, but it's not true.

That is not what I am doing, I am saying he could be lying and will do what he is told. Your bullshit about defense blows up like the budget did just so the military could be funded. He is just another resister in waiting.
Tue 7 Aug, 2018 12:19 pm
Blickers wrote:
If Danny O'Connor wins

every time I read that he is 31 and the Republicans have held the seat for 30 years, I think the guy must be crazy. Maybe crazy in a good, interesting way, but crazy.
Tue 7 Aug, 2018 12:23 pm
2016 Best Crybaby Acts:

Laughing Laughing Laughing That never gets old.

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