@Real Music,
An underlying homophobic theme to this image.
You're not a homophobe are you RM?
Oh wait, I get it. Whenever a liberal resorts to sophomoric attacks against the manhood of someone they don't like and the call upon a mental library created in their early teens for homophobic insults, I have a big laugh, and whenever I call them on it (as has been the case on numerous occasions on A2K over the years) they usually come back, after sufficient time to manufacture a rationalization, with something like the following:
"I chose this avenue of insult because I knew how angry it would make my homophobic target." Yeah, right.
You're a professed progressive. You support Gay Marriage and Adoption; have studiously kept up with the growing acronym that identifies a community of individuals bizarrely united by sexual orientation and gender identification You may even know all 32 of the Facebook accepted gender pronouns. You've surely never referred to anyone as a "faggot" or made jokes about pitching or catching, dirt roads or men half-clad in black leather biker garb. You can't be a homophobe!
It's a variation of the explanation offered by defenders of Sarah Jeong the recent addition to the NY Times editorial board whose "old" racist tweets about white people were circulated throughout the internet.
you are an ignorant and unsophisticated right-wing clod (and who by liberal definition is a racist) you are likely to have interpreted Jeong's nasty and idiotic comments as racist, however what you clearly don't appreciate is:
Sarah Jeong can’t be a racist. Her comments can perfectly fit the textbook definition of
racism, but she can’t be a racist because she isn’t white. You obviously missed it when the terms “racism” and “racist” were officially and simultaneously redefined by pseudo-intellectual leftists across the globe in order to comport more closely with the pseudo-intellectual gibberish known as
Critical Race Theory, and to provide a free pass for non-white racists to spew their hatred. I’m sure I’m not doing justice to its scholastic brilliance, but the theory holds that white institutions are inherently supremacist in nature and have consistently oppressed non-white races over centuries; that there are no equivalent institutions that similarly oppress whites; and that each and every white person has benefited from this imbalance of power and that each and every non-white person had been oppressed by and suffered from them.
Until Derrick Bell revealed the truth in 1981, the world believed that racism was the belief
that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races (We were such ignorant fools!) I must admit that I haven’t, personally, had the entire light (in all its glory) revealed to me because I stubbornly cling to my refusal to understand how a white out-of-work coal miner in Appalachia wields the power of America’s White Supremacist Institutions while a yellow member of the editorial board of one of the most prestigious newspapers in the entire world (with the wealth and influence which undoubted attends such a position) is actually powerless. (How this works with black billionaires who for years ruled as the queen of popular American culture and who still lives the life of a sultana makes my brain hurt) So regardless of what you see, think and feel when you read Jeong’s tweets, if you are white and they appear to you to be racist, you are suffering from delusions born of your privilege, and you need to awaken to the truth.
2) Jeong can’t be racist, but her defenders additionally insist that even if she didn’t have the free pass of CRT, her comments would still not reveal her as a racist because
a. They were sarcastic. It has been explained to us by such apologists as Vox and the Washington Post (as well as Jeong herself) that in addition to the oppression Jeong has suffered from since birth; just being non-white, she endured the torment of specific racist harassment in social media. Clearly this negativity had nothing to do with anything she might have said or written because none of it could have been racist, and she’s such a sweetheart (
remember, her tweeting that she got a perverse pleasure out of insulting old white men was just Sarah being her puckish self). She didn’t mean all the nasty things she tweeted, she was simply satirizing the alt-right goons that have stalked her on the internet; using the same vernacular they use. She’s even issued a statement of regret that she employed the alt-right patois, as it were, in her tweets. She can't help it if angry white clods can't take a joke. Damn, they need to be less sensitive and to take a lesson from folks like the Washington DC councilman who demanded a city employee be fired for using the term "niggardly"...even after the meaning of the word was explained to him!
b. They were old. Some were written as long ago as 2014! Good Grief that was ages ago! Jeong can’t be racist, she was being sarcastic not racist, and if you don’t buy any of that you can’t criticize her for her racism because it was fully 4 years ago!
3) This is just another example of a phony firestorm of outrage set ablaze by the Alt-Right. The NY Times was courageous and wise not to bow to the fraudulent and racist based complaints leveled against a woman of color who can’t be a racist and wasn’t even if she could be and has long moved on since the tweets were posted if they were racist.
It’s an infuriatingly inane argument that I would consider brilliant strategy if I believed Derrick Bell and his acolytes were fully aware all along of what a crock of **** it is. It is amazing though how people can create a thoroughly fatuous and dishonest theory that provides them the license to be as reprehensible as the people they claim to be devoted to opposing, and remain convinced that it has righteous origins.
It is also one of the best examples of just how divided we are in this country: Millions of people read or hear these explanations of Jeong’s tweets and roughly half of them vigorously nod their heads in agreement as soon as the words
“Jeong can’t be a racist!” are presented (and, in one form or another, they are always the lead), and the other half roll their eyes and shake their heads in exasperation. For the former, the theory is as self-obvious as evolution and for the latter it is a patently bogus as alien abductions. It’s as if the population has been transformed not just into two species of humans, but two entirely different forms of life with entirely different perceptions of reality. One of the groups has been planted here on earth by a diabolically clever race of conquering aliens, whose plan is for our civilization to self-destruct. The odds are pretty good that the strategy will work because this is just one of many points of division for which I see no possibility of reconciliation or bridging. I could ponder CRT and the curious case of Sarah Jeong for years and I could sit through hours upon hours of left-wing scholars lecturing me on the truth behind their reality and I can’t, for one second, imagine a Eureka moment when I finally see the light. Someone would have as much success trying to convince me that Lewis Carrol’s Wonderland not only actually exists but that it is a monument to logic and rationality.
It seems the only question now is how long American society will endure. I’m not certain when it was launched (I reckon it was the mid 20th Century just before the birthing of the Postmodernism movement) but the plantation strategy of the alien conquerers involved the Changeling Group having false memories implanted so that the first generation believed they were all human natives. Obviously their children, the Baby Boomer Generation were all native-born to earth and their children as well. It explains a lot about the 1960’s!