Setanta wrote:
If she was picked up in a security sweep in 2016, that means she was hired before 2006 (said to have worked there for more than a decade)--when Baby Bush was president. Partisan blaming is so idiotic, and almost always false.
Nah, that can't be right. Obviously, this Soviet gall had so much mad love for the good ol' Republican Bush that she became a full blown patriotic American at heart, and she was happily working there, until Obama came to power.
And she saw the blackness, and she knew it for the evil it was. And her heart cried out in anguish, but no one heard... No one cared... And evil almost swallowed her whole. Because, you know, that's just the way Obama rolls.
So, naturally, the day Obama came to power, she turned full blown spy again for the Mother land.
Either that, or Hillary planted her there as a favor for her evil Russian overlords, knowing all along that Trump would become president and it would then come to light. She's like an evil seer, that woman.
EDIT: Obviously so. Because was she present in the twin towers on 9/11/2001? Nah, she wasn't... Because she KNEW! Obviously. So much evil...